• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Poll: Solving The Debt Issue:

How would you solve the deficit problem?

  • Do nothing God is in charge.

    Votes: 1 3.7%
  • Tax the Poor more.

    Votes: 1 3.7%
  • Tax the rich more.

    Votes: 13 48.1%
  • Lower Taxes for Corporations.

    Votes: 4 14.8%
  • Raise Taxes for Corporations.

    Votes: 7 25.9%
  • Spend more on War.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Spend less for War.

    Votes: 16 59.3%
  • Cap Private Wealth.

    Votes: 2 7.4%
  • Lower Minimum Wage.

    Votes: 1 3.7%
  • Make Uniions illegal.

    Votes: 5 18.5%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Social Security barely brings in more money than it sends out, and the only reason it isn't totally bankrupt is becasue the "Official" inflation rate is kept deceptively low, when it should be 8% they say its only at 1%. There is no Social Secuurity account in which the money sits and acrrues interest, they took all that money out back in the 80's and stuffed the account with IOU's.

You can make a cap of 100 million dollars if you wish, but as long as we have a central bank that can inflate the money supply as they do, it won't take that long before an egg will cost 1 million dollars. Ask people in Zimbabwe who would have any money if they put a cap of a trillion dollars on people, if they did that not one single person would ever get a paycheck, a trillion dollars is worth like .00015 of a penny. 12 years ago the zimbabwe dollar was at par with the US dollar. Inflation my friend, a wealth cap is assuredly the quickest way to impoverish everyone.


Active Member
you all do realize this is a moot conversation right
you cant exsist without dept unless your bringing in a ton of money from other countrys
in which case there going into dept
but as theses other countrys develop they need your resources less
and as population grows more dept
blah blah blah you see where this is going
its not like they can just print this stuff out hitler tryed that in 1939 i think and look what happend kinda pisses me off i have a 10k mark worth $5 including shipping from 70 years ago


Active Member
were all slaves by the way all they did is turn power into a tangable form called money
those with it are kings those without well you know
and you thought you were free


Well-Known Member
its not like they can just print this stuff out hitler tryed that in 1939 i think and look what happend kinda pisses me off i have a 10k mark worth $5 including shipping from 70 years ago
Your history is WAY OFF. It was because Germany Lost WW1 and signed the Treaty of Versailles saying they would pay war reparations to the victors for invading France and Belgium. This caused the Kaiser to print money like no tomorrow devaluing the German Mark to such a great extent that it was valueless, Hyperinflation is the term for that. This caused major strife in the country and paved the way for Hitler to gain power.


Well-Known Member
And your information comes from? current funds will meet obligations beyond 2041 http://www.ohio.com/news/american_dream/27325314.html

Social Security is more solvent than the US Government. It's been solvent for 75 years and is projected to be so for many more... You are perpetrating a common myth. Could it become unsolvent, certainly, just like your bank that holds your checking account can.... but until you can see into the future, I'll stick with the accountants who have access to the figures...

Dude, you drive me nuts. Social security is tits up and not a "locked" trust. It will never be "solvent".


Well-Known Member
The final numbers aren't in yet on Obama, whose Def of Sec has been slashing big useless arms programs and is looking to axe more, to the horror of the neo-conservatives. And why is it the GOP spends like no tomorrow, but as soon as a Dem steps foot on the Hill, it's time to get ultra conservative, to pull us out of the hole they dug in the previous administration? I'm glad the tea party put a flame under their ass. I wish they would have been around before a black man stepped into office though. We could have used some of the ultra conservatism several years ago...

Obama makes Reagan and Bush look like Mickey Mouse when it comes to spending. I agree 100% Bush doubled the size of government and for everything Reagan did right he didn’t cut spending. The thing is they are no longer President but Obama is. The debt is pretty much as large as our GDP. It’s time to slow down and reevaluate.

The pre bate check people receive covers the tax on essentials (groceries) to the poverty level. Plus the poor are already helping pay those taxes. Every time an item is purchased they pay a portion of the taxes for the company because the cost is passed to the customer. Plus 100% of their income is already taxed. Nope wait I keep forgetting the poor get a free ride when it comes to federal taxes, well besides the embedded taxes in the price of products and services.

Sure it has issues but the current tax code consists of 60,000 plus pages. Politicians don’t want it changed because they would no longer have the power to dish out tax favors for their buddies who in turn donate to their campaigns.


