PLZ HELP!!! Carbon filter stopped working Urgent odor prob


Hi all my carbon filter stopped working abruptly humidity etc are all fine im sure its just failed, and well.... one of my plants absolutely wreaks I ve chopped her down and have the buds in a paper bag, im wondering if I could put them in an air tight container for a couple of days until my replacement turns up. Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated im starting to get stressed out


Active Member
DON'T put the buds in an air-tight container, UNLESS you are going to pour the buds out at least once a day to crisp-back up. Even if the buds feel dry to you, chances are they are still wet on the inside. After about 6-7 hours in a jar, the moisture is reabsorbed evenly through-out the buds (they'll feel really wet). This is when you have to pour them out and allow them to dry for 1-6 hours, before putting them back in. If you allow the jars to stay shut for more than 24 hours, the high moisture levels will cause mold/bud-rot.

Since your nearing the end of your grow, just make a cheap carbon-filter to hold you over. Go to your local fish-store and buy some activated carbon. Then go to Wal-mart or Home Depot, and buy one of those air-filters (the ones you replace in your central-air unit). Cut the filter-material out and form into a square-envelope shape (I just folded and stapled) Activate the carbon by wetting it, pat the carbon dry, and pour into the 'filter-envelope'. You don't want to pour a ton in, just enough to have a thin even layer. Finally, seal the remaining side that's open. When your done, it should look like a reeeally thin bean-bag. Your goal is to force as much air through this bean-bag as possible (which is why you have to make it really thin). Rig-up the back of a fan to something like pvc-pipe. Throw the bag in whatever you connect the fan too. Make it air-tight and be sure that the whole system is breathing (suction on the end containing the filter, blowing at the end containing the fan.) This should definitely hold you over!


Thanks for the info guys esecially the Jar stuff but embarassingly ive discovered a tare has formed on the inner part of my acoustic ducting ive sealed it and it works. :blsmoke: