Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

1.)2 bags FFOF @ 12 bucks each
2.)1 bag FF Light Warrior 12 bucks
3.)12 9x9 plastic pots, 2.95 eachx12=35.40
4.)One bottle of Osmocote Plus or Dynamite 4-20 bucks, depending on sales
5.)Tap water....cost is miniscule
6.)Bloom enhancer of your choice. 45 bucks (optional)

This will grow like 6 plants approx. I can grow 50 plants for that cost after initial setup costs.

I think i finally figured out what the taste of organic pot is. It is dirt, vermiculite, bat and worm shit. Your fans blow that crap around the room and it gets all over the buds. In hydro it is like an operating room. By the way bat guano in very little doses will fuck your shit up. I have actually come to the conclusion that i wont smoke weed that is organic in fear of my health.

I know this post will ruffle some feathers but oh well.

Here is an interesting article everyone should read.

Well, actually that amount of soil will grow 12 plants. I'm doing it right now, using 9x9 pots. The nutrients will grow about 120 plants....for 20 bucks.

It's not really organic. Osmocote is a resin coated controlled release fertilizer. But the taste of dirt grown weed is not bat poop on buds! It comes from all the subtle nutrients that can be found in soil that are not present in hydro food. I've had some exquisite hydro buds....but they're no match for top knotch dirt buds.

Anyways, this thread is getting off course and it's largely my fault. I'll disengage right now, because this is about plant moisture stress, not a debate about hydro vs soil.

I apologize for hijacking things.
Agreed way side tracked. I spend around $120 per cycle on nutes. I ran pipe straight from my filter to the Rez. Quick disconnect on my pump drains to a sanitary sink. So all in all a very easy system to operate.
1.)2 bags FFOF @ 12 bucks each
2.)1 bag FF Light Warrior 12 bucks
3.)12 9x9 plastic pots, 2.95 eachx12=35.40
4.)One bottle of Osmocote Plus or Dynamite 4-20 bucks, depending on sales
5.)Tap water....cost is miniscule
6.)Bloom enhancer of your choice. 45 bucks (optional)

This will grow like 6 plants approx. I can grow 50 plants for that cost after initial setup costs.

I think i finally figured out what the taste of organic pot is. It is dirt, vermiculite, bat and worm shit. Your fans blow that crap around the room and it gets all over the buds. In hydro it is like an operating room. By the way bat guano in very little doses will fuck your shit up. I have actually come to the conclusion that i wont smoke weed that is organic in fear of my health.

I know this post will ruffle some feathers but oh well.

Here is an interesting article everyone should read.

Hey Uncle Ben, A question regarding NPK and plants. If i were to make an outdoor soil mix with a fix of Blood Meal/Bonemeal (not sure on the NPK exactly) Would a plant be able to do its thing and not have N affect it during flowering or would it be better to add some blood meal and give it some plant food like 10-30-20 when flowering comes around. Thanks
Chad, just put them out of their misery and try again. They are far too gone. Even if any recovered, you should expect them to be badly stunted.
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I was hoping for a different answer. The above pictured seedlings are 6 days after being put into rockwool for germination. It looks as if the darn things are stretching. Grrr. I have a superlocker 2.0 system and this thing is suppose to be turn key. The light is a cool white flourescent right above the plants. Any other thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. This is my first grow and I have already trashed 6 clones.

They are stretching some. You will need to lower your fluorescent bulb. I can't tell you how close as I dont know the wattage. Seedlings dont require high light levels, but drop it down a bit more until you notice the stretch stopping.

Expect to make plenty of mistakes on your first grow, and probably your second and third if you're anything like me :). Its not always going to be easy, but the reward is worth it.
Thanks for the feedback. It's very much appreciated. I'd like your opinion on rockwool/hydroton usage, specifically in the cloner. The seeds were germinated in rockwool without any hydroton below it. The other clones are just wedged in hydroton, no rockwool. Is there a correct way to use these mediums together, should I just be using one without the other? The whole reason those clones got messed up is because I was told to do away with the rockwool and only use hydroton.

I wish I could help you, but Im a strictly soil guy. You can check out the hydro forum here, maybe you'll find your answers there.
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I was hoping for a different answer. The above pictured seedlings are 6 days after being put into rockwool for germination. It looks as if the darn things are stretching. Grrr. I have a superlocker 2.0 system and this thing is suppose to be turn key. The light is a cool white flourescent right above the plants. Any other thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. This is my first grow and I have already trashed 6 clones.

