Please help pics plus rep if you can solve this riddle Super Cali Haze in dire need!


Well-Known Member
Had a friend advise me to take the plant out of the pot in a work sink and wash away all the soil and re-pot with new soil. Your thoughts?


New Member
Had a friend advise me to take the plant out of the pot in a work sink and wash away all the soil and re-pot with new soil. Your thoughts?
Its already pretty stressed and doing so would just add insult to injury. I would try to get it to recover in its present container.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys I intend to flush and start over. I was told at my local hydro shop that cal mag has plenty of N in it. I've been using that regularly along with Tiger Bloom at 1/2 strength (every other water).

CALMAG is only like 1% nitrogen


Well-Known Member
fuck it i'm done arguing with you guys, I guess we will agree to disagree.. To OP, good luck dude and hopefully she recovers


Active Member
what is your soil ph? did you flush at all? never foliar feed pot plants, at least imo. too much moisture creates mold, and in basements, it can be a huge problem.

maybe check and see if the plant is root bound, may need a bigger pot. if you squeeze around the pot, you should be able to take it out without damaging any roots.

i would probably just check to see if its root bound, if yes, transplant and water with just water, maybe add some FF big bloom since its so low in nutes and helps repair roots. if no then put it in the sink or bathtub. run a shitload of water through it, like 2-3 times the pot gallon size. use a flushing agent if you want. but that last gallon i would put in the FF big Bloom.


Well-Known Member
don't bother dude, they are stuck on the fact it has nutrient burn when he was barley feeding it anything... He is gonna flush and then wonder why it's getting worse


Well-Known Member
really appreciate the input. Def not here to start an argument. Thanks to everyone who contributed their thoughts. I'll post some pics when I decide what the hell to do and hopefully will save her. It really is a shame the node spacing was excellent, could have been a rockstar.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
don't bother dude, they are stuck on the fact it has nutrient burn when he was barley feeding it anything... He is gonna flush and then wonder why it's getting worse

He is useing Miracle grow soil. I have known people who have completed a whole crop in that crap with out feeding them once. I think they named it miracle grow, because it is a miracle if anything grows in that crap. I also see that the plant has been nutrient burnt, especially since he is useing that soil.
Let me ask you this. What did the plant look like before you fed it?


Well-Known Member
Please just check your runoff for me what is the ec or tds or ppm on the way in just this once feed it at 230ppm calmag then recheck runoff if it is higher than 600ppm leach those ladies a little till your down to a less salty level... Are you on well water like me? I needed a ro filter to get my levels acceptable


Active Member
He is useing Miracle grow soil. I have known people who have completed a whole crop in that crap with out feeding them once. I think they named it miracle grow, because it is a miracle if anything grows in that crap. I also see that the plant has been nutrient burnt, especially since he is useing that soil.
Let me ask you this. What did the plant look like before you fed it?
the only good thing about miracle grow is bugs dont like it but thats because the shit is so chemical. i recommend using only top quality soils like fox farm or amazon bloom. remember though, fox farm is extremely acidic, seriously i recommend adding a whole freaking cup of lime per gallon of soil. and that amazon bloom stuff you may want to add perlite. it has coconut shell to help drainage but i still like adding a bit of perlite.


Well-Known Member
to me this plant just looks actually burnt and dried out, I would #1 check for temps, proper air ven, and Humidity. Doesnt anyone else notice the leave are physically should try babying it and up the humidity and check your temps some strains cant stand heat as well as others. In my opinion it looks more to me like a physical issue(s), rather than the bandwagons assessment of a nutritional one.


Well-Known Member
lol...not gunna say anything max, we've had our discussion, and i intend to keep it as u said it...agree to disagree, but i think im right?...ya it would make me feel better if you said j/k man.


Well-Known Member
to me this plant just looks actually burnt and dried out, I would #1 check for temps, proper air ven, and Humidity. Doesnt anyone else notice the leave are physically should try babying it and up the humidity and check your temps some strains cant stand heat as well as others. In my opinion it looks more to me like a physical issue(s), rather than the bandwagons assessment of a nutritional one.
no actually, i havent noticed they are actually burnt...because they are not. nutrient burn, and actual burn look way different, and not at all what i see in that pic.


Well-Known Member
Super Cali Haze under 180 PG.jpgNo it was not cloned it was a super auto from Short Stuff Seeds, which from my experience usually does very well in MG Soil. Speaking of which lets get the roll call, what medium to your recommend/personal fav? attached is the last good picture before it all went to shit. It's probably not heat stress. I have it under a 180w LED light proably 6 in from the canopy. There is almost no heat produced.


Well-Known Member
DSC00760.jpgDSC00758.jpgFor reference here are some other plants using the same medium/lights/nutes. Yes one of them had/still does have a N def. None are quite as bad as the picture on page one of this thread


Well-Known Member
lololol I just hope he can get some smokable weed from it, and as he stated the plant has been in the same soil for 7-8 months and I don't care how good the soil is, there is no way food will last that long. I DO agree that tb is some potent shit but I still stick to my theory that it's completely underfed.. How much tiger bloom did you feed it and how many feedings with it? I know alot of people are gonna disagree with me and the only reason i am saying what i'm saying is because this has happened to me in promix before. This will make EVERYONE happy... FLUSH, FEED AND LET HER BE and see what happens