Please help pics plus rep if you can solve this riddle Super Cali Haze in dire need!


Well-Known Member
Super Cali Haze, super screwed up. All the leaves and new growth are turning brown and dying. I've had this happen before and wound up losing the plant. Its odd because nothing has been done differently compared to other plants which are doing fine. Soil is MG Moisture Control, have been using Cal Mag and Fox Farms Tiger Bloom (not at full strength since the MG already has nutes mixed in). Please help a fellow gardening enthusiast.



Well-Known Member
Question 1 I'm willing to bet it's been in the same soil for some period of time?
Question 2. Have you fed it anything? Looks like it has a severe N def..


Well-Known Member
the same soil has been used new out of the bag from start to now (70-80 days or so). I have fed w/ 1/2 doses of cal mag and tiger bloom. It doesn't seem to be as thirsty as my other plants. The soil stays damp far longer. Leads me to believe there may also be an issue with the root system.

I'm inclined to believe its not a N def as lower leaves aren't turning yellow or in some cases aren't even turning brown at the ends. Your thoughts?


Well-Known Member
looks super nute burnt to me man...are they all the same strain? even so i think some plants do better then others as far as ammount of supplements they can handle. and why may i ask do you think it is a root issue? root rot leaves your plant super droopy, and dead lookin. plants small fan leaves ( whats left of them ) look perky...overall physical attributes of a healthy MJ plant are there, minus the burnt to shit leaves...thats it. nute burnt, ans stickin to it...i'd giver a good 'ol leachin. or flushing for everyone


Well-Known Member
the only other plant ive ever seen look like that but much worse, was the guy that sprayed his outdoor beauty with neem oil mid day...ya it fries his girl.


Well-Known Member
sorry, but it also does look deficient, but N def. i dont think lean more towards a Ca, and or Mg. both of which can be fixed with some!!!???? u guessed it...calmag.


Well-Known Member
it looks Nitrogen deficient right now. and there are evident signs that it was nute burned badly at one time. feeding too much Epsom salt(cal/mag) blocks out Nitrogen. you should cut out the Epsom salt for a little while, and also feed them some fertilizer asap.


Well-Known Member
has the characteristics of nute burn as the edges of the leaves seem to be most effected. however.... this is definitely a deficiency/burn.. theres no way its a burn because your soil has been the same for 80 days? almost 3 months. NO soil nutrients last that long, they're typically leeched out in 3 weeks maybe a month. what you need to do is fuckin feed this bitch, you're starving it, and if you're misting it/foliar feeding stop. also you need to flush it as well because there may be a lockout


Well-Known Member
it looks Nitrogen deficient right now. and there are evident signs that it was nute burned badly at one time. feeding too much Epsom salt(cal/mag) blocks out Nitrogen. you should cut out the Epsom salt for a little while, and also feed them some fertilizer asap.
sorry, but what leaf on that pic. looks N deficient? have you ever experienced a plant that is N def.? not a single leaf has those characteristics...i read an interesting chart a while back that listed PH, and the ideal range that a plant in soil or hydro can take in supplements. ill have to find it, but anyway Ca, and Mg are the 2 easiest elements to lockout...not saying it isnt def. in N, considering the terrible look of the leaves, but regardless, i think the appropriate thing to do would be to leach, and then go from there.


Well-Known Member
my bad...just reread the use of cal mag. def. possible but IMO lookin at those leaves, the N deficiency would be more predominant, like...all yellow leaves, and the bottom of the plant would be bare...u get it.


Well-Known Member
You have burnt the shit out of them, you have feed too much nutes and have u also been foliar spraying when the lights are on??

Flush the plant and only give water for a week and pray it makes a recovery. Weed is a hardy plant but your going to have to veg that for a rew weeks to get good new growth and your going to end up with a tall lanky plant. If you got others on the go, I would just get rid. Your call though. Good luck


Well-Known Member
yeah it may, unfortunately come to that. Thanks to all for the advice. I've got her on plain filtered water right now and will begin more tiger bloom soon.


Well-Known Member
Dude I'm telling you that, that is a severe Nitrogen def... It's 70-80 days old and you only fed it 1/2 strength once?? I would bet my life that its an N def and to the person that said its not showing a "typical" N def syms then you have never seen a plant that has a severe N def.... good luck bro and I wouldn't steer you wrong


New Member
That plants looks fried and close to well done too should be able to flush it safely beings it has been in the MG for a couple of months.


Well-Known Member
Dude I'm telling you that, that is a severe Nitrogen def... It's 70-80 days old and you only fed it 1/2 strength once?? I would bet my life that its an N def and to the person that said its not showing a "typical" N def syms then you have never seen a plant that has a severe N def.... good luck bro and I wouldn't steer you wrong
please max...explain to me how a plant that is as far along as his is N deficient, but has the same fucked up looking leaves all the way to the bottom of the plant??? damn explore other answers to problems


Well-Known Member
look at the leaf close to midway down, directly in front of his right foot...that baby looks good. N deficient...give it more N and burn it more is your advice eh?


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys I intend to flush and start over. I was told at my local hydro shop that cal mag has plenty of N in it. I've been using that regularly along with Tiger Bloom at 1/2 strength (every other water).