Please help plants not doing good at all

Thanks for the advice the yellow spots could that be nutes burn from folar feeding someone said thrips but I checked every plant with a 40x scope don't see any bugs thanks again goto

I understand no offense taken I'm here for the help all criticism is welcome that's the only way I will get things under control I want to have a perpetual grow but I'm waiting till I know I have this room dialed in first thanks again
Tried starting to many in to small a space will be removing all of them when weather breaks here in about a month
C I tried to do it that way but not sure if my soils good enough started with 2 bags of organic potting mix 80% humus 20% earthworm castings to that I added another organic potting soil with peat moss,pine bark,composted rice hulls,red sledge peat,worm castings,dolimite lime.and sand,to that I added 8lbs coco,8lbs worm castings and another bag perilite.drainage isn't a problem I water about a cup and a half water every other day and half runs out the bottom of my pots as far as I know my soil should be good unless you can see something I didn't add that I should have tried to use schools super soil recipes I actually think I should just be watering my plants but I'm scared there's not enough nutrients in my soil for them and forgot to put it in but in the last few days before I planted I added a 20lb bag of composted cow manure should I be feeding nutes or does my soil have enough nutrients in it
C I tried to do it that way but not sure if my soils good enough started with 2 bags of organic potting mix 80% humus 20% earthworm castings to that I added another organic potting soil with peat moss,pine bark,composted rice hulls,red sledge peat,worm castings,dolimite lime.and sand,to that I added 8lbs coco,8lbs worm castings and another bag perilite.drainage isn't a problem I water about a cup and a half water every other day and half runs out the bottom of my pots as far as I know my soil should be good unless you can see something I didn't add that I should have tried to use schools super soil recipes I actually think I should just be watering my plants but I'm scared there's not enough nutrients in my soil for them and forgot to put it in but in the last few days before I planted I added a 20lb bag of composted cow manure should I be feeding nutes or does my soil have enough nutrients in it
Not schools subcools super soil recipe is from grow weed
C I tried to do it that way but not sure if my soils good enough started with 2 bags of organic potting mix 80% humus 20% earthworm castings to that I added another organic potting soil with peat moss,pine bark,composted rice hulls,red sledge peat,worm castings,dolimite lime.and sand,to that I added 8lbs coco,8lbs worm castings and another bag perilite.drainage isn't a problem I water about a cup and a half water every other day and half runs out the bottom of my pots as far as I know my soil should be good unless you can see something I didn't add that I should have tried to use schools super soil recipes I actually think I should just be watering my plants but I'm scared there's not enough nutrients in my soil for them and forgot to put it in but in the last few days before I planted I added a 20lb bag of composted cow manure should I be feeding nutes or does my soil have enough nutrients in it
subcools recipe and grow techniques are inferior ways to do it man.
With that much manure in it, you won't need any food for a LONG time.
Ok can you suggest a good recipe I am just going off of what I used 10 years ago and what I'm finding on the web any help on a recipe us greatly appreciated so I shouldn't be adding nutes then just phd water.
And any suggestions on what I can add to my mix to help break down the manure was thinking about getting some earthworms and adding to my pots
it says it's composted manure, so you don't need to break it down further.
If it's truly composted.
it'd be steamy and stinky if it wasn't though.
I wouldn't add manure and worms together, cows get REALLY strong anti-worm medicine, and I know that it can kill all the worms.
Okay thanks didn't have a smell and the bag said it was composted so what should I added if it wasn't composted or is it to late to take care of since I already flipped them
the recipe I use is ALL predicated on having a great leaf-compost.
so I can give you a recipe that works but not the one i'm using currently.
go with the norm coots ratio
33/33/33 equal parts compost, aeration, and peat or coco.
then add four cups of nutrients per cubic foot.
2-4 cups of minerals per cubic foot.
and example would be
half cup of the following
neem meal
fish meal
crab meal
alfalfa meal

whole cup of kelp meal
whole cup of fishbone meal
then a cup of oyster flour (not counted as either nutrients or minerals)
OR a half cup of d-lime (oyster flour is better imo)
3 cups of minerals
basalt, granite, soft rock, etc.
I don;t like azomite, but that's cuz I compost, and composting can break azomite down (low ph, fulvic acids, etc), allowing aluminum to be uptook by the soil

the key is to find the best damn compost or worm castings you can find.
Fresh quality humus is MORE important than almost anything,

then aeration, pumice, perlite, volcanic rock, etc.
then you must age this soil for about two months.
I ike to age soil in their final containers, and planting legumes in the soil as it breaks down is a good idea, you'll visually see the legumes EXPLODE when the soil's nutrients become bio-available
Cool much thanks don't know if I'll have enough time to cool it this year plants witnessed going out in about a month but will be getting everything together for next year's outside grow and for my next inside run thanks so much
Grease monkey your saying as it's aging plant legumes in it right and then when the soil is ready I'll c it from the legumes then take the out and plants go in
Watered tonight tested phone in runoff 6.5 not feeding any more nutes will I have to flush since I'm Nott using nutes and what do you think about using guano teas
Update on plants 1week into flowerDSC_0106.JPG


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