Pointless or poorly reported news stories on the national news

watching people talk about news is like professional cannabis growers watching noobs talk about botany and strain complexity .......... Id rather leave the complexities of actually truelly understanding how the media and the world is run to the professionals Imo :)

i just don't understand it like i thought i did :)
watching people talk about news is like professional cannabis growers watching noobs talk about botany and strain complexity .......... Id rather leave the complexities of actually truelly understanding how the media and the world is run to the professionals Imo :)

i just don't understand it like i thought i did :)

are you on the right account? you didn't make enough spelling or grammar errors
watching people talk about news is like professional cannabis growers watching noobs talk about botany and strain complexity .......... Id rather leave the complexities of actually truelly understanding how the media and the world is run to the professionals Imo :)

i just don't understand it like i thought i did :)
No one is forcing you to read this thread.
I gave up watching the news. They only talk about random horseshit that is of no value to anybody, or try and make people scared with their constant fear mongering claiming terrorist attack or a new disease every ten minutes none of which ever comes to fruition. As I am in BC, the Global news are the fuckas that happen to come on and they have a doctor come in there every day to tell you how you are fucking up your life and killing all your neighbours by doing simple shit like drinking two glasses of wine a day instead of one and oddly enough it always turns out to be bullshit even when they cite a half baked study the greasy cunts. And that's the genesis, the news is good for inciting hatred, fear and passing around random bullshit, if you feel a strong desire to hear current events that actually effect you it's not a good place to ring round.
I gave up watching the news. They only talk about random horseshit that is of no value to anybody, or try and make people scared with their constant fear mongering claiming terrorist attack or a new disease every ten minutes none of which ever comes to fruition. As I am in BC, the Global news are the fuckas that happen to come on and they have a doctor come in there every day to tell you how you are fucking up your life and killing all your neighbours by doing simple shit like drinking two glasses of wine a day instead of one and oddly enough it always turns out to be bullshit even when they cite a half baked study the greasy cunts. And that's the genesis, the news is good for inciting hatred, fear and passing around random bullshit, if you feel a strong desire to hear current events that actually effect you it's not a good place to ring round.
Wow! Good spew.
are you on the right account? you didn't make enough spelling or grammar errors
watching people talk about news is like professional cannabis growers watching noobs talk about botany and strain complexity .......... Id rather leave the complexities of actually truelly understanding how the media and the world is run to the professionals Imo :)

i just don't understand it like i thought i did :)
Spelling truly like that just messed up the entire post. Strain complexity? what is that? And the conduplicatio? Rather hopeless attempt at trying to display some intelligence, Matthew. B-
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400 different kinds of flu and the vaccine only protects against 4 of them. They sure as hell don't tell you that in the news.
Or the fact that the flu vaccine has never been more than about 50% effective..or that this year it was something like 10%, and the nasal spray, which was recommended for children was NOT effective at all..from CDC's own mouth.
I watch the news most evenings. Not only because of my advanced age but also because I consider it a useful place to observe the decline of Western civilization.

Believe it or not, the news was once not chosen by the videos submitted by drooling idiots from their iPhones.

Let me give the latest example... Tonight, the ABC news reported on a baby that was expected to be a girl (from the ultrasound) but was actually born...... (drumroll) a boy! Why was this mind numbingly stupid shit reported on? Because the producers thought that the video of grandma being surprised by this kid's dick was too priceless for us not to see. "That sonogram operator is going to have some explaining to do." the idiot newsman says.

On my "most egregious" list of fucked up reporting was when the simpering fool of a newscaster was trying to report on a cod fishing ban. The actual news story was just that - cod fishing is banned on the New England coast. But they couldn't just say that, they had to use George fucking Clooney to make the story relevant to the imbeciles at home. I swear, it went like this; "we all remember George Clooney playing the quintessential fisherman in "The Perfect Storm" (still picture of Clooney in The Perfect Storm). Find out why fisherman like him are upset tonight - after the break.". After the break, the news opens with a climactic scene from "The Perfect Storm" - Clooney fighting giant waves. After the clip is finished the newsman mentions that cod fishing is banned in the Gulf of Maine.

Oh I miss real news. We are all doomed you know.

See It all ties together pointless news stories that people still somehow watch just to.keep them distracted.
Or the fact that the flu vaccine has never been more than about 50% effective..or that this year it was something like 10%, and the nasal spray, which was recommended for children was NOT effective at all..from CDC's own mouth.
Germ warfare to get everyone else sick.
it is a complex topic, with a multitude of paradigm's. If one were to focus specifically on the News without first understanding our position within the entire structure. Society is manufactured. Culture is given to us. Our history a fabrication, our likes dislikes, fears and prejudices are impressed upon us ok..... This all seems very dramatic but unfortunately it's true. You would think in all these years of reported civilization we would have ironed out the creases in society? Unless it is designed this way. Historical evidence tells the think tank theorist that society breaks down without an impeding dominance. Or subsequent threat. Thus our societal structures are drawn within parameters encompassing a war ideology.
it is a complex topic, with a multitude of paradigm's. If one were to focus specifically on the News without first understanding our position within the entire structure. Society is manufactured. Culture is given to us. Our history a fabrication, our likes dislikes, fears and prejudices are impressed upon us ok..... This all seems very dramatic but unfortunately it's true. You would think in all these years of reported civilization we would have ironed out the creases in society? Unless it is designed this way. Historical evidence tells the think tank theorist that society breaks down without an impeding dominance. Or subsequent threat. Thus our societal structures are drawn within parameters encompassing a war ideology.
"""" you would think in all these years of reported civilization we would have ironed out the creases in society?""""

well said mister :)

the problem is new humans get born everyday ..... Its difficult enough for a 100,000,000 people strong government to keep this correct let alone god :)
The only way the worlds problems are going to get fixed is to squash the world and start again ....... But god already tried this with the floods.

to do it for real would be mass murder on gods conscious belief of the truth ...... Fighting fire with fire don't work , and neither did water ( the floods)

so what do we do ?