PLL Server Grow - Tahoe OG/BOG Sour Bubble


Well-Known Member
Hey Guys:
Well after building my cab for 3 months plus I finally found some clones worth growing here is what I got:

3 PLL 36 Watt
Tahoe OG Clone .85 Gall Square Pots
BOG Sour Bubble Clone .85 Gall Square Pots
AN Sensi Bloom A + B & AN Supplements
Dr. Green Earth Organic Soil

Here are the first pictures...they are about a week old. I have already sent them into flower as of 2 days ago so I will post new picture tonight so you can see the growth...Tell me what you guys think!!

Cab Outside.jpeg

Carbon Filter.jpeg

Inside of Cab.jpg


Well-Known Member
Thanks unwanted!
I got the case on Craigslist for $40! It has 2 doors with lock and key perfect for keeping people out!


Well-Known Member
Yah, I searched PC Tower, PC server, server case....when I was looking there were a few that were ranging from 40-100


Well-Known Member
Well as promised here is my week two update....just feed them Big Bud from AN and they loved it!

Week 2.jpegSour Bubble Top Shot.jpeg


Well-Known Member
Well the ladies are about to enter the third week of flowering. The Tahoe OG seems to be catching up to the Sour Bubble after the massive stretch it had. The single plant photo is of the Tahoe OG
late week 2 og shot.jpglate week 2 update.jpg


Well-Known Member
The ladies are in the middle of week three. At the start of this week I decided to add the third and final 36 watt, I usually add a final boost after I notice the growth spur ended and thats what I did this time. With all three my temperatures have begun to creep up to the 87+ range, but I haven't noticed the ladies showing any signs of stress so I guess its ok? Can anyone give input?

This week I also added Bud Candy to my nutrient feed. I went to the hydro store to buy Overdrive and they gave me a bunch of Moab Mother of all Bloom free samples- which is basically the same i felt compeled to buy something and I got Bud Candy. After doing some research I am 50-50 and wish I could have read up rather than making a quick purchase. So I am only going to do quarter strength for 4 weeks and see how it goes. Does anyone have input on Bud Candy in their grow?

The other upgrade I did was I bought 2 12V DC Chargers from Ebay to replace my cell phone 5v chargers and man, they are a huge difference! More noise which is bad as it is but I guess the upside is way more air movement.

Well enough with the chatter here are some photos....

FIRST PHOTO: Tahoe OG top shot...look at all those pistils! From all I read I thought it was as a slower flower?!TahoeOG Week 3 Top Shot.jpg

Tahoe OG Main ShotTahoeOG Week 3 Main Shot.jpg

BOG Sour Bubble - I feel like she has really slowed down during flower still growing but hardly any pistils
BOG SourBubble week 3.jpeg


Well-Known Member
Well after a few hours of tinkering on Saturday night I sealed up the light section completely and now my temperatures have dropped to 82-84 apt stays around 76-77 so I guess its not to bad.

The ladies keep growing and growing, the Tahoe OG has now shown a ton of resin in the past 2 days!! I will post a photo in the next few days so you can see the progress.


Well-Known Member
Thank you Foolet!

Last night I noticed that there was quite a bit of white dust built up on the soil....after some research I realized it was salt build up. So I did a 1 gallon flush with 2ml of bud candy for some extra sugar to help boost them. Well this morning the soil is black as night again and the plants look amazing! I am happy I caught this soon so I didnt get some sort of nutrient lock up.


Well-Known Member
Week 4 Update:

Well everything is pretty stable, the girls keep growing so I had to do some emergency lst....all I had was paper clips and shoe laces. Not the best tie down, I should have started earlier. Here are some photos, its amazing how much growth happened since my flush. It seems they grew with just Bud Candy and water ahah

Tahoe OG Top Shot
tahoe og top shot week 3.jpg

Tahoe OG Side Shot

Tahoe Og Week 4 Side Shot.jpg

Here is the Sour Bubble, its finally starting to show likes its flowering.


Well-Known Member
Week 5 Update (will actually start in 12 its a few days preemptive haha)

I noticed last week that I was having salt build up, so I did a flush using only bud candy. Now when I was about to water I noticed the soil has white all over it again. I am pretty sure I shouldn't be worried about it as the ladies haven't shown any signs of stress, but can anyone confirm this? (just to put my mind at ease)

I cut back on the nutrients by 1 ml for each bottle, I am still at less 50% recommended and its still burning a bit :(
Other than that everything is going smooth. Hope you all had a great 4th!

Here are some photos

Tahoe OG
Week 5 tahoe og.jpg

Group Shot

week 5 group shot.jpg


bud bootlegger
i didn't see it mentioned any where and i was wondering what kind of lighting you're using for that setup..