Plant flushing

I have (EM) strain and I am ready to cut but I need to know how many days it takes to flush out the Organic Nutes out of my 2 girls and how often do I flush? The girls are in 5 gallon pots. All help greatly appreciated:peace::joint::peace:


Legal Moderator, Esq.
flushing is more important in hydro than soil. I wouldn't even worry about it, if they are ready to cut, cut em. If you flush now you still have leaves loaded with nutes that'd keep your plants fed for a while anyway so no sense stressing it, just chop and cure it right, that's the way to get the taste you want.


Well-Known Member
Then it's as Cranker said above. With organic soil, no chem ferts to flush, and if the soil you have is alive with microbes, they'll be holding they'll have a lot of the ferts locked up and not able to be washed away. Just do as Cranker said


Well-Known Member
WHOA You should alwys flush, even organically grown plants can have left over taste, i flush 5x volume for 7 days, and outdoor, ro water for 10 days. Good work can lay in waste due to lack of flushing and/or poor curing technique.


Well-Known Member
Soil growers don't need to flush. Flushing a soil grow is not common practice. Would you flush an outdoor grow in the wild? No


Well-Known Member
How could you flush out stuff that is actually part of the soil? EWC for example, or any meals that were added as amendments.

Chems I can understand, they are in the soil, but not a part of it.



Active Member
everbody has different looks on this, as im trying to learn how or when to flush im confused because one person says flush only at the end last 7 days, another says flush2-3 times during grow, then the other one is how do you flush?? ive been told to keep watering until the water drains clear, another friend says all you do is water without nutes for the last 7 days before you cut em down....


Well-Known Member
Depends if this is soil or medium. Soil = no flush. Medium with chem ferts = flush.


everbody has different looks on this, as im trying to learn how or when to flush im confused because one person says flush only at the end last 7 days, another says flush2-3 times during grow, then the other one is how do you flush?? ive been told to keep watering until the water drains clear, another friend says all you do is water without nutes for the last 7 days before you cut em down....
Some people (lots anyways) that grow in soil\organic potting mix are using 'organic-based' (but still synthetically chelated), or fully synthetic\chemical nutrients... such as Fox Farm's Tiger Bloom and Grow Big or bottled nutrients intended for hydro. These people are probably the ones flushing with copious amounts of water 2-3 times during the grow, and prior to harvest, in order to remove salt build-up.

If you're completely living organic such a 'flush' might wash away some of the free soluble ions in the soil solution, but the microbes and organic matter\amendments will largely stick around and they'll continue to cycle nutrients. The best thing to do is just not over-feed: don't provide any potent amendments (guano or meals) within several weeks of the harvest window, and don't use mega-doses of liquid organic bottled nutrients either.

What I do by roughly two weeks prior to harvest is taper the nutrients down to half, then quarter strength. For the final week I'll just use a teaspoon of blackstrap molasses per gallon, or something like Earth Juice Catalyst. Finishing with plain water or 5 ml \ gal Catalyst 3-4 days before the chop. Some people use more molasses (1 tbsp or more) in the final weeks, which I would not recommend as the magnesium, copper, manganese and other minerals abundant in molasses can contribute harshness to the smoke.


Well-Known Member
Some people (lots anyways) that grow in soil\organic potting mix are using 'organic-based' (but still synthetically chelated), or fully synthetic\chemical nutrients... such as Fox Farm's Tiger Bloom and Grow Big or bottled nutrients intended for hydro. These people are probably the ones flushing with copious amounts of water 2-3 times during the grow, and prior to harvest, in order to remove salt build-up.

If you're completely living organic such a 'flush' might wash away some of the free soluble ions in the soil solution, but the microbes and organic matter\amendments will largely stick around and they'll continue to cycle nutrients. The best thing to do is just not over-feed: don't provide any potent amendments (guano or meals) within several weeks of the harvest window, and don't use mega-doses of liquid organic bottled nutrients either.

What I do by roughly two weeks prior to harvest is taper the nutrients down to half, then quarter strength. For the final week I'll just use a teaspoon of blackstrap molasses per gallon, or something like Earth Juice Catalyst. Finishing with plain water or 5 ml \ gal Catalyst 3-4 days before the chop. Some people use more molasses (1 tbsp or more) in the final weeks, which I would not recommend as the magnesium, copper, manganese and other minerals abundant in molasses can contribute harshness to the smoke.
Flushing in soil on a correct feeding regime is COMPLETLY unnecessary, regardless of nutes used.

Seriously, how many times does it have to be said that Chemical/Synthetic nutes feed the plant exactly the same minerals as the Organic ones once they've been broken down in the soil?

I personally dont grow toilets, nor do I piss or $h1t on my plants so I never need nor desire to "flush" before harvest...and my weed is bomb-diggity with no "chemical" taste.