Plants have no smell from clones to jars.

But surely adding a nutrient rich in flowering hormones with a broad spectrum contents will increase his flavour by making his MJ produce more flavour. I wouldnt add cherry extract, yes its all natural, yes it will probably affect the flavour, but I bet the bottle of bud xl or the top shooter I use would have a much bigger and better impact on flavour than cherry extract.

His MJ outside smells nice and indoors it doesn't its a nutrient spectrum problem, this will not be fixed by using cherry extract or a similar product, now a flowering enhancer that will help his smell issues.

Mouse out !
Once again you completely missed the point I was making, please try to read and comprehend the material before responding.

I am not suggesting he infuse his plants with flavor, I am suggesting that since you can do this it probably means that your nutrient mix has a dramatic effect on how your buds will taste.
Doing clones by the cycle of the moon may be beneficial but I take them all the time and have a near 100 percent success rate and I take them when I feel like it.

You have to give people realistic fixes to issues that they have, not send them up a while goose chase boiling and reducing cherrys to make extract to give to his plants to do almost nothing compared with what an off the shelf bottle will do, that can be bought easily and cheaply and implemented immediately.

lxyzeroomer What nutrients do you use at the moment indoors ? I would like to know all of them please ?


edit: Helping people on forums like this is about giving realistic solutions to issues. The best reply on this would have been on the top first post, CHANGE YOUR NUTRIENTS OR ADD SOME BOOSTERS/FLOWERING ENHANCERS. As this has now digressed into something completely different
He was saying that he had mixed success rates with taking clones, I am offering him one of the simplest suggestions known to man for thousands of years! that is not sending him off on some endless voyage, really you need to settle down and get off the high horse, none of us are verified authorities here, and i certainly dont claim to be....I'm simply trying to help this guy the best I can when no one else seems willing to.
all i know for certain is that if you take the same stinky strain and you hang one up for 6 days then trim and take one and trim it wet the one that you trimed dry will smell better quicker
A) It is possible that the exhaust and filtering technology that we are using is so effective that the actual smell that our flowers should have is trapped in the activated carbon filter having been completely sucked out of the plant in a constant negative air pressure environment.

Once fact is certain, you CAN enhance the taste of your buds by use of various extracts and sugars. Basically the idea is that if u want a cherry tasting bud, you soak the roots of the soon to be pruned harvest in a mixture of cherry extract and water. once they have soaked for a couple hours and have drawn up as much moisture as they are going to take, clip them and trim, upside down to cure. I would recommend looking up a more detailed article on the process, that is just a brief description...but it definitely hints to the validity in your nutrients and soil having strong influence of the taste or smell.

Dude seriously shut up. Your are making a bigger dumb ass out of your self every time you post!

A) LOL this is retarded and makes ZERO sense at all.Here do your self a favor and go get educated read this.( ) The smell compound is INSIDE THE PLANT it's called a terpenes. There is ZERO way that it could magically float out of the plant and get stuck in the carbon fiber fan lol. That it by far that most ridiculous, ignorant thing i have EVER heard.

And then this. LOL are you serious!?!?! ahaha oh my how old are you 15? Because there is no way you actually believe something like this. I'm gonna assume u think molasses in hydroponics is a good thing as well right LOL.
The smell chemical compound takes weeks to develop in weed and you're gonna tell me you can change it in a matter of minutes hahaha. NO lol simply put NO!. Dry it properly and cure it you will have a nice smell. The slower you relase the chlorophyll the better.
Not only can root NOT absorb complex carbs such as a human body. But what gives cherrys scents and cannabis is 2 COMPLETELY different compounds.

So now please stop talking out your ass and go pick up a dam book.
Thank You suTraGrow

Mean while back to OP listen to whoever you think knows what they are talking about ;)

Here is a concept hopefully you can understand, not holding my breath though:

Over-drying the buds will and does remove almost all the scent and taste.
Proper curing is crucial, anyone who argues otherwise is a fool.