Brave soul you are going hydro on your first grow. I know you probably don't want to hear this but you should have went soil at least until you got the hang of growing MJ. Different strains require different treatment and it takes a while to figure out how to properly care for any given strain. Yes hydro you have more control over things such as PH and nute levels but hydro is also WAY unforgiving when a mistake is made. It is much easier to rebound from a mistake in soil. I'm on my first grow as well and I HIGHLY recommend Subcools just add water Super Soil mix. I did run into a nute def issue but it was my own fault and a lesson learned on my strains growth patterns and nutrient uptake levels. Luckily I decided to grow soil for my first grow because had I decided to go hydro I may have not been able to rebound from the nute def and had to deal with the heartache of losing a whole crop. But thats just something hydro growers have to cope with when that time comes. If you grow hydro you have to learn to let go sometimes as mistakes are that difficult to rebound from. You might as well stick a fork in those bad boys cuz they're done!
Hey guys, I'm kinda stressing, it's my first grow and one of my plants is starting to not look so great. From what I've read it seems like it could be nute burn or overwatering. I'm not sure what to do, as if it is nute burn I'd have to flush, but if I was infact overwatering, then I'd be even more screwed! Would be massively grateful if you could take a look? All feedback appreciated!

-I think I may have given it nutes around 1000ppm.
-Only ever water it with about 200ml of water (left for two days).
-Over plants doing fine with much darker leaves (same strains).
-My plant still appears to be growing

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Hey guys, I kinda stressing, it's my first grow and one of my plants is starting to not look so great. From what I've read it seems like it could be nute burn or overwatering. I'm not sure what to do, as if it is nute burn I'd have to flush, but if I was infact overwatering, then I'd be even more screwed! Would be massively grateful if you could take a look? All feedback appreciated!

-I think I may have given it nutes around 1000ppm.
-Only ever water it with about 200ml of water (left for two days).
-Over plants doing fine with much darker leaves (same strains).
-My plant still appears to be growing

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Yes, that plant is a little too early for nutes and it may be nute burn also. However, check the ph of your soil. That is what seems to be off more than anything. Just keep in mind anything you do to fix the problem (once pinpointed) will not happen immediately, so it will take a few days to a week for it to bounce back.
Yes, that plant is a little too early for nutes and it may be nute burn also. However, check the ph of your soil. That is what seems to be off more than anything. Just keep in mind anything you do to fix the problem (once pinpointed) will not happen immediately, so it will take a few days to a week for it to bounce back.

Appreciate your help!

I don't have a pH meter, although the soil is supposed to be around 6 when purchased and is working fine for my other plants. The only real difference (which isn't much) is the amount of nutes/water they're given, as I just do it by eye normally.

What do you think I should do next? I'm tempted to leave it well alone and see if the leaves perk up, but on the other hand, the plant could be burning while I'm not flushing it with water.
I am not sure about flushing a plant that young/small. Someone else can better answer that one. But, it also seems like its growth is being stunted. Did the new leaves grow that close to the first ones, or is that just the angle of the picture??? Stop with the nutes and only give water. I am sure somebody will be along soon to answer whether you should flush or not. Good Luck !!!
But, it also seems like its growth is being stunted. Did the new leaves grow that close to the first ones, or is that just the angle of the picture??? Stop with the nutes and only give water. I am sure somebody will be along soon to answer whether you should flush or not. Good Luck !!!

I know what you mean about the growth being stunted, the size of the leaves on my other plants is much greater and yes they did grow that close together. It is still growing, but I'm guessing the nute burn is stunting the growth?
I know what you mean about the growth being stunted, the size of the leaves on my other plants is much greater and yes they did grow that close together. It is still growing, but I'm guessing the nute burn is stunting the growth?

I would say you've burned that plant pretty good, and yes excessive nutes in the root zone will stunt the hell out of your plants. I have a finicky Skunk Haze that requires lower nutes than her sister, and she was barely growing at all in the same soil until I flushed her out good. Id say your only hope is to flush the medium with 2 or 3x the container volume, then tilt the container diagonally so that you can drain the perched water table. If your soil is porous enough, it shouldn't suffer from water logged conditions.
Simple question, how long can a plant go without watering?

I forgot to water mine and it went 4 days and i saw it drooping pretty badly today.. It still is drooping a lot but at least I gave it 0.3 gallons/1liter the first time and couple of hours later due to the dry soil a little bit more..

So is the plant toast or will it fight back in the next days?

(Ph, temp and everything is ok..and I'm 100% sure it's underwatering so pics and info seemed unnecessary)
Simple question, how long can a plant go without watering?

I forgot to water mine and it went 4 days and i saw it drooping pretty badly today.. It still is drooping a lot but at least I gave it 0.3 gallons/1liter the first time and couple of hours later due to the dry soil a little bit more..

So is the plant toast or will it fight back in the next days?

(Ph, temp and everything is ok..and I'm 100% sure it's underwatering so pics and info seemed unnecessary)

Yes your plant should be fine. You should see it perk back up within 24 hours as long as underwatering is the case.