

Active Member
I bring my 1 year old girl in the garden back yard 3 or 4 times a day, she loves it so do I, it's crazy cause she's 16 months and just gets all over the place dodging dogs and everything, I was never a baby/kid person till I had one.


Active Member
she already knows what she can eat outta the garden too, they are like aliens that start in this pod inside mommy and come out eating and learning to control you

Granny weed

Well-Known Member
Target shooting is one.

I wake between 6am-2pm depending, have my Keurig cup of coffee from freshly grounded beans, do my business, read the daily news online, reply to emails-texts-phone messages, check messages/comments on my youtube channel(over 20,000 subs and 20 million video views), do my Ebay biz(1 hour) then have another cup of fresh coffee, maybe a few more. Eat lunch, brunch, whatever. Go for a walk in the woods. Tinker with some shit in the garage. Do any grow room needs. THEN, I grab a few guns, one day it might be a semi-auto glock and a AK, another day a .357 mag revolver and a .308 sniper rifle, walk to the edge of my property where my makeshift range is and I shoot. I work out for an hour or so then after that I need a damn nap, sometimes I masturbate first, working out makes me super horny just as getting high does. Get up an hour later and do whatever, more grow room work, jam out with stereo turned to 10. I sometimes play rambo in the woods to hone my survival skills. I cook and bake. I'm currently building my own hot-tub but have not finished yet, that will be a good hour of my day daily when finished. I clean my guns. Vacuum a lot. I usually start a fire out in the pit near sunset and have a few beers.
This is what I do about five days a week.
I drive into town once a week to do bank stuff, shopping ect. And about every other weekend I drive to Boise or Billings and party. I'm use to Chicago, Minneapolis, Milwaukee for the night-life but these two cities closer to me now are actually pretty fun.
I hit a concert, whether in Canada or the states, about 4-5 times a year. Usually Heavy Metal. And I visit the folks and old friends maybe twice a year in the mid-west and Cali.
This is my life. Somewhat lonely, but then again I kinda of enjoy that part. I've had a chaotic and busy life before so it's not so bad.

You ask what people do during the day for pleasure, well, everything I mentioned are those pleasures. But for some reason shooting guns is the most pleasurable to me. In some cases I've even passed up sex for firearms fun. Sick right?
No I wouldn't say sick, I would say unusual but then I like a shot with the gun myself to each his own I say. :-P


Well-Known Member
Watching Jeopardy while smoking a fatty.

Edit: Taking a shower everyday with my hubby. He does hog the mirror afterwards.
yep the shower thing is a must have in my household! Its gotta be daily to im weird like that! I used to interact with lots of folks but ive realized the older i get i wont EVER get better company than my dog and 4 cats, noone will EVER love me like they do! true story!


Well-Known Member
I break into peoples houses, strip naked,cover myself in peanut butter and roll around on their floors. Then I leave.
SO IT WAS YOU ! What a relief I thought I'd done that in my sleep.
Thanks for finally coming clean ...
Oh yeah finding out the voices in my head are just coming from the ear buds I forgot to remove........quite pleasureable !


Well-Known Member
FLaming pie could mean fire pussy, or fire bush pussy, or a red headed chick's pussy.

I prefer the word pussy over cunt. I dont like the word cunt. It sounds so vulgar. Weenis is a funny word.


Well-Known Member
I know it's not good for me but, the first cig of the day. I've started making a habbit out of going outside in the morning, sitting down with a cup of coffee and a cigarette and a small munchie type breakfast. Then I just sit quietly enjoying and taking everything listening to the birds sing and watch and listen as cars go by on their way to work. The early morning is always the best time of day. The quiet, the solitude, often the beauty! I like going for walks and being out later at night when everyone is asleep for the same reasons, with the added bonus of stars and bird's songs change to owl's hoots and crickets :)


Sector 5 Moderator
Did you know that Little Wayne, or Lil Wayne, recently surpassed Elvis for the most top 100 hits on billboards top 100. My mind has just been blasted.
That's just wrong. ...not saying it's incorrect - just wrong.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
It's cold tonigh so I'm makin soup!
Right now I have the fan in the window to bring in some cool air. We had a crazy windstorm that lasted most of the day. I've been cutting up fallen branches for hours. I thought the house was going to blow over. :shock: