plant problem


Well-Known Member
image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg Hey. Hoping someone can help me out with my plants. All 3 have this problem. It is affecting the leaves from the fan leaves up to the tips. I pick the bad one of then 2 days later there is more. That pic of the pile of leaves is after not picking the bad ones for 3 days. I have a little white fly problem and was wondering whether it mgt b mold spread from their honeydew? Its an outdoor grow in soil


Well-Known Member
I get the feeling

that theres something missing here

and I wonder what that can be?

does anyone else get that feeling

something is just missing here..?


Well-Known Member
That looks like athletes ankle ...UGH shudder!

stop giving us a hard on

and post a pic of ur plant /s


bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
Why worry about a bunch of leaves that are just going to wind up in the bunk pile anyway. I prune dead and dying leaves every week. What matters is the parts of the plant that's doing better because it's getting better light etc. I like spraying and foliar feeding in an attempt to make the plant healthier throughout. Usually leaf problems are directly associated with root problems.

I've never had a problem with flies and anus' in my grow:)


Well-Known Member
Yea iv heard whitefly can leave a residue behind which can cause disease and mold problems
It's a sticky residue that people get pissed about on their cars. I would imagine anything organic would support other organic life. But it looks like a magnesium deficiency and since it is in turf I am guessing you could use some iron and other micros like boron and sulfur.


Well-Known Member
Yea i was drawn to that but then thought otherwise conidering the whole leave hadnt yellowed of. There is a mottled green light green yellow look to some. But most are nice and green but with burnt edges and tips plus rust spots


Well-Known Member
I'd scratch a tbsp. of lime around the base and water it in. If it is a mag prob then the lime will fix it. Alternatively a tbsp. of Epsom salts will give you the sulfur and the mag and its cheap. Epsom salts also is great for root development. In future grows try to grow in raised beds. Its better for drainage and promotes more O2 around the roots.
Honeydew is a sweet, sticky residue excreted from many sucking insects like whitefly and aphids. Ants love it.
There can be a secondary infection if you have enough sticky honeydew called Sooty Mold. Its not the same as the mold that causes bud rot and is just unsightly, black, ash like but you still want to avoid it.


Well-Known Member
Thanks danny b. Iv got some epsom salts in the garage. What ratio to water do you think would be sufficent? Yea they are in raised beds. Im thinkn of removing the mulch on top because of the pest problems that go with it. Il just keep it for the really hot days. It was 40c a couple of days ago