Active Member
The final numbers aren't in yet on Obama, whose Def of Sec has been slashing big useless arms programs and is looking to axe more, to the horror of the neo-conservatives. And why is it the GOP spends like no tomorrow, but as soon as a Dem steps foot on the Hill, it's time to get ultra conservative, to pull us out of the hole they dug in the previous administration? I'm glad the tea party put a flame under their ass. I wish they would have been around before a black man stepped into office though. We could have used some of the ultra conservatism several years ago...
You a racist? What does it matter Obama’s black? Or is that just another bullshit attempt at painting tea party as racist?

So we are in 3 wars and Obama is cutting defense spending? Yea that’s a good idea.

I agree Bush and the republicans spent way too much money when they were in charge. But again Bush is gone and Obama is in and he’s run up over trillion dollar deficits in 09,10 and it looks like more of the same in 11. And now the dems in the senate are complaining about 51 billion in cuts. Pathetic. The 55% of Americans that are actually paying for this are getting sick or it. I bet if the republicans have a candidate that actually calls Obama on his socialist bullshit and his constant lies Obama will loss by a large margin. I’m talking Jimmy Carter bad 40 plus state. He’s a clown and the American people want a leader not a teleprompter reader.


Well-Known Member
And your information comes from? current funds will meet obligations beyond 2041 http://www.ohio.com/news/american_dream/27325314.html

Social Security is more solvent than the US Government. It's been solvent for 75 years and is projected to be so for many more... You are perpetrating a common myth. Could it become unsolvent, certainly, just like your bank that holds your checking account can.... but until you can see into the future, I'll stick with the accountants who have access to the figures...
So the take away from the article is that there is no IOUs...just treasury bonds? You don't see an issue here? Have you received a social security statement? Mine says it will be broke before I can draw from it. Why am I paying into it again?

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
Number one, Social Security is NOT an entitlement, like any other retirement plan, it is funded by the employee and the employer.

Number two, The Department of Education is an investment in tomorrows.... without it, your tax base is going to shrink up and all jobs requiring degrees will be held by B1 foreigners...

other than that, i agree with most of what your saying.

-Number One:
From ssa.gov:
"Social Security Online Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
Contact Us
Text Size
Understanding SSI
Home Page
Understanding Supplemental Security Income
Social Security Entitlement2011 Edition
(En Español)

Many people who are eligible for SSI may also be entitled to receive Social Security benefits. In fact, the application for SSI benefits is also an application for Social Security benefits. We often need to obtain additional information from the person before we can award Social Security benefits.

The following sections provide information on who may be entitled to Social Security benefits."

-sure sounds like an entitlement to me, at least the SS admin thinks so...
-the self employed, as I was for many years, pay the whole thing, it's called the "self employment tax" and in my case it was much larger than my income tax, that's no way to encourage production and prosperity.
-I don't know where you get your information but not all retirement plans include employer contributions, mine didn't.

-Number Two: (I'll just cut and paste this from the first time I asked it)
-Number Two: Why is it that when the department of education started, the US was a leader in quality education. Now? Do you honestly think that we have a better education system? Look at the recent studies that have shown how bad we are doing. I think the last one I saw, it was 14th in reading skills, 17th in science and 25th in math. I see college kids that don't even know what kind of government we have, cannot speak or write in proper english and cannot find Canada on a map. You are right about one thing, though, the D of ED is an investment in tomorrow, a failed investment.


Active Member
I didn't vote as there are no reasonable options available. Such as:
cutting spending; this means everything, eliminate the Dept. of Education, Housing and Urban Development, Agriculture, Commerce, Energy, Health and Human Services, Homeland Security, Labor and Transportation. wean us off of social security and privatize it. de-fund Obama care. eliminate foreign aid.
End the Federal Reserve and eliminate the IRS along with all the misrepresented, supposedly legal income tax laws.
End the war on drugs. Legalize it and tax it. Disband the DEA and BATF.
Bring the troops home. I don't just mean Iraq and Afghanistan but in Korea, Japan, Germany, all 761 bases in 156 countries.
Lower the corporate tax rates to reasonable levels as to invite American business to "come home".
Sell off federal assets.
Get off the people's backs. Americans are industrious, resourceful and hard working. We can bring our country back if the government would just get out of the way.
... that's all I can come up with off the top of my head, right now
Some of that is a little extreme but I agree with the other 80% or so. I also didn't vote because the options weren't really good options. The economy isn't as simple as tax more spend less. But this guy I have quoted seems to have a better grip on things than whoever made the poll.

