1.)2 bags FFOF @ 12 bucks each
2.)1 bag FF Light Warrior 12 bucks
3.)12 9x9 plastic pots, 2.95 eachx12=35.40
4.)One bottle of Osmocote Plus or Dynamite 4-20 bucks, depending on sales
5.)Tap water....cost is miniscule
6.)Bloom enhancer of your choice. 45 bucks (optional)
This will grow like 6 plants approx. I can grow 50 plants for that cost after initial setup costs.
I think i finally figured out what the taste of organic pot is. It is dirt, vermiculite, bat and worm shit. Your fans blow that crap around the room and it gets all over the buds. In hydro it is like an operating room. By the way bat guano in very little doses will fuck your shit up. I have actually come to the conclusion that i wont smoke weed that is organic in fear of my health.
I know this post will ruffle some feathers but oh well.
Here is an interesting article everyone should read.
Well, actually that amount of soil will grow 12 plants. I'm doing it right now, using 9x9 pots. The nutrients will grow about 120 plants....for 20 bucks.
It's not really organic. Osmocote is a resin coated controlled release fertilizer. But the taste of dirt grown weed is not bat poop on buds! It comes from all the subtle nutrients that can be found in soil that are not present in hydro food. I've had some exquisite hydro buds....but they're no match for top knotch dirt buds.
Anyways, this thread is getting off course and it's largely my fault. I'll disengage right now, because this is about plant moisture stress, not a debate about hydro vs soil.
I apologize for hijacking things.