Good afternoon. I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend. As mentioned in the title, I am a noob. A noob to growing. And a noob to the forum. So I must apologize ahead of time if I am posting in the wrong thread.
I have witnessed other grows. And I have poked around these forums a bit. I started my grow roughly two weeks ago this Sunday, tomorrow, 1/30/11.
These are autoflowers, Il Divo to be exact by Delicious Seeds. Oh, there is one Low Girl in the mix.
I germ'd the seeds in cotton pads, within 48 hours all were popped. From there I moved them into dixies and put them under a UFO LED light for a 24 hour cycle until they popped through. Once they sprouted through the soil i left them under the UFO 24/day for roughly a week. Once I started to notice they had stopped growing, I prepared on gallon buckets for transplanting.
When I removed the seedlings from the dixies I noticed that the roots had made their way to the bottom of the cup, filling the circumference of the bottom of the cup. **First worry: Did I wait too long to transplant, and is going from dixie to 1 gal too big of a leap?
Since being transplanted, I've had the ladies on a 18/6 cycle under a 400W HPS (My MH died on me

**Should I put the MH back in once I replace it?) And I would say the light is now 2ft above the plants, as of yesterday. I had it much closer (1ft. away), but I was afraid I was forcing too much light on them.
So this is where I am stumped. I am using 2 soil mixes. One is unknown. The other is by Aurora. It is their ROOTS brand, and the type is Greenfields: Coars Peat, Coco Fiber, Compost, Perlite, Pumice, Worm Castings...and a whole bunch of different meals. Im assuming the 'meals' are for extended food release??? The Greefields felt very light and airy. The 'unknown' was equally as light, though did feel more dense.
So the plants are transplanted. And I give them some H20, simple distilled H20 brought to the same temp. as the atmosphere that the plants are in. The 3 buckets of the 'unknown' I notice absorb all of the water. No drainage at all. The Greenfields, absorbed what was needed, and the excess drained off.
Since the transplant, the 3 buckets of Greenfields have shown growth. The 3 buckets of the 'unkown' show, if any, very very little growth. And it has been a few days. This is were I get worried. Obviously the unknown is not working well, but I do not know why. And I understand that it will hard to determine, given that I don't know it's mixture. (btw, a friend who works at a local greenhouse mixed this for me).
**The plants leaves are curling up a bit. Is it too much H20. Or is it too much light? If I transplant the plants out of the unknown, and into you think I'll be safe. Or should I let this experiment run it's course?
To all that read through this, thank you for your time. It is, without a doubt, greatly appreciated. And if I did post in the wrong thread, please notify myself and move it accordingly. I am not sure if I am dealing with soil issues, H20 issues, or both. I have attached photos. They are of pre-transpant, and post-transplant (today).
If any clarification needs to be made, just let me know. I will give all the info and pics that I can in order to ensure the best achievable grow. Thank you again. Best of luck to all of you dedicating your time to these wonderful plants.
The Wiz