*Please help*

I have 1 plant in veg right now which I am going to start flowering in 2 weeks. I am using all daylight spectrum cfls right now. I was thinking of putting one cheap 10 watt led flowering /Bud spot light in there to prime her for flowering. I don't think it would hurt. What do you all think?


Well-Known Member
It would be similar to adding maybe 20 more watts of CFL. The plant would be a little bigger going into flower and should produce a little better.


Active Member
I have seen people grow with both MH/HPS on. No experience nor do i know if it is any better or even worst. But im pretty sure it would not change anything till you hit the lights 12/12. I started growing with CFLS in my current grow. Pretty satisfied, but rule of thumb the more CFL the better lol


Well-Known Member
I was thinking of putting one cheap 10 watt led flowering /Bud spot light in there to prime her for flowering. I don't think it would hurt. What do you all think?
It depends, if it's just some Chinese-based bulb why bother really, just add another CFL or 2 or something with more wattage. Or better yet get a LED spotlight from Home Depot/Lowe's and get some white LED goodness in there.

So who makes this light, like this:

If the LEDs look like that, don't bother you'll probably be dissapointed. Those style of LEDs aren't the grade you want to flower, or even grow, marijuana with. Those are called "Through-Hole" leds btw.


Well-Known Member
So the purple spectrum would not hurt the plant for the next 2 weeks of veg?
Didn't know it was purple, but no, wouldn't hurt the plant. Purple is probably a good supplement for white light. You're not going to be anywhere near phototropic saturation so as long as it's not getting things too hot in there, more light is better. You didn't say anything about price though. I suspect the bud spot light has better efficiency than typical CFL bulbs, but perhaps not by much and perhaps not for the price. You can find 10w or larger white LED spotlights at hardware stores. That's what I was commenting on to begin with. They typically run around 100-110 LPW with a reflector to prevent the majority of reflective loss.