Plz need questionend answer?


OK today around 9:00a.m Thursday morning I heard a loud knocking on my front door and as soon as I looked through the window there was a sheriff there, I was wondering why would he come knocking and I didn't open the door cause I didn't want him to come a search my house, I have only ONE plant in a 4 by 2 by 5 tent with an 300w led, and carbon filter. So if anyone could answer any of theses questions I would appreciate it and one other thing can I get into trouble for googling and youtubing anything that involves cannabis just searching would that give the police a reason to come to my house?

Skeet Kuhn Dough

Well-Known Member
OK today around 9:00a.m Thursday morning I heard a loud knocking on my front door and as soon as I looked through the window there was a sheriff there, I was wondering why would he come knocking and I didn't open the door cause I didn't want him to come a search my house, I have only ONE plant in a 4 by 2 by 5 tent with an 300w led, and carbon filter. So if anyone could answer any of theses questions I would appreciate it and one other thing can I get into trouble for googling and youtubing anything that involves cannabis just searching would that give the police a reason to come to my house?
I honestly think you're just paranoid. There's any number of reasons that sheriff could've been at your house. He was probably just trying to get information about something entirely different that never directly involved you. Hope you're being careful. As far as trouble on the internet goes I don't know that there is any law against you looking at that stuff online and I doubt that the police receive a constant update from google that describes the search requests by EVERYONE who poses a question. You're probably okay but I'm no legal expert.


Staff member
its more likely he was there because of a different reason or probability rather than your internet browsing

have you told people about your grow
do you live in an apartment or rented home?
does your grow smell?
do you live in a shit area with lots of crime?
have you done anything to piss your neighbours off?

try to think of all reasons that are possible he could be there rather than your internet browsing skills.

its highly unlikely imho, that internet browsing would lead you there, unless of course youre browsing for like child pornography , bomb making etc.


Well-Known Member
See what he wants but tell him to get a warrant. That should give you Tim to move yer grow if that's what he wants. Google searches would mostly be detrimental after the fact.


No I have not told anyone nobody. I live in a rented place and it's a pretty good neighborhood and I have a carbon filter so there's no smell at all, and I have not pissed any of my neighbors, so I have no idea why there was a sheriff at my door. He was there for about 2 minutes knocking and ringing the door bell. Also I don't look up porn or bomb stuff.


Staff member
imho hes probably there to see if you saw such and such or any suspicious people around, or heard anything the night of whatever date etc. etc

its unlikely hes theres because of your google searches, if thats the case boy i would be probably in jail by now.


Well-Known Member
No I have not told anyone nobody. I live in a rented place and it's a pretty good neighborhood and I have a carbon filter so there's no smell at all, and I have not pissed any of my neighbors, so I have no idea why there was a sheriff at my door. He was there for about 2 minutes knocking and ringing the door bell. Also I don't look up porn or bomb stuff.
It's not like you were searching how to cook meth. I'd be fucked if they searched my computer cuz of my hobbies.


So do you guys think he'll come back in the morning? And would i get in trouble if I don't answer the door the next time?


Staff member
So do you guys think he'll come back in the morning? And would i get in trouble if I don't answer the door the next time?
just answe the door ask him what he would like, be polite.
decline him coming into your home , if he wanrts to search ask for a warrant.

otherwise youre just gunna get more paranoid and everytime your door gets knocked on youll be jumpin out of your skevvies trying to hide your pot

Dalek Supreme

Well-Known Member
I would not sweat it. Before I grew two cops came looking for me while I was out. Trusted neighbor told me that they just wanted to ask questions. They never came back. I suspect they were there to ask me about someone I was very loosely associated with?

I would not even open the door if this officer returns. If you go outside even to fart, just lock the door behind you every time. No warrant, no open door, means no entry.