Plants per 1000w

Doug Dawson

Well-Known Member
Almost everybody does pot sizes differently, whether it be final pot or just what pots you transplant into. Last harvest I did 6 plants in 3 gals under a 1000w and only got 12 ounces, granted about half hermied towards the end. I'm starting a new grow this week and I'm still undecided on what I'm gonna do for plant numbers or pot size. So I just wanted to see what everyone else has had success with, what size pots do you finish in and what do you transplant from to get there, and how much do you yield from what strains? Thanks in advance.
It really depends on you. The first plant I ever did was finished in a 3 gallon fabric pot and gave me 3.5 oz dried and cured. My current plant takes up my whole tent and is in a 5 gallon pot. How long you veg, what training you do and what you are looking to get out of them are all factors. Here is my little lady 3 weeks ago. She is lonely but will likely produce a decent yield. Tent is 5x5x7 and she is growing in coco/perlite. 20200810_001238.jpg