Plz help! Overwatered?!


Hi folks,

This mystery bag seed is on Day 24 in the jiffy cup uncle some CFL lights. When I started this I didn’t have happy frog on hand and this began in miracle gro (store potting soil). I was being very careful w watering early on only giving a few mists but started going higher last few days (thinking I’m under watering) and today I saw this. I have happy frog now and an autoflower in the happy frog under the same light looks much happier. Is it the soil is too strong for the seedling or has the seedling g become rootbound in the jiffy cup?! I am willing to transplant today if this saves my girl. I inspected the pot and the soil seemed to be super packed around the stem, I fluffed it a bit without disturbing the roots. Please see attached pic, any help is appreciated !




Well-Known Member
dont water with small mists
water slowly until you see water draining at the bottom. sometimes you need to do it twice to properly wet all the soil
then you wait until its light to water again


dont water with small mists
water slowly until you see water draining at the bottom. sometimes you need to do it twice to properly wet all the soil
then you wait until its light to water again
great thanks for the reply, i'll start doing direct watering and will try bottom feeding too since it is in a jiffy cup. Any particular diagnosis based on the picture? are you suggesting it is under watered?


Well-Known Member
Mist the outside of the Jiffy to slight runoff, not the soil. Moisture will wick into soil.


Well-Known Member

Fuzzy it looks like your plant is wilting from lack of water - did you water as kingromano suggested? Is the cup light?

For comparison fill another cup with the same amount of medium and lift both with the same hand, give you an idea of where you're at.



Hey guys! Thanks for all the replies, the situation had gotten worst so I had no option but to transplant immedietly. I think the growing medium was the issue as there was zero root development (all pics I see of you guys there’s nice white roots during transplant) , not sure if they burnt or rotted from over watering. This is the second seedling this happen to , I tried germinating tomatoes, they thrived for a good week and a half and then died in a similar fashion.

See pic for my attempt to save it with branch new growing medium, and hopefully this recovers. I am not disheartened as it’s my first grow ever and I might have just learned a very important lesson. Will keep you guys posted, I will increase water too but the medium was pretty moist so I didn’t over water.



Active Member
Ur first picture was fine it didn't need transplanted. Just was underwaterd judging by how Ur soil was dry.. but since now u transplanted it's like Ur drowned the poor thing and a plant that small in that pot is going to take twice as long to dry be surprised if it doesn't root rot


Ur first picture was fine it didn't need transplanted. Just was underwaterd judging by how Ur soil was dry.. but since now u transplanted it's like Ur drowned the poor thing and a plant that small in that pot is going to take twice as long to dry be surprised if it doesn't root rot
thanks man, I may have panicked and transplanted too early, but my other seedlings dying in the same medium was just giving me weird feeling. I just want to clarify whether you think it was over or under watered in the first pic; the first pic was this morning, and it got worst and the 2nd pic was 5 hours later. did you think it was over or under watered? the leafs weren't dry or crisp, so i thought it was overwater'd and didn't add anymore; it lead to further drooping... We'll wait and watch i guess.. luckily the feminized afghan auto is doing just fine.