Please help me plant dying, a strain that means alot


Well-Known Member
Dude, the picture is from a month ago. Its grown a whole 3 inches since then picking up spider mites and gnats along the way. This guy and/or his plant is hopeless or he is trolling.
Oh, haha, I didn't pay attention to the time stamp at all. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
-spidermites are still here making webs on some leafs and fungas gnats are still here but not as much as before neem oil was started.
-fertilize with half strength nutriant every week have tried only water and no difference.
-grow area is 66 degrees fahrenheit.
-have repotted to bigger pot no difference.
-if plant not watered every 5 days soil drys out to much pot feels really light soil very dry.
If you have spider mites it's considered "the best practice" to kill off any plants and start over. Usually when this happens to a gardener he/she has a lot of gorgeous plants in various stages of growth and it is a nightmare but you have a little pitiful plant barely alive. Throw it away. You need to start over using a well aerated starting mix. Solo cup at first then as soon as a root system is developed you can move it over to a richer soil.

smokealotjony if you keep letting spider mites hatch 80 at a time and lay eggs in the cracks/crevices in your home they can remain dormant for a very long time popping up when the conditions are perfect. At a certain point I think you would have to tent your home to get rid of them. This can't continue if you wish to continue.