Please help.worried fellow grower.


Well-Known Member
Looks like it should work-it's just a bit fiddly getting the temps right where you want them.
-4? Well chilly. We were around zero here, but tent temp was 20c when I went for the morning gloat.
Drop me a line, let me know how it goes. Cheers.


Well-Known Member
Yes, in a Budbox. Might as well be outdoors it gets that cold. I was using a hydro system, but the humidity/condensation was something shocking. The fan helped more than you can know, but I am now using 4 pots with a smart watering system - its a lot easier to maintain as well as not filling the tent with water vapour, ph test once every res fill for a start.


Well-Known Member
mite be best to go soil next grow, what are your night temps.
going to be another cold, wet one, its flooding round by us.


Well-Known Member
the temps nearly had my plants the other night also -5 the plants nearly froze even with the heater on.
ive had to bring my plants indoors at night. and keep the heating on in the room, where they are.


Well-Known Member
yeh its the cold,,,ive been having the same prob as you,,the nights are cold ere in england,,,ive got a heater in my room now so thatll help.peace.


Well-Known Member
i ended up killing 2 plants, one night by turning it up too much"the heater"
whos to know how cold its going to be.
the other night on the news it said -2 but it was -6 in my garden.
its hard to get the temps right, due to it been cold one night, and not on others.
thats stupid english weather for us.
its that cold even the dogs wont go out.
everything is solid.
the sun isnt even out yet and its 1pm. just foggy.


Well-Known Member
Bleedin' 'orrible here-I set the fan heater to a low setting and leave it to kick in and out itself and I don't let it blow directly on plants. It would be impossible for me without it.
Here's to Spring.


Well-Known Member
Bleedin' 'orrible here-I set the fan heater to a low setting and leave it to kick in and out itself and I don't let it blow directly on plants. It would be impossible for me without it.
Here's to Spring.
same here.
i had my heater on no 5 last week, and it was too cold, turned it up the next night and my night temps were fine.
then the next night i left the heater on the same setting, and it nearly killed 2 plants, too hot, cos it was warmer outside that night, so i turned the heater down the next night, and my plants were frozen nearly. cos it was colder out side, and the garage might as well be outside, cos it gets so cold.
ive started to bring them in.
hope i havent stressed them?.


Well-Known Member
Doubt it, any way we've got to grow what we have and keep the fingers crossed it all works out in the end...


Well-Known Member
cannot wait for spring, i have a few grow places i might grow.
i going to go all"BROWNDIRTWARRIOR" lol. and maybe sell some
only messing.
i will be growing around 10 diff plants outdoor this spring.
any views on good english outdoor strains,if they is such a thing,im up north, not south. we are colder the south.
any views?. on good outdoor strains anyone?.


Well-Known Member
I am putting out Clones of SuperSkunk works very well around here-I know what you mean about BDW, my Wife and I have a houseboat on the river-so many deserted little Islands with no People or Rabbits, begging for a nice Sativa.


Well-Known Member
yes id vegg the female clones for 4 weeks or so b4 i planted out.
planted some seedlings last year and they got eaten over night.


Well-Known Member
Never happened in my garden, but the wild woods are a dangerous place for a young lady. I wonder about staggering them-putting out some in veg in mid-late June, then some in forced,early flower in late August (i also will try spring flowering, but in my Garden)