I don't honestly believe in free will, every conscious thought is the effect of a previous cause, reality is seen through the screen of past experience and these unconscious perspectives completely dictate how we act and react to reality. Even those who appear to have good self control only have it because their minds have been conditioned in such a way. How could the subject, the witness, possibly affect the material universe?
Let me give you an example: You drive the same car to work on the same route every day, after awhile it becomes very intuitive for you, both the road and the car, all of the signs and all of the buttons, the handling of the car, even the timing and rhythm of the drive all become ingrained in the unconscious mind, eventually you can drive to work on autopilot on a subconscious level, it is in fact the unconscious that has control of the will while the conscious is free to daydream and sing along to the radio or socialize or anything, all the while paying somewhat attention to the road and receiving real world data, which in the blink of an eye can be realized as most important and can bring the conscious mind to a halt and instinctively direct your actions, the unconscious ultimately controls everything you do.