pizza guy asks me if im high

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Question: You state it makes sense that you don't tip the mailman or a delivery driver etc because they are earning more money. Why? They are earning more money because the job they are doing is harder and more demanding, but does this mean they don't deserve a tip? Are you tipping someone because they need the money or because they have given you a service? If the former, then you are blind if you can't realise that the whole system obviously needs changing if minimum wage is not doing it's job, and if the later, then is it not rather hypocritical to tip one service, but not another?


Well-Known Member
Question: You state it makes sense that you don't tip the mailman or a delivery driver etc because they are earning more money. Why? They are earning more money because the job they are doing is harder and more demanding, but does this mean they don't deserve a tip? Are you tipping someone because they need the money or because they have given you a service? If the former, then you are blind if you can't realise that the whole system obviously needs changing if minimum wage is not doing it's job, and if the later, then is it not rather hypocritical to tip one service, but not another?
It's about the expectation of tipping as well as the fact that most service jobs earn shit! I get my mail 6 days a week whether I want it or not. Those guys are performing an essential service. I am required by law to maintain a mailbox and have it in working order so I can receive the mail. I am not required to go to a restaurant or even have my pizza delivered (in fact I usually pick up my pizza since I don't want to have to tip). I agree that it's bullshit that waiters and pizza delivery guys don't earn enough to live on but the flip side of that coin would be much higher prices at restaurants and for pizza delivery. Americans don't want higher prices for anything!:shock:


Well-Known Member
Definitely cultural differences, i guess delivery drivers in the UK get paid more than their counterparts across the water. In my younger days i delivered for a local chinese restaurant, 4 hours work on a thursday night and 4 on a friday.

My set wage was £20 per night, paid no matter what, and then i got the delivery charge for every meal i delivered (£1.50 per order in a 3 mile radius). Without tips i would have made on average £75 per 4 hour shift which was great when i was young! (also got a free meal at the end of my shift). Tips were a bonus and were definitely not relied on.

One thing i did notice was that the people with the most money in the expensive areas were the cunts that were least likely to tip, they would stand and wait for 10p change when it was pissing down with rain! :shock:


Active Member
50 cent tip? what a douche bag. i ordered pizza the other day, it was 13 bucks and i gave the delivery chick 22 bucks.....please follow my example....people that dont tip piss me off.
as i said on page 2 or 3 i cant remember last time i tipped the guy 30 dollars extra for 1 pizza i dont think he needs another big tip an on top of it i used all my money for the pizza i gave him every last cent i had so he should be at least happy i gave him somethin an on top of it next time i order i usually give a ten dollar tip or more but i was to high when i gave him a thirty dollar tip so he should be happy he got a 30 dollar tip from me


Well-Known Member
as i said on page 2 or 3 i cant remember last time i tipped the guy 30 dollars extra for 1 pizza i dont think he needs another big tip an on top of it i used all my money for the pizza i gave him every last cent i had so he should be at least happy i gave him somethin an on top of it next time i order i usually give a ten dollar tip or more but i was to high when i gave him a thirty dollar tip so he should be happy he got a 30 dollar tip from me
Don't worry, at least YOU tip! I think you get a pass since you actually did give the guy a fat tip before. I never got that big of a tip when I was delivering pizzas.:cry:


Active Member
Question: You state it makes sense that you don't tip the mailman or a delivery driver etc because they are earning more money. Why? They are earning more money because the job they are doing is harder and more demanding, but does this mean they don't deserve a tip? Are you tipping someone because they need the money or because they have given you a service? If the former, then you are blind if you can't realise that the whole system obviously needs changing if minimum wage is not doing it's job, and if the later, then is it not rather hypocritical to tip one service, but not another?
The whole system does need changing - either people like you should tip the people that live off tips OR you should pay more for your pizza. Currently - you are just fucking everything up by being a cheapass


Well-Known Member
The whole system does need changing - either people like you should tip the people that live off tips OR you should pay more for your pizza. Currently - you are just fucking everything up by being a cheapass
USA is fucked up. You can't base a wage off people's generosity, tips are a bonus not a right.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
The whole system does need changing - either people like you should tip the people that live off tips OR you should pay more for your pizza. Currently - you are just fucking everything up by being a cheapass
Stoneruk has it right.

Take a second to think before you call me a cheap ass, not tipping a service that does not warrant a tip does not make me a cheap ass. I'll happily tell people to keep the change, because why not, let them have it, but i won't tell them it's a tip, because it's not, they are already being paid for the service they are doing for me.

And also, is that then to say that i am managing to fuck up the the whole ("everything") system by simply not giving a non-mandatory tip? :lol: and you're telling me nothing needs changing? If an employer can't afford to pay his employees, then he needs to find a way of making more sales, or raise prices as all other shops and such do, why is it public Joe having to subsidize his failing business model? It has little to do with the kid on the bike, the employer has to take responsibility for his own business.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
back to the pizza guy , how do you tip say pappa johns guy when they charge a delivery fee up front , does that go to the driver or do i get double slammed by tipping?


