Haha this is why I didn’t believe h202 would affect taste, because h202 doesn’t have much of a taste per se, well it does, just not in a conventional way that things like food or weed normally taste.
sometimes I’ve drank (very diluted) h202 as an experimental “oxygen supplement”, here is how I would describe the taste, it has a sharp “bite” to it from the reactive oxygen and “foaming effect” kinda like pop rocks, but obviously not as sweet, instead it’s a bit pungent and bitter, although I’m not sure bitter is the right word. Overall it still doesn’t have much of a taste but that reactive oxygen “bite” you can definitely sense and it “tastes” similiar
To the way strong ozone smells if you’ve ever used an ozone generator.
So I guess the taste of H202 can only be compared to something like the way ozone smells, however upon drinking it as the reactive oxygen does it’s thing, the h202 also imparts a slight nauseating feeling, (or a very strong nauseating effect at a higher concentration since it’s known as an “emetic” in medical terms).
Still I didn’t believe the weed would ever taste like that since they’re couldn’t possibly be any reactive oxygen in the buds at that point.
Still somehow the weed from the h202 experiment somehow imparted that nauseating h202/ ozone flavor in the smoke, and also seemed to wash out the flavor quite a bit like if you leave buds in a room with an ozone generator.