Police Warning B/f Busting A Grow??


Active Member
so if the police were to spot my grow from the air (25 plants in a 100 yard area) would they chop them down or wait to see whos grow it is?? I grew 2 plants there last year that were over 7 foot tall and had no problems. Also would they try to contact the owners of the land or wait to see if its them?? My relatives land dont want them to get in trouble. HOWEVER I know this landlord that rents to growers and the 2 times they busted houses they called him first to let him know that they had a search warrant on his property and it was a suspeced grow house. He had time to warn the people growing their:bigjoint:. Just wanted to know if same rules apply for outside b/c a warning b/f hand could be a life saver! Any info or questions welcome.


Well-Known Member
ya thats what I was thinking. They will probably find them and then watch them to see who is going in and out of there to make a move. Cops like to have an arrest rether than just to chop the plant down and go on with their lives.


Well-Known Member
i doubt they will do all that DNA and fingerprints stuff...
just dont make them noticeable..


Active Member
Be careful with your crops man. When your plants are fully grown and ready to harvest. Do it quick and if your going to grow again, do it in another location. If I were you I would harvest the plants during the night, but if your going to do it during the day. Make sure to listen to helicopters because there nothing wrong with being too careful. Enjoy the smoke :blsmoke:

SC Blazer

Active Member
couple years back i had a friend who was growing on a property of a relative (who was aware of the grow) and the sheriff called the house and notified the relative that they would be coming to search the property.. they chopped all the plants and the next day, what do you know... the cops showed up looking. now if this is standard i doubt it, i think they just got damn lucky.. dont risk it if you think you might get caught.


Well-Known Member
I was wondering about this same thing. My Homeboy lives on 11 acres and he has tons of woods in the backyard with a nice little creek. You literally have to be on his property to see the grow or be in the sky. But it would be obvious that theirs helicopters, so I should be cool until then, right?

9inch bigbud

Well-Known Member
From what I have seen about USA/European busts on the news/youtube they seem to jump in (from air mostly) see if they catch anyone there. They take the plants and evidence, if there is someone there they will arrest them, if not they will follow leads, fingerprints and DNA. I don't think they do steak-outs to catch people.
that sounds about right.
@ OP i can tell you now for a fact they warn no one! even the police who do the bust dont know where they are going to hit untill they have the brefing then its in to the vans and stright to the growers door and it gets put through usally 1st thing in the morning when you are still in bed. who ever told you the landlord gets warned before a bust is full of shit!

out side grows here if they find plants as the above post has said they will do a search for DNA joint ends at the location, finger prints ect and then put in the news or paper that if anyone knows any info to please contact them anonymously.


Active Member
Well all the articles ive read and watched about outdoor busts. Most of the time they never catch the people unless there living out in the wood tending to them like those real big illegal grows in cali. I was wondering though if its on a relatives property would they like instantly assume its the person who ownes the land, and go threw there computers and shit like that?? Thanks for them fast replies fellas!:bigjoint:

9inch bigbud

Well-Known Member
Well all the articles ive read and watched about outdoor busts. Most of the time they never catch the people unless there living out in the wood tending to them like those real big illegal grows in cali. I was wondering though if its on a relatives property would they like instantly assume its the person who ownes the land, and go threw there computers and shit like that?? Thanks for them fast replies fellas!:bigjoint:
who would grow on their own property? they will come and talk to you about it for sure but they would have to prove that you are the grower of the plot never grow on your on land and there is noway they can prove its you i.e a foot print you may have left or a joint end because you did not grow it. grow the fuck off your own property! if someone grows on yours then you have nothing to worry about they have to prove it was you and if you did not grow it it will be hard to pin that shit on you.


Active Member
who would grow on their own property? they will come and talk to you about it for sure but they would have to prove that you are the grower of the plot never grow on your on land and there is noway they can prove its you i.e a foot print you may have left or a joint end because you did not grow it. grow the fuck off your own property! if someone grows on yours then you have nothing to worry about they have to prove it was you and if you did not grow it it will be hard to pin that shit on you.
Well this spot is surrounded by cliffs and the only way to get in there is by a small access road that has a huge chain link fence on it that i have a key for. No one EVER goes down there and the only animals i ever have to worry about are ticks and i have a water source right there, so this is def. were im growing again its to good to pass up. :leaf:


Active Member
Actaully know that i think of it since theres a fence with a no treaspassing sign and thats the only way in wouldnt they have to contact my relative in order to get down there and get the key??:dunce:


Well-Known Member
i got ratted out by an ex friend about 9 years ago.He got a 2nd dwi and apparently he just couldn't sit in jail for 20 some days so he threw me under the bus.i had 173 plants growing outdoors and it was at a relatives house that i was renting at the time.they didn't live there.The cops did infact contact them prior to showing up at the house,but the notice was not enough time for me to get rid of the evidence.I had about 16 cops show up a cessna plane a helicopter and cops on four wheelers.I took off out the back window with nothing on but shorts and beat feet for about 6 miles thru the woods.i was all fucked up thorns in my feet cut banged up.i called my ex and she drove 3 hrs to get me i ran down the hill hopped in her car and was in mass that night.The fucking pigs didn't catch me.I'm not going into full detail,but picture the rambo movie cause thats kinda what it was like getting chased by a brigade of cops.Anyways i called my attorney and he contacted the cops and they said they would call him if they were gonna make an arrest.Well,a year later they arrested me.Why a year i have no clue.Anyways,i rode my dirt bike up on the hill to check out the damage and they left like 40 of my plants that were just up the hill from the ones they took.I thought for sure they left them there to bust me.I waited til october and went up at night and cut them down.The dumb bastards never saw them i guess i don't know how they missed 8ft tall plants 40 yards from the other ones,but the dumbass's did.I ended up spending a year in the crow bar hotel due to a friends loyalty.Don't trust anyone!


