Please help me name this deficiency.


I'm using Hydroton. Do you mean flushing the plant? If so, no. I thought that the plant may react negatively to having no nutrients. Were you thinking nute burn?

Robert Paulson

Active Member
I'm growing in hydroton too. "leaching" is like flushing but it is just done periodically to remove salt build up and excess nutrients from the medium. when I leach salts I run about 3 gallons of 5.5 ph'ed water through each pot and let it drain out and then continue on with the normal feeding schedule. Its very important in hydro, especially hydroton as there is quite a bit of evaporation that occurs using it (i'm actually switching to coco, i'm doing a side by side grow right now and the coco plants are outperforming the hydroton girls by A LOT). I've never grown this strain but I have never burnt anything during veg running around 1200 ppm or so. your plant could probably use a little boost of everything.


Thanks guys,

I bumped up my ppm closer to 1000 for their 5 week of veg. I have a couple of plants that need some catching up before blooming so I'll keep feeding them grow nutes for the next week or so. I'm definitely thinking about coco for my next grow, also thinking about making this RDWC as I'm up to about 8 five gallon buckets. I also boosted the Calmag as calcium deficiency seems to fit the problem.


Well-Known Member
If you are using tap, you need to know what the Cal/Mg ppms are- they can be high. If so, you would not want to add more as you would if your nute had Cal/Mg in it.

Also, 100 ppms is way high. At this pont use a 75% dilution (250 ppms) for a few days to pull the cal/mg out of the plant. Plain water will not leach very well.

Max veg ~ 600- max flower ~ 850. They really don't need more than that, and more often does more harm than good.
