Please help! My babies are dying!


Well-Known Member
Good advice by cdnbud, but dont feel compelled to water a shot glass everyday, only water wen they need it..
you can always add more water, you cant take it back. GL


Active Member
Would it be advisable to use the heat pad I used for germinating to help speed up the drying of the soil?


deff. dont mist them. your jut kicking em down with water i bet. you should mist maybe around 5 weeks or so if you feel like it. they do like being misted with plain water. before you do all that i would seriously work on getting those fuckers to stand up. fist set would be throwing a light fan on them. you have a few that look like they should make it. i would suggest next time if your having some over watering problems to just start out in some cubes and then transplant them to soil after about two weeks of seeing healthy root and stem growth which is all your about at this point. i would also use about 30 percent perelite in your soil mix. and you can if you want start feeding them the Grow Big at about 2 weeks 1/8 every other. watch your leaves.


Active Member
deff. dont mist them. your jut kicking em down with water i bet. you should mist maybe around 5 weeks or so if you feel like it. they do like being misted with plain water. before you do all that i would seriously work on getting those fuckers to stand up. fist set would be throwing a light fan on them. you have a few that look like they should make it. i would suggest next time if your having some over watering problems to just start out in some cubes and then transplant them to soil after about two weeks of seeing healthy root and stem growth which is all your about at this point. i would also use about 30 percent perelite in your soil mix. and you can if you want start feeding them the Grow Big at about 2 weeks 1/8 every other. watch your leaves.
Yeah I have stopped misting entirely, and will not be watering again until the soil is completely dried out.

I've been thinking about using rockwool cubes for seedlings next time, but I have read a lot of people saying that's not advisable for soil grows and start with soil if you're transplanting into soil.


Well-Known Member
Would it be advisable to use the heat pad I used for germinating to help speed up the drying of the soil?
i wouldnt but if u did then watch ur soil temps, my logical thinking would be overly wet warm rootzone = rootrot, but thats just my opinion..
Get a gentle fan on them should help drying out. My seedlings have a fan on them from day dot, they stand up to the highest setting on my fan easily.
Fuck nutes wen they are seedlings. imo seedling stage is the least forgiving and u should do the least meddling at this stage..
Soil or rockwool? well u already got the soil so just master this first, both ways are just as simple as eachother, its prob easier to overwater rockwool.. make sure ur soil is free draining and airy :peace:

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
Yeah I have stopped misting entirely, and will not be watering again until the soil is completely dried out.

I've been thinking about using rockwool cubes for seedlings next time, but I have read a lot of people saying that's not advisable for soil grows and start with soil if you're transplanting into soil.
i've started using jiffy pellets and have really had near perfect results, the last grow i set the tray on top of my cable box it keeps the temps near 80 deg.


Active Member
QUOTE=ns420;3470044]How do I make a ring 3" out from the stem when the plants are in 1"x1" plastic inserts?

Would the fact that I am using Fox Farms Happy Frog soil for my seedlings cause some sort of nute burn to occur?[/QUOTE]
I had no idea you were in such a small container...or I wouldn't have suggested it Imean c'mon really man...I was trying to help you.....if I said a 3" ring and you didn't have 3 "s to give well that should have told you:!:
"hey I might be in too small of a container"...good luck


Active Member

This is my proposal for your course of action:

First off stop watering !!!!!!

let the soil dry.


once the soil is decently dry transplant the seedlings into your final grow container. 1 gallon per foot of growth you want to acheave (personally i use 2 gallon buckets and my girls are 28in tall when all said and done)

it is ok to transplant now. just be sober and be careful. if the soil is dry pop it out and pace them in a 3-4in hole in the new gallon bucket. take handfulls of soil and fill in arounf the seedling, go ahead and burry a solid 2 in of your seedlings' growth. it will set you back on your vegitative timeline but it is well worth it in the end!!

once transplanted go ahead and wet the soil, dont drench them they will be fraigil.

for the next 5 days one shot glass of water each everyday.

after that give them a cup of water every other day. growth slowes after your transplant for about a week so dont freak out, but it has to happen sometime, thats why you should transplant into your final grow container.

Check out my grow journal, i transplanted at the age your at and all went smooth.

Good luck and QUIT WATERING SO MUCH !!! MJ doesnt do well in wet climates, the shit grows in the afganistan and shit.

