Please help me with my 1st auto-flowering growing

Hello, I bought 2 auto-flowering seeds from Dinafem and I germinated them and after that I put them into containers with soil but it seems that I have really big problem ... Its been 3 weeks and the first one almost popped out but the second one was going well untill its leaves dropped and I think at the end of the leaves is little burnt and I don't know why please help with this issue and how can I fix it I will be VERY thankful because I am very excited for my first grow and I don't want my plants to die :(

Here are some pictures :

P.S.: Should I remove those little plants that are around my auto-flowering plant ?
Mix between normal soil from the store and soil with Californian worms.

Are they outside? That would explain foreign flora. I'd pick out the weird weeds, and maybe top the soil with sand or something to prevent things popping through.

Are you just feeding water? No feed or anything? Sprouts and seedlings are delicate little shits, that's why you'll get recommended light/potting soil, that's a bit easier on the nutrients. You may have just got a "hot" soil. Just give water for a few more days, and monitor. If it gets any worse, I might be inclined to flush the soil.

Keep us updated, and good luck
Thank you .They are outside in conatainers (big pots). I feed them only water but I haven't watered them since 3-4 days because I read on the internet that they are droppy because of too much water :(. How often should I water them when they are so delicate and what is the best soil I could use so I can know if there is need to transplant them. The first one didn't even popped out and its been like 3 weeks ...
Nah, they don't need too much water at this stage. The roots need a nice wet-dry-wet-dry cycle, it will force the plant to push roots to look for water. If its wet all the time, they don't need to work, dont grow, plant dies.

When mine were tiny, I maybe watered every 4 days to a week, only a small amount too, they don't need lots.

If you don't want to transplant (kind of a grey area with autos, many think it stunts the plant) then like I say you should put a thick layer of sand or similar covering the soil, you want to stop those weeds getting any light whatsoever. Dont worry about burying most of the stem of your seedling, its the leaves that photosynthesize.

If you do want to repot, there's a word of different soils out there for you, some supersoils (homemade from recipe or store-bought) where you would only have to feed water through the plant'slife, or some lighter soils where you feed as necessary. The soil I currently use is BioBizz Light Mix which I very low nuted, no complaints so far. I'm experimenting with coco now also, and growth is great, just need to get into the swing of ph, ec, ppm, etc. Soil is easy in comparison. Keep it as simple as you can for now, dont feed unless the plant asks you to, and have fun!

I think that other seed went to seed heaven dude...
Nah, they don't need too much water at this stage. The roots need a nice wet-dry-wet-dry cycle, it will force the plant to push roots to look for water. If its wet all the time, they don't need to work, dont grow, plant dies.

When mine were tiny, I maybe watered every 4 days to a week, only a small amount too, they don't need lots.

If you don't want to transplant (kind of a grey area with autos, many think it stunts the plant) then like I say you should put a thick layer of sand or similar covering the soil, you want to stop those weeds getting any light whatsoever. Dont worry about burying most of the stem of your seedling, its the leaves that photosynthesize.

If you do want to repot, there's a word of different soils out there for you, some supersoils (homemade from recipe or store-bought) where you would only have to feed water through the plant'slife, or some lighter soils where you feed as necessary. The soil I currently use is BioBizz Light Mix which I very low nuted, no complaints so far. I'm experimenting with coco now also, and growth is great, just need to get into the swing of ph, ec, ppm, etc. Soil is easy in comparison. Keep it as simple as you can for now, dont feed unless the plant asks you to, and have fun!

I think that other seed went to seed heaven dude...

Thank you for the info bro. Can you link me some recipes for homemade supersoil since I have natural homemade soil of excrement. Also can you tell me should I start with little pots and then move the to bigger ones ore for the autos those are good ? Also should I feed them with blood and bone dust ?
Mate, to be honest with you I'd consider myself new to the game still. All I can give you is some parroted general consensus.

I've yet to make supersoil myself, and can't find any pre made for sale here in the UK, but I love the idea of just watering, no fussing with feeds and such.

Let me know how you get on!

Start autos in their final pot, they don't like to be tranplanted.
You can buy supersoils deigned for cannabis, and autoflowers in particular. Mephisto Genetics for example sell a soil activator.
Blood and bone would make up part of your recipe for super soil, I'm sure. Google a dude, nay - legend, called Subcool. He seems to be the guy people think of when it comes to Supersoil.
Hello, I bought 2 auto-flowering seeds from Dinafem and I germinated them and after that I put them into containers with soil but it seems that I have really big problem ... Its been 3 weeks and the first one almost popped out but the second one was going well untill its leaves dropped and I think at the end of the leaves is little burnt and I don't know why please help with this issue and how can I fix it I will be VERY thankful because I am very excited for my first grow and I don't want my plants to die :(

Here are some pictures :

