Please take a sec and look at my pic. Is this powdery mildew?


I sprayed with baking soda. It doesn't seem to penetrate the grey area. Any other suggestions? Only the 2 fan leaves where this problem exists show any stress. The rest of the plant is healthy. Rest of the garden looks good. Very surprised this happened in my outdoor grow. This is Bubblicious. Thanks.Bubblicious-Mold.jpg


that looks shady as hell i would guess that is mold. whr did u here usein bakin soda?? otherwise i would think its bark and deff not that. plus its taking the energy from your leaves. try i spray bottle of spring water focused on that shit.


Active Member
that looks like a pretty bad grey mold aka botrytis patch to me. spraying it with water of any sorts is the last thing I would recommend. since it appears to be ringing your stem it seems as though surgery is not an option. you want to dry that stuff out, it needs water to grow. get a fungicide, like Safer brand and mix it with half rubbing alcohol. spray the spot every day. thin out some leaves in the area to get more air flow and light and cross your fingers cuz that shit can seriously stunt or kill your plant.


Thanks Aruka. I'm not holding out much hope and I've isolated it from the others. We will see. I will post some follow ups.


Active Member
with ur stem damaged like that i would almost recomend removal to keep it from spreading worse. may want to as well think it may be a pest (army worm perhaps) inside the stem thats doing that....... removal as well. better picture would help. a plant wont rot like that in the middle of it outside. at least i would hardly think so. outside isnt a very good place to grow mold. little lone in the middle of the main stem. better/closer pic would help to look for the fur. perhaps look ur main stem over top to bottem for an "entry point" would help. did you notice the growth stunt rescently? goodtimez


Thanks for writing. This isn't furry. It is really odd. You may be right regarding a pest. This doesn't really make sense that it is growing on an outdoor plant. I was pretty shocked to see it. I am going to be a botonist before it is all over dissecting this plant up to figure out what caused it. It is a mighty thick canopy created from this Nirvana strain, but you've got to understand, this is in a VERY windy location.