plant was flowering, picked then back in veg i think help!!!


Active Member
i planted my chronic plant in november got a little big then went into flowering, it was flowering for a little while but it changed from spring to winter so i picked the buds hoping the plant would go into veg. its been about a week and a half and nothing has happened. i recently put the plant into a better soil hoping it would grow better. the roots were brown so they werent that good. any ideas on how to help? also i kinda topped it the other day


Well-Known Member
where do u live? u planted outdoors in nov? or is that a typo cuz its may rite now lol.
if u planted outdoors too soon in the season the photoperiod is too short and the plants will receive 12hours of darkness and will switch into premature flowering. they will think its becoming fall and time to bloom. do u have pix? to see how far along it is flowering...

scope my thread i had sumthing similar happen;


Active Member
well it wouldnt do anygood to have a picture of it cause i picked the buds off, so maybe it is regenerating. but then the leaves feel really dry. i live in so cal. yeah it was a chronic seed and germanted like a motherfucker, what was i gonna do, wait? fuck no! but i will try to get a picture