Active Member
The officer listed his probably cause as " a overwhelming pungent order coming from car"...Not only does an 1/8 not smell that bad no matter how potent...but when you have 6 fucking whole pizzas and over 80 wings in a FORD ESCORT...what smells and wings ( and a lot) or a 1/8th of weed....RIGHT,....almost 7 years later...Officer Heroboy...Is doing a FEDERAL BID FOR KIDDIE PORN.....shame shame shame :)
ahhh...stories like this make me happy. they make me feel like no matter how much injustice is done in the world, there is still an occasional bright moment where the pigs get busted instead of the stoners..


Active Member
my girl went to go gwet taco bell lol we are out of weed an i just called my main guy an his girl told me dont ever call him again i was like wtf ok i dont no what i did but any way i am makin her get me 15 soft shell taco's a nacho bell grande an 3 orders of cheesy NACHOES LOL IM GOING TO EAT IT ALL


Well-Known Member
my girl went to go gwet taco bell lol we are out of weed an i just called my main guy an his girl told me dont ever call him again i was like wtf ok i dont no what i did but any way i am makin her get me 15 soft shell taco's a nacho bell grande an 3 orders of cheesy NACHOES LOL IM GOING TO EAT IT ALL

Dude, how much do you weigh?

Who the hell orders 15 taco's for themselves?


Well-Known Member

Dude, how much do you weigh?

Who the hell orders 15 taco's for themselves?
I don't think he was being serious.. about eating all of it.

It was just one of those "caught up in the moment' type of things. The guy was stoned, and at the time thought he could really eat all that food.

But! on the other hand... what if he was serious??! Maybe its one of those people from TLC channel.. one of those people that are so huge.. and

have let themselves' go.. to that extent.. which is sad IMO. How could you ever let yourself get that big? I mean, really. I realize some of those

people have health issues and possibly can't help it.. but then on the other hand I'm sure there's a selected few that just let themselves' go to get

up to 800lbs+.. and be bed ridden.

Fuck a bunch of that! The selected few people that probably just let themselves' get that big.. had to have noticed that they were getting absolutely

huge.. but just don't care enough about themselves' to do anything about it.. and the cycle just kept going.. and going.. and going.. until one day...

reality hit them in the face.. and they came back to Earth.. and realized that they were ENORMOUS in size.. but by then its too late.. usually.

Anyhow, I'm stoned.. about to eat lunch.. and then going to the gym to work out some stress.



Active Member
so i am sittin here baked as fuck an im hungry as hell so i call pizza hut an order 5 opizzas an 7 things of bread sticks the guy comes over i open the door an its just me an my dog an he was russain so i really couldnt under stand so i keep saying what was that na finally he got pissed off an was LIKE ARE YOU HIGH IS IT JUST YOU I WAS LIKE YA ITS JUST ME AAN WHATS IT TO YOU IF IM HIGH OR NOT an he just walked out an i gave him a .50 cent tip lol he was pissed but i thought it was funny that he asked if i was high
i hope your not ordering from them again, i hope that guy spits in your fuckin pizza next time for a .50 cent tip and ordering all that shit, you sir are a dickhead


Active Member
ok no i ordered 15 taco's an i didnt eat em all i just ate like 5 of em an some cheesy nachos um an some of the nacho bell grande i wiegh 145 pounds i eat alot non stop eating an its hard to gain a pound :P so im lucky with that gift of high metabolizm if i could gain weight i would probably weigh like 350 -400 an then i would have to cut down but ya i eat like there is no tomoro i was at the texas road house an i ordered the biggest steak they had an i told the waiter if i could eat that an onion blossm an baked potato in a certain time limit he had to pay for my meal he agreed an timed me he gave me 20 mins an i ate it in like 12 mins some odd seconds but i usually eat huge meals :P


Active Member
you sir dont read enough i guess i had givin him a 30 dollar tip for the last time he ran for 1 pizza an for another i usually ghive a ten dollar tip i used all my money on the stuff so start readin a lil more i usually give a big tip if i got the money it just so happens that there is a mysteruious thing called being broke hmm have you ever been broke for a lil bit? so i gave him all the money i had which ended up being like .50 cent more


Active Member
i personally dont go out to eat or order delivery unless i can afford to leave a decent tip, just me personally. I did see you sayin you tipped big before which is nice of you. i work with servers at work since im a cook and see alot of people stiff them or leave 25 cents and with what they make its barley enough to live on. maybe you could have ordered 1 less pizza and tipped him better lol :)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Alternatively you could look at it from a business perspective. If he orders more pizza's per delivery, that is a bhiger profit ratio per delivery, meaning that statistically, he should be able to pay his delivery boy more. I prefere to work in a system that causes the buyer to pay a little more for the worker to be treated fairly than to work in a sywstem where the worker is treated unfairly but the buyer still pays probably the same amount as if prices were raised to pay the kid propperly.


Active Member
Alternatively you could look at it from a business perspective. If he orders more pizza's per delivery, that is a bhiger profit ratio per delivery, meaning that statistically, he should be able to pay his delivery boy more. I prefere to work in a system that causes the buyer to pay a little more for the worker to be treated fairly than to work in a sywstem where the worker is treated unfairly but the buyer still pays probably the same amount as if prices were raised to pay the kid propperly.
Hey man - I agree with what you are saying... But currently, the way shit is - the pizza guy deserves a tip.