Please help first outdoor grow and in fested with bud worms?


Ok not sure what they are ...vary in color start out white and turn reddish orange they look like lil maggots(when i was a teenager i called them thc worms] appears they travel thru the stems and eat the bud...not sure but think they're causeing plants vary in flowering some almost ready and a few have a month to go...would neem oil help? or do i need to go stronger and how far into flowering can i use this stuff? these lil fuckers are driveing me nuts been picking them and the rotten areas out


Well-Known Member
Use either BT or Spinosad. Spray a stream directly into your buds. They'll destroy everything if you don't keep them in check. Moths lay the eggs on the plants


How close to harvest can i use this stuff?..And do i need a grow shop to find it? id rather go organic so that sounds pretty good


Active Member
I bought some stuff at walmart couple weeks ago it worked well was in a green spray bottle and it tackles like 100 diff bugs from worms to gnats to ants and mites, and safe for all plants...


thamks for the info i just found a can of Safer brand houseplant insect killer in my closet it says for catapillers and worms among other things so ill try that and save a trip to the store...but if that isnt good enuff please let me know...ill cross my fingers and wait till it stops raining here


Well-Known Member
Post 2 and 4 pretty much says it all if your stuff don't work.Spray early in the morning or in the eavening( defintley with oil based prouducts,those three mentioned above are not.) and test it out or go easy the first time to know how that plant will react.Each plant or strain can have different reactions to the sprays. Next year you need to start spraying when your buds first start forming. Most will spray twice a week in full flower. I do and have had very few worms or damage, knock on wood! I like to spray some nasty shit (malithion) prior to flowering for mites and everything else. Its cheap and goes a long ways, Caterpillars don't much like it either.once serious flowering starts one needs to use bio friendly stuffs . :lol:

Preventative bug killing works better than fighting a infestation. :peace:


thanks for advice ive been lucky so far this season these worms are the first problem ive had and only noticed them in the last week or for next year im going back indoors so i can spend more time with my ladies lol Thanks everyone i feel a lot better now that i have a place to ask still a novice at this but ill help anyone and any way i can

I believe this plant is a gift and a miracle and everyone should be able to experiance growing
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