Pointless or poorly reported news stories on the national news

no body really deep down quite understands what really is actually going in the world until your 98 years old and on your death bed ........ Then the reality of what you thought was correct ..... Just isn't.
and you know this how exactly?
because this life is my dream and i am ... " it"

apparently.......this is what someone spray painted on a church wall about a guy .... She wrote " chico thinks he's it" i Said " what does " it" mean?"

she said " you know .. " it" he thinks he's " it "

i still don't quite understand on a logic level why......this was 24 years ago

you did ask
because this life is my dream and i am ... " it"

apparently.......this is what someone spray painted on a church wall about a guy .... She wrote " chico thinks he's it" i Said " what does " it" mean?"

she said " you know .. " it" he thinks he's " it "

i still don't quite understand on a logic level why......this was 24 years ago

you did ask
oh right, I get it :wall:
Or, Bill O'Reilly.

And he and Limbaugh have tapped into the market of undereducated dipshits and are writing histories as fast as they can sell them. Not sure if you are aware of Rush's alternate history series about the American Revolution for kids. Haven't gotten a hold of one yet but I know that thousands of strange, separatist types are using them for their "texts" in home school. Shiver.
And he and Limbaugh have tapped into the market of undereducated dipshits and are writing histories as fast as they can sell them. Not sure if you are aware of Rush's alternate history series about the American Revolution for kids. Haven't gotten a hold of one yet but I know that thousands of strange, separatist types are using them for their "texts" in home school. Shiver.
That is an exceedingly disturbing fact.
And he and Limbaugh have tapped into the market of undereducated dipshits and are writing histories as fast as they can sell them. Not sure if you are aware of Rush's alternate history series about the American Revolution for kids. Haven't gotten a hold of one yet but I know that thousands of strange, separatist types are using them for their "texts" in home school. Shiver.
Ahh jeez. I hadn't heard of this so I google'd it: "Rush Revere a time-traveling school teacher and his talking horse Liberty go to...." for kids up to age 13.

Fuck, kill me now
at the risk of digging

i'd like to say not ALL right wing people are absolute idiots

goddamn most are though :/ kinda scary the thought that most are behind overthrowing the government which will soon one day be necessary because corruption is terminal it never will be gone until an overthrow of all government officials happens

and Jesus Christ the extremist of the right wing is gonna fuck it all up -_-

i ponder wither our current corrupt government or really a global economic commercial entity is better or risking an overthrow by bigots fueled by blind hatred both left and right wing extremists have do we want the future generations to be fucked by the closemind pure brainwash bullshit both right/left extremist have

idk how it turned into a conspiracy lol but yeah fox news is funny as shit to watch when they make a ass of themselves