Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

I lived with a piece of schitt like that. He was an ex cop, chef, n dog trainer.... barred from all of it. Anyway- He thought it was okay to sell off, or damage other peoples stuff. mufugger also thought it was okay to leave marks on my mum and sister. We ended up taking a couple G's and making a break for it- before he awoke from his canned stupor.
He rapped my sister, molested me. He left my mom for another woman.

Told her that she was not to be with another man, so I think she was with women.

I told her she should get a divorce, oh he might come back. After 15 years I don't think so.

He told me before he left to not call or have anything to do with my mom or he would kill me. So I snuck around visiting my mom.

She died in the Hospital and they were trying to talk to me about paying everything. I told them she was married. Oh so they contacted this guy. He was mad about it and was laughing about the fact she died.

He would not let us kids have anything of hers. Had an auction to sell it. The Sheriff had to take me out of there.