I won't attempt to explain why this is true, I honestly have no confidence in your ability to understand it.
Here is a concept hopefully you can understand, not holding my breath though:

Over-drying the buds will and does remove almost all the scent and taste.
Proper curing is crucial, anyone who argues otherwise is a fool.

I won't attempt to explain why this is true, I honestly have no confidence in your ability to understand it.

He who cannot agree with his enemies is controlled by them
Here is a concept hopefully you can understand, not holding my breath though:

Over-drying the buds will and does remove almost all the scent and taste.
Proper curing is crucial, anyone who argues otherwise is a fool.

I won't attempt to explain why this is true, I honestly have no confidence in your ability to understand it.

I hope you don't attempt to. My iq droped about 15 points reading your crap. I also hope you learn how to read and go reread my post. And you will see i mentioned drying and curing.
Better luck next time ;)
Duder you are a classic ! Honestly. You are full of internet gleaned information backed-up with with very little hands on experience.

The guy knows what he is doing he crops regularly just wants to add a little flavour that is missing from his indoor yeald. This is not about his curing methods we established this a while ago. It is nothing to do with my understanding of your posts I just think your an idiot, I even went the distance and read some of your previous threads which re-itterated how much of an idiot I think you are.

Wisdom weed ?!?!?! Auto bud curing machine ha ha ha. Sounds like you had curing issues yourself and you wanted to make a machine to do what you should be able to do yourself and what every other grower (including this one) does themselves.

My ability to understand your threads is fine. Yet again I just think your an idiot.

Sorry I really just wanted to shoot you down because you give bad advice, that is unhelpful and you have dragged this thread on and on.

Sutragrow and myself have provided good practical information about how to fix the issue. You just keep banging on about irrelevant stuff. I even rep'd Sutragrow for his post and that is rare for me.

Anyway Im pretty much done with this thread.

If the OP needs any help whatsoever feel free to open a thread or PM me. There is a wealth of information on this site.

I hope this slightly deviated thread is still of use to you.


Well if you had actually payed attention to the progress of the thread and really weren't just on a vengeful crusade to slander me in what ever way possible, you would have realized that the information we have established and eliminated as a possible causes were a direct result to the questions I had asked. So really if you or your friend had not interfered and I was left to ask questions and get answers and follow a conventional line of problem solving, we would have arrived at the same conclusion with no input needed from you at all.

As I have said from the very first post in this thread, I strongly believe that his choice of medium and nutrients are the source of his problem and I believe I have been able to clearly establish confidence in that statement by making valid comparisons and helping to eliminate other possibilities.
way to thread jack fellas. the fact is the question has been answered in this thread but you guys are having to good a time in your pissing contest to let the op digest the info satisfactorily. to the op: your problem is not rare, it happens. take the best info from this thread [arguing aside] and apply it to your next grow. i wish you good luck
ok I may be guilty of being a little too eager to defend my principles but at least I'm not a blatant hypocrite...guess you think your stream is the longest hoe?
Thank you for bringing this back down to earth Hoenhiem.

Honestly I have never let myself loose like this on a forum at someone but something about this guys demeanour set me off.


Edit: You see what I mean lol ^^^
It means you Duder1984 are my exception to the rule. I hope that makes you feel warm and special inside ^_^

ok guess you think your stream is the longest hoe?
im not sure what you mean by this, but what is important gets forgotten in debates at time. the op asks a question and people try to answer to the best of their ability. almost always will someone disagree with one of the responses. what needs to be remembered is that its not for you to convince a responder, but for you to get your point to the op. forget this point and you will always be arguing your advice. i dont know anything about what you speak so i can neither confirm nor deny your advice. id the ops question has been answered or he chose to take advice from someone other than you then his problem is over. why would you let one for you begin? that is all i have to say. peace
Any time you want to make me your exception you are very welcome, this has been a great source of entertainment for me. Very engaging.