C I tried to do it that way but not sure if my soils good enough started with 2 bags of organic potting mix 80% humus 20% earthworm castings to that I added another organic potting soil with peat moss,pine bark,composted rice hulls,red sledge peat,worm castings,dolimite lime.and sand,to that I added 8lbs coco,8lbs worm castings and another bag perilite.drainage isn't a problem I water about a cup and a half water every other day and half runs out the bottom of my pots as far as I know my soil should be good unless you can see something I didn't add that I should have tried to use schools super soil recipes I actually think I should just be watering my plants but I'm scared there's not enough nutrients in my soil for them and forgot to put it in but in the last few days before I planted I added a 20lb bag of composted cow manure should I be feeding nutes or does my soil have enough nutrients in it