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
We should be electing representatives who make tough decisions on where to cut spending and whether to raise taxes. But we let them off the hook. We let them just print money instead of cutting spending and so they can say they voted for tax cuts. It is unsustainable and we are going to get clobbered for it. It may already be too late. Our message to the congress and Obama should be "Take what you need. Spend what you need. But sell us on it at the polls." No deficit spending. Force them to do what has to be done by insisting they balance the budget, with an amendment if necessary.


Well-Known Member
It IS an entitlement, I know that, but posted not in a haze. My point was, you don't cut it, because govt dollars aren't supporting it. It is self sufficient at this time. If your employer contributes nothing to your retirement plan, not even matching funds, it's time to shop around for a new boss. You choose to work for yourself, you were the employer... you were paying matching funds. I do not think the education system has improved. I don't think you can blame it on one entity. I am astonished that you think chopping off the DOE will actually improve education though... Maybe if more turnkey parents would take the time to get involved in their children, our numbers wouldn't be so low? Also, the kids don't have the same ethics and morals we did growing up. I respected adults and feared corporal punishment by belt. Today's kids cuss their teachers and could give a shit less about education.... And you are blaming government for lackluster parenting?

-Number One:
From ssa.gov:
"Social Security Online Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
Contact Us
Text Size
Understanding SSI
Home Page
Understanding Supplemental Security Income
Social Security Entitlement2011 Edition
(En Español)

Many people who are eligible for SSI may also be entitled to receive Social Security benefits. In fact, the application for SSI benefits is also an application for Social Security benefits. We often need to obtain additional information from the person before we can award Social Security benefits.

The following sections provide information on who may be entitled to Social Security benefits."

-sure sounds like an entitlement to me, at least the SS admin thinks so...
-the self employed, as I was for many years, pay the whole thing, it's called the "self employment tax" and in my case it was much larger than my income tax, that's no way to encourage production and prosperity.
-I don't know where you get your information but not all retirement plans include employer contributions, mine didn't.

-Number Two: (I'll just cut and paste this from the first time I asked it)
-Number Two: Why is it that when the department of education started, the US was a leader in quality education. Now? Do you honestly think that we have a better education system? Look at the recent studies that have shown how bad we are doing. I think the last one I saw, it was 14th in reading skills, 17th in science and 25th in math. I see college kids that don't even know what kind of government we have, cannot speak or write in proper english and cannot find Canada on a map. You are right about one thing, though, the D of ED is an investment in tomorrow, a failed investment.


Well-Known Member
What do you mean government dollars aren't supporting it? Your own article said the trust was stuffed with T-bills, which is mo interest.


Well-Known Member
And your information comes from? current funds will meet obligations beyond 2041 http://www.ohio.com/news/american_dream/27325314.html

Social Security is more solvent than the US Government. It's been solvent for 75 years and is projected to be so for many more... You are perpetrating a common myth. Could it become unsolvent, certainly, just like your bank that holds your checking account can.... but until you can see into the future, I'll stick with the accountants who have access to the figures...
Solvency issues and how long it can sustain itself is all just a guess by the budget committees. They are usually way way off the real number, hell they said that medicare would only cost us 1/10 of what it actually does. Do not trust the numbers the Government is giving you, they play lots and lots of tricks to make the numbers look especially good.

The final numbers aren't in yet on Obama, whose Def of Sec has been slashing big useless arms programs and is looking to axe more, to the horror of the neo-conservatives. And why is it the GOP spends like no tomorrow, but as soon as a Dem steps foot on the Hill, it's time to get ultra conservative, to pull us out of the hole they dug in the previous administration? I'm glad the tea party put a flame under their ass. I wish they would have been around before a black man stepped into office though. We could have used some of the ultra conservatism several years ago...
I have wondered this myself, but then I realized that to keep the nation divided they must appear to come from different views. One for the people. One for business, but really both sides are about bigger government and self preservation. Neither gives a rat's ass about you or me, for the most part its just a big show put on to fool the sheep. If Both Republicans and Democrats really wanted a balanced budget, we would have one, but all we really get is lip service.