Well-Known Member
so if the police were to spot my grow from the air (25 plants in a 100 yard area) would they chop them down or wait to see whos grow it is?? I grew 2 plants there last year that were over 7 foot tall and had no problems. Also would they try to contact the owners of the land or wait to see if its them?? My relatives land dont want them to get in trouble. HOWEVER I know this landlord that rents to growers and the 2 times they busted houses they called him first to let him know that they had a search warrant on his property and it was a suspeced grow house. He had time to warn the people growing their:bigjoint:. Just wanted to know if same rules apply for outside b/c a warning b/f hand could be a life saver! Any info or questions welcome.


Let me tell you my experience in the past, (I'm in the UK btw)..... search warrant dated 2 months before execution. They do watch for signs of supply etc, in my case PCSO's on foot patrol past my house once a week at different times, I noticed it but dismissed it. They do thier homework well before making the call, indoors/outdoors makes no difference, the result is the same.

Be careful.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
This topic has been a great interest to me, and have studied it for awhile. All comments are welcome. #1. If somebody sneaks on my property & drops seeds, I can not be held accountable for something that I had no control over. However, they would CERTAINLY search my house, etc. If I am holding ANYTHING that is connected, seeds, grow ligh, roaches, matching footprints, a trail, etc. I'm busted. Point, if You're clean, you can grow on your property.
Why would the Cops call the Owner..... that's stupid, unless the Judge won't sign the warrant, and the law dogs needs permission to enter the property. With that, no warrant needed. Now, did the law ask permission with these phone calls? I think so. To stake out a grow, a LOT of cost is involved, lots of man hours, plus telltale signs, meals brought in, cars, radios, etc.It's not worth their while. Plus, if you can't tell a place is watched, something is wrong. If you are 100 feet way, or just a person walking through the woods is not guilty of shit. They have to catch you, literally harvesting, feeding, etc, before the case can be made. Cutting & hauling the shit may take as less than 10 minutes,... that's the only window they have to bust you, if there is no connection. As a hunter & ex-military, I can tell you that if you sit at night for 1 hour, downwind, to hear everything, you will know if you have visitors. No smoking, farting, coughing, total silence.
Indoor or backyard grows, they have your ass, because friends can't keep quite for 4 to 7 months. I read a lot about bust searching for "Monster Mariajuna Plants". Most times, they miss the grower. They usually only search during harvest time in Choppers. By that time, a conopy of vines could have covered, in part, your grows. Indirect lighting should never be underestimated. Just my take.


Well-Known Member
In my case they didn't know the owners of the home were related to me.It a small town enviorment and everyone knows everyone.The cops called them to come open the doors to the house so they didn't have to kick in their doors.In my case they didn't have a warrant upon arrival.They sat in the driveway and waited for the plane and chopper to fly over and spot the gardens.At which point they went to the judge and came back.i do know that cops will set up cameras around the grow location and try to get the grower on film.


Well-Known Member
in those cases the police fly overhead and arrive a few days later to chop the plants and move on. If someone is there at the time they will arrest them but there is very little follow up after the plants are chopped.

Skunk Baxter

Well-Known Member
I always just leave a note in an envelope right next to my plants - "Dear Law Enforcement People; sorry to have missed you. Please leave a note letting me know when you plan on stopping by again, so that I can plan accordingly. Thank you, Larry Burlingson."

I'm not really Larry Burlingson; he's just some sonofabitch who used to pick on me in 1st grade, and I've wanted to get even with him ever since.

making the $$$

Active Member
I always just leave a note in an envelope right next to my plants - "Dear Law Enforcement People; sorry to have missed you. Please leave a note letting me know when you plan on stopping by again, so that I can plan accordingly. Thank you, Larry Burlingson."

I'm not really Larry Burlingson; he's just some sonofabitch who used to pick on me in 1st grade, and I've wanted to get even with him ever since.

haha lmao my plot is very well hidden but i will only get near it with my camo, gloves and ski mask on. I also never go during the day and always do that sit and wait to see if anyone is there.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Dude, that is SOO cool!!! I don't know. I am guilty of loving the Law Man. I even put donuts on my dogs dick.... they sucked the life out of 6 of my dogs. Don't do that. I really like my dogs. I like the note idea. "Private Property of the Sheriff's Dept, any violators will be sucked bone dry" Etc.
Seriously, I did learn that if you make certain staements, HeHe, that,.. if you make them SO personal, they are to embarassed to repeat in the report, or Court of Law. But, watch your ass when playing with fire.

I always just leave a note in an envelope right next to my plants - "Dear Law Enforcement People; sorry to have missed you. Please leave a note letting me know when you plan on stopping by again, so that I can plan accordingly. Thank you, Larry Burlingson."

I'm not really Larry Burlingson; he's just some sonofabitch who used to pick on me in 1st grade, and I've wanted to get even with him ever since.