P.S.: Should I remove those little plants that are around my auto-flowering plant ?
You need to water then if the soil is dry down to you second knuckle...I give mine a good water, I grow in pots and I soak them when I water them. Whats with the weeds? If I were you I would cover the surface of the soil with some straw or scoria rocks to hold in moisture and keep down the weeds.
What size of pot are you in? Its easy to over water ( drooping a sign of over watering too ) when such a small plant is in a large pot. Its almost impossible to know how much water you need to give as the soil stays water logged for too long and oxygen is oxygen = droopy death. For auto i have read that you want a light notes for a good few weeks at least.
As for planting in the final pot, i have went against the grain. Had trouble with this before, hard to gauge how much water in the first few weeks because the water doesn't evaporate as easy or get sucked up by roots because there is hardly any. If you plant in a small pot for 2 weeks then before the roots start to reach the sides in great numbers, good watering, and simply slip it out the pot and into its final pot. If the roots haven't started to turn and create a cyclone pattern around the pot then transplant shock is almost non existent. My friend who is an experienced grower has experience in doing this method. Its just easier to manage the water amounts first few weeks
As for planting in the final pot, i have went against the grain. Had trouble with this before, hard to gauge how much water in the first few weeks because the water doesn't evaporate as easy or get sucked up by roots because there is hardly any. If you plant in a small pot for 2 weeks then before the roots start to reach the sides in great numbers, good watering, and simply slip it out the pot and into its final pot. If the roots haven't started to turn and create a cyclone pattern around the pot then transplant shock is almost non existent. My friend who is an experienced grower has experience in doing this method. Its just easier to manage the water amounts first few weeks
Thank you bro. I planted it in so big pots because its autoflowering strain and autoflowers don't adapt well when transplanted. Anyway now my plant is in flowering stage and I got a few problems.
1.Some hairs of the top and little lower become orange considering the fact that its very very early
2.One leaf is curling and becoming crunchy and have like white circles on it ...
3.I disturbingly found few small orange eggs on one leaf...
20160630_184832.jpg Like i said, if you transplant before the majority of roots get to the edge of the pot there is little shock to be experienced, and a little shock won't kill it. Overwatering or water logging the soil and then the oxygen being lowered in the soil due to sitting in water will.

Here is my super lemon auto, 3 weeks in. And transplanted.
View attachment 3721146 Like i said, if you transplant before the majority of roots get to the edge of the pot there is little shock to be experienced, and a little shock won't kill it. Overwatering or water logging the soil and then the oxygen being lowered in the soil due to sitting in water will.

Here is my super lemon auto, 3 weeks in. And transplanted.
I am growing outdoors not indoors ...
As for your issues, what type of soil did you start off in? I use plant magic, which is a super light mix with very little nutrients. I see your growing outside, which i have zero experience in so hopefully someone will come along and know what the problem is and you can get help. The eggs i'm sure can be fixed someone will recommend a fix for that as it is sure to be a common issue outdoors. I had a few little white spots before but it turned out to be watermarks! If your leaves are crispy i can only imagine its a sign that its not getting water to the leaf. Whats your humidity like outside? I keep my humidity 70-80% in Veg which i read lets the leave open its pores best.
Are you growing inside a propagator to start? Its a good idea to start and veg inside something like a polythene tunnel. It allows humidity to be higher, and keep out pests to a certain extent and all the while allowing sunlight to penetrate to your girl. Only allow this girl to be penetrated though not your actual girl!
I am not growing in a propagator unfortunately here are some pics so you can check the plant.
Actually it is going very well but I dont know why some hair turned orange and that leaf started curling ... All that in 1 - 2 days
Don't worry about orange pistols, some plants have brown hairs much earlier than you'd expect. I did recently read something that I thought explained it quite well, but I can't for the life of me remember what it was! Sorry but I have weed memory.
I can't see the leaf curling very clear in the picture, I don't want to comment about things I have no knowledge of but there's plenty of growers on here more experienced than me, and whole sections about pests and outdoor growing so I'm sure you'll get some help on that soon. And it isn't that autos don't like transplant shock, it's that they flower when the taproot hits the bottom of the pot, that's why you put them in their final pots. I'm sure transplanting can be successful if you beat the taproot but I just harvested a joint off 2 heisenberg specials after making that mistake so I won't be attempting it again! Good luck with your grow :peace:
Don't worry about orange pistols, some plants have brown hairs much earlier than you'd expect. I did recently read something that I thought explained it quite well, but I can't for the life of me remember what it was! Sorry but I have weed memory.
I can't see the leaf curling very clear in the picture, I don't want to comment about things I have no knowledge of but there's plenty of growers on here more experienced than me, and whole sections about pests and outdoor growing so I'm sure you'll get some help on that soon. And it isn't that autos don't like transplant shock, it's that they flower when the taproot hits the bottom of the pot, that's why you put them in their final pots. I'm sure transplanting can be successful if you beat the taproot but I just harvested a joint off 2 heisenberg specials after making that mistake so I won't be attempting it again! Good luck with your grow :peace:
Thank you for that answer but I gotta ask you. Do you have idea what are those white kind of circles on the curled leaf ? Is it some kind of pest ? Also I have found couple of orange eggs on the upper side of one small leaf that is going from the bud but the eggs were much bigger than that of spider mites ...
Thank you for that answer but I gotta ask you. Do you have idea what are those white kind of circles on the curled leaf ? Is it some kind of pest ? Also I have found couple of orange eggs on the upper side of one small leaf that is going from the bud but the eggs were much bigger than that of spider mites ...
Maybe caterpillars? I couldn't see the pic very clearly and I've not had to deal with anything like that yet, thankfully because fungus gnats were bad enough for me, my knowledge is all pure theory on that topic, this might help if you haven't already found it: or try this: