police state evidence at G20 protest


Well-Known Member
your right

i wasnt talking to you when i talked about allowing protests to happen or anything of the sort

so whats the problem?
who said there was a problem? :neutral:

actually, you tell me, you started the thread about a "police state".


and then the next year, ......




so much for "1 bad example". :roll:

yes, 1 bad example

" a group of young guys provoking the police "

so a small group of young men turned a peaceful protest into a riot situation, and the whole thing was shut down and dispersed?

now is that the peace protesters fault that some douchebags wanted to piss off the cops?

that happens anytime you have a large gathering of people, your going to have mischievious people who want to ruin it for everyone

but i guess, instead of arresting the trouble makers, teargas and rubber bullets for everyone! its like christmas morning

your first video : potentially both sides were at fualt

second video : police were at fault

third video : Small group of morons were at fault

i dont think its enough evidence that protesting causes these things to happen

there is always a chance of accidents happening...

and always a chance for one stupid idiot to throw a rock, lemmings to follow, and now you have a riot

stupid people making stupid decisions leading to stupid outcomes


in one of the videos on the first page of this thread it shows a group of people standing toe to toe with a line of riot police

here is what happened, a very large, obviously heavy garbage bin was launched into the ranks of police, a really. really, really stupid idea...

now with this 1 of 2 things could have happened, either they really are stupid and purposely did it, or it could have been an accident

they COULD have been getting it to use as a small shield against rubber bullets, and upon bringing it down the hill it COULD have built up too much momentum for them to stop...

but that probably isnt what happened...

if a protest is peaceful, why disperse it, just because they dont have a permit

what if the city refuses to hand out permits? are they just going to give up and go home cause the city said no?

i sure as hell wouldnt

then again i wouldnt throw shit at some one with a tear gas launcher either


Well-Known Member
you guys see any of these videos? its fucking rediculous

black suits, body armor, riot shields

tear gas


rubber bullets

Active Denial systems....

this was a legit protest... soon you wont be able to protest anything at all without getting beaten and arrested

lets go back tot the beginning, .....

night sticks and riot gear do NOT make a police state. it is business as usually. this thread is pointless.



lets go back tot the beginning, .....

night sticks and riot gear do NOT make a police state. it is business as usually. this thread is pointless.

business as usual, maybe thats the problem here:roll:


the problem is you all starting these threads wishing for the destruction of your own country. what is wrong with you? :neutral:

"evidence of police state"


all around you

just because you cant see it doesnt mean it isnt there

and a police state = destruction of this country, when did i wish for a police state

oh, i didnt.... imagine that


Well-Known Member
all around you

just because you cant see it doesnt mean it isnt there

and a police state = destruction of this country, when did i wish for a police state

oh, i didnt.... imagine that

you're seeing it where it doesn't exist. sounds like "wishful thinking" to me. :mrgreen:

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
foreign troops have been training in the US and preparing to act as "peace keepers", and I they would have been deployed had the financial system collapsed. If you don't believe it watch this: LINK

We've seen marshal law imposed in Louisiana and other places in times of natural disaster; they went house to house confiscating peoples firearms - when you could argue they needed them most.

I remember the riots in Chicago and other places in the 70's...

It all comes down to the law, but not sure about what US policy is when it comes to international "peace keepers"

Also See:
Russian Professor: Collapse Of America Could Begin In Two Months
Video: U.S. Army prepares to invade U.S.
Video: Swine Flu and Martial Law in US
The CIA’s Swine Flu & Your Plastic FEMA Coffin
Homeland Security and U.S. Army Plan Invasion of States
Video: The Coming American Holocaust
A Military Dictatorship Coming To America
Total Meltdown and Civil Unrest

A Must Read: The Crash Of ‘09 – The Collapse Of ‘10
The world rejoices USrael’s end is imminent
Video: The End of America

Must Read: The Dajjal’s War on Humankind
Showdown with Russia and China: U.S. Advances First Strike Global Missile Shield System
Project 2012: Predictions Coming True? Nuclear War Begins Soon? Updated
Trend Alert: The ‘Second American Revolution’ Has Begun
The Coming State of Chaos and Disorder In USA
USA: State Secession and the Coming Civil War

Preparing for Civil Unrest in America
Greece-Style Riots Coming To U.S.

The Militarization and Annexation of North America
Civil Unrest in America?
U.S. Army To Buy $6 Million Of Riot Equipment
Trend Alert: The U.S. and the U.K. Will Both Default on Their Debt by the End of Summer 2009
Video: Obamageddon is Coming!
Economic Collapse, Time to Run?
Celente: The Bailout Bubble – The Bubble To End All Bubbles
Endless War: The Suicide of the United States
Video: Information Revolution 2009 (new clips with dates)
Video: Gerald Celente the 2009 Collapse
The American Empire Is Bankrupt
Entering the Greatest Depression in History: More Bubbles Waiting to Burst
Trend Alert: Worst economic collapse ever – Gerald Celente
Trend Alert: The Greatest Depression is at hand
Trend Alert: The Second Crash On the Way And Unstoppable
Trend Alert: Total Economic Breakdown Is Underway!
Trend Alert: U.S. Has Entered “The Greatest Depression”
Trend Alert: Global Systemic Crisis, Geopolitical Dislocation!

finds these links and more about your rights, and states rights @ wordpress


Well-Known Member
Training UN troops hardly amounts to a "police state". If I were you, I'd be more worried about the "government contractors" like Blackwater, et al. The police can be held accountable for their misdeeds, private paramilitary outfits rarely are.


Well-Known Member
There is no right to protest, and the right to assemble is not a natural right but a legal one.
It still boils down to the protesters having a right to speak out.

If you watch the videos of the protest, you'll hear the police state over and over "This is not a legal assembly, please disperse immediately".
That doesn't mean they didn't have a permit. The police have been known to over extent their authority.
A permit is LEGAL permission to assemble on public land, if you don't secure a permit when one is required, you have NO right to assemble - even if it's a "peaceful" assembly.
I not arguing whether a permit is needed ... I'm saying what proof is there that they didn't have one other than the police telling them it was an illegal assembly.

The police were armed with nonlethal weapons, why would they need to throw rocks and trashcans?
How do you know the people who were throwing rocks were with the protesters?


Well-Known Member
Why would the police throw rocks at themselves?

In the videos, there were numerous college students standing around gawking. I suppose it could have been one of them. Does that change the fact that they completely disregarded a hundred or so police in riot gear telling them to hightail it out of there? They were asking for it.

I'll say it again; I'm not a fan of law enforcement in any way, but if a cop in riot gear tells me to move my ass, I do it.


Well-Known Member
Why would the police throw rocks at themselves?

Because deep inside many of the police just want to go bash heads in and shoot people for no other reason than blood lust, so they get one of their own to act like one of the protesters and throw something at the police so they have an excuse to crack skulls. A well known false flag utilized by many countries in the past.