I told you when the soil dries and changes color then give it a shot of water in that ring....fuck man don't let people fuck your work up...slow down research see what works best for your strain....
Don't do what everyone tells you ....listen research and see if it applies toward your grow...dude was right...he just blew up...too many people not researching and sending good seeds and plants on suicide missions...if you don't know practice on swag or tomatoes...good luck hope this helps

sir rance alot

Active Member
Damn CdnBud.. I would hate to see when you are trying to be a prick...lmao... But seriously 420, some of the questions on here from the newbies are over the top.. Things like, I have 30 seeds I planted in mayonaisse jar, I water 3 times a day and I have them under a lamp from my moms bedroom, how long before I get some poundage.. Or.. I have 10 plants in my 4 x 8 closet with 2 flashlights and a photograph of the sun, is this enough light or should I add another 60 watt bulb? Dont get me wrong, I am by no means a pro, but please people.. If you havent grown before, start with some bag seed to get a better understanding of growth patterns before spending money on preemo seeds. That being said, just read around this site and you will find the answers you need in most of the stickied posts here. Most everyone here has had the same problems your having. The first grow is always gonna suck for 99% of the people trying. The two absolute GODS of weed are Ed Rosenthal and Jorge Cervantes..Also, check Danny Dank articles on high times. You will learn more from these 3 people than everyone here can show you in a lifetime.


Active Member
So far I have had people tell me I have overwatered, underwatered, had too much light, and that the containers I am using are too small...

So in summary I should:

1.) Use Jiffy Pellets for seedlings rather than seedling inserts.
2.) Put the germinated seeds (root pointing up) into the jiffy pellet, just under the surface.
3.) Water with one shot glass (approximately 50ml) when the jiffy pellet becomes completely dried out.
4.) Use less lights.
5.) Transplant into a larger pot once the roots start showing through the jiffy pellet.

Is this correct?


Well-Known Member
Alright bro, it's all about the wet/dry cycly. So the plant get's plenty of moisture and oxygen. Over watering pretty much means not enough oxygen to the roots... I germinate papertowel method. When taproot is 1/4 in long get a solo or dixi cup, cut plenty of holes in the botom (you can't really have to many) for drainage. Fill the cup with plain 'ol soil and SOAK the soil with distilled water and let all the excess water drain out for 15-20 minutes. After the excess water has drained out make a hole in the soil in the center of the dixi cup 1/4 in deep (not very deep at all). Plant seed (TAP ROOT DOWN is what I do) and just barely brush siol over top (do NOT pack down at ALL). Cover the dixi cup with plastic wrap (I used a zip lock bag) for about a week to keep the moisture in (doing this you should not have to water at all for about the first week, maybe just a slight misting, but I didn't) and keep the cup 2-3 in away from cfl's. And just take the plastic wrap off 2-3 times a day to get some fresh air flow. After about a week take the plastic wrap off and put that bitch under some heavy air flow to strengthen the stem. Boom! Your golden! Hope this helps!

P.S. As of right now, I'd let your seedlings dirt dry the fuck out!.. Just my $0.02

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
pick through and use what works for you apparently you need to change something ,nobody can tell you what to do , people are just giving an opinion on what they have experienced or have read other peoples posting


Well-Known Member
You know wots WORSE then stupid questions??
taking the time to answer them and not getting a fucking +rep for ur troubles


Active Member
You know wots WORSE then stupid questions??
taking the time to answer them and not getting a fucking +rep for ur troubles
Maybe you should post because you want to help people learning, rather than to get +rep. I don't frequent these forums, and didn't even pay attention to the fact that they had a rep system. I went through the thread and gave +rep to everyone that gave advice and then didn't feel the need to act like an idiot a day or two later.

And there is no such thing as a stupid question, only stupid responses. It might seem simple and basic to someone that has worked with plants before, but this is all new to me.


Well-Known Member
Honestly you should really try and get a bunch of shit bag seed and practice. Having this much difficulty during Seedling does not bode well for future stages. From the looks of it, you're gonna suffer many casualties before you finally get some bud D:

When your bored or have some free time, just browse these forums. I'm about a month into my first grow and have some beautiful plants, because prior to the start I would spend hours upon hours reading Grow journals and every Question thread I saw.


Active Member
I think my biggest confusion is about all the conflicting opinions of how to water seedlings. I have learned that I don't need to water nearly as much as some people recommend. I had done a considerable amount of reading and watching grow DVDs, but I did not focus enough attention on how to water my seedlings or what size containers to use.

I concentrated more of my time on researching the laws for medical use here in Michigan, and what lights and equipment to buy.

I plan on germinating some bagseed for my next batch of plants, and until I get things down I will stick to them so I don't have to be so stressed out if I lose plants.

Growing is honestly not my thing, but being low income and a medical patient it's the only way I can obtain my medicine. I can not afford to pay street prices.


Well-Known Member
The different opinions about watering is probably just people saying how much they themselves water, without taking into account the difference in container size. Basically you only want to water when the soil is dry at about 2 inches deep. Your seedling pots are probably to small right now, but generally you can just test with your finger.

Just remember that MJ will handle drought a hell of a lot better then it will handle over water.

And yea I know what you mean about buying it. The ridiculous prices are what inspired me to grow. Sadly I'm still stuck buying it for a little while longer :(