PM need help please


Well-Known Member
hey guys have some plants going they are a few weeks into flower and are getting small white dots of pm on the fan leafs. I’ve cut off some of the worst of it but it still popping up in small amounts. I want to get this taken care of. I need some recommendations on a fungus cure I can use to knock this out. Can I spray them since they are in flower. Let know what what ideas you have thanks. And any products I can buy from my grow store
need to try and keep it stable,keep air flowing in and out 24/7.
Yeah I wasn’t running my fan for a while because it was cold and I was using the heat from my lamp to keep it warm but it’s getting warmer now so I have my fan going 24/7 now plenty of air the issue is there is spores in my tent now it seems like I disinfected the walls of my tent with a wipe has anyone used green cure. I’m mostly wondering if I can use a fungicide and if anyone knows any that work and if being in flower will cause any issues I’m leaning towards buying green cure
Simply increasing the pH of the leaf surfaces will help stop the PM. There are many products on the market that do that like Green Cure. You can also use a product called Serenade. Some ppl use sulfur vaporizers but I don't recommend that route.

If you fix the environmental condition thats causing the PM it will cease to exist. So any sprays are just a temporary solution. Keep the humidity under control.
If you haven't got any score some potassium silicate for plants. They come in different strengths but I doubt it's critical. I use my Rhino Skin at 4ml/L to foliar spray it on like I was spraying for bugs. They say to use 2ml/L for feeding the plants so I went with 2X with no damage to the leaves. Could always spray a small patch of leaves top and bottom and wait overnight to make sure it's not harming the plant.

Silica is very alkaline and PM doesn't like an alkaline environment so it kills it off fast and helps the plant too. Much better than some chemical fungicide all over your darlings.

Got some messed up plants off a buddy that had PM, thrips and mites. Got rid of the PM in one pass, the thrips in two weeks and took 2 years to get rid of the damn mites!

Good luck!

Yeah I wasn’t running my fan for a while because it was cold and I was using the heat from my lamp to keep it warm but it’s getting warmer now so I have my fan going 24/7 now plenty of air the issue is there is spores in my tent now it seems like I disinfected the walls of my tent with a wipe has anyone used green cure. I’m mostly wondering if I can use a fungicide and if anyone knows any that work and if being in flower will cause any issues I’m leaning towards buying green cure

PM loves moist and colder temps so get a heater on a thermostat to keep temps up during their night. I use a baseboard thermostat that I wired with cords so it turns my electric heater on at night. We have very low RH so PM isn't usually an issue.

I'd get the silica and go with that. The plant will absorb it and it shouldn't hurt your buds. Tasteless too when all diluted down. Don't drink it straight! :D

You can never get rid of the spores. Like mould they are everywhere all the time but need the right conditions to set up house and become a problem. You're breathing them right now.

I just remembered I have Ed Rosenthal's 'Marijuana Pest and Disease Control' book and it recommends silica as well. Using it as a plant nutrient helps prevent outbreaks but the spray like I mentioned can kill it good when you have an outbreak.

That book might be at this link. Lots of great stuff there and rhey keep adding to the list.

I found a great spot to download FREE POT BOOKS . I downloaded a grow bible first and got lots more. Books look great and complete like the real ones I have here. No web site but just a page of links. Just right click on what you want and then "Save Link As" to download so they don't open first as many are 50+ megs. They got lots. Enjoy.

Once I got PM it wouldn't leave until I got rid of that pheno. My other pheno doesn't get affected by it. Tried the greenleaf potassium spray and burning sulfur. The spores spread quick so act quick or throw that pheno out. Normally I would try to fight it but PM is vicious and spread to the inside of the buds and ruins everything
Yeah I wasn’t running my fan for a while because it was cold and I was using the heat from my lamp to keep it warm but it’s getting warmer now so I have my fan going 24/7 now plenty of air the issue is there is spores in my tent now it seems like I disinfected the walls of my tent with a wipe has anyone used green cure. I’m mostly wondering if I can use a fungicide and if anyone knows any that work and if being in flower will cause any issues I’m leaning towards buying green cure
I see your in Colorado like me. Those spores are everywhere here now since so many people are growing around us. Listen to OldMedUser, PM loves cold moist environments.
Yeah I have my fan going 24/7 is there any fungicides anyone knows about
Regalia, can take you to harvest.

Guys thanks for all the replies. I’d say the pm is very light and I’m just starting to show signs of flowering I think I’m going to go grab some green cure and see if that does the trick I think the issue is low temp swings at lights off so I’ll have to find a way to slove that.
Hey guys wanted to update my post. Ended up picking up some Actinovate. Applied via spraying mixture of 3/4 teaspoon to 2 gallons of water. Will update with how it goes. Like I said before thanks to everybody who chimed in.
Ive heard that stuff can kill PM. Ive never used it though, too expensive. I used Procidic2 (ask for a free sample, its huge for small growers) on a plant that had PM and its gone. I saw one leaf starting to have white powder and made a solution and dapped affected leaves with a qtip and the pm hasnt come back. It can also be used as a root drench and I did and I never saw pm again. It can be used for bud rot but nah I never spray flowers.