[Organic soil (promix veg and herb), indoor, 1200 watt LED, no nutes, 6.5 pH water. 24 light for 3 weeks, then 18/6, and a period of time when I did 24 hour for 3 days and switched back to 18/6]
It happened naturally (in other words - I didn't do anything and don't know wtf happened) at week 6, and whereas the nodes were about 3-4 inches apart before the split - on both sides of the 2 new main stems nodes appear every inch or so.
I LST'd them down to grow horizontally, to later sort of scrog them down to maximize yield. She grew to 13 inches before the split last week, and has since grown about 7 inches horizontally total.
1. Why the hell did this happen? I didn't top.
2. Is this normal, or sort of rare?
3. Should I top it now that it's done this?
4. What's up with the nodes appearing sooner now?
5. WTF?
It happened naturally (in other words - I didn't do anything and don't know wtf happened) at week 6, and whereas the nodes were about 3-4 inches apart before the split - on both sides of the 2 new main stems nodes appear every inch or so.
I LST'd them down to grow horizontally, to later sort of scrog them down to maximize yield. She grew to 13 inches before the split last week, and has since grown about 7 inches horizontally total.
1. Why the hell did this happen? I didn't top.
2. Is this normal, or sort of rare?
3. Should I top it now that it's done this?
4. What's up with the nodes appearing sooner now?
5. WTF?