Damn and I thought I had a powerful sneeze...I sneezed at work and blew a hole in my right eardrum so I had a claim for sneezing on the job
He rapped my sister, molested me. He left my mom for another woman.I lived with a piece of schitt like that. He was an ex cop, chef, n dog trainer.... barred from all of it. Anyway- He thought it was okay to sell off, or damage other peoples stuff. mufugger also thought it was okay to leave marks on my mum and sister. We ended up taking a couple G's and making a break for it- before he awoke from his canned stupor.
Was setting across from a woman one time told her if her Boob come out I'm there.I've never had to take a woman's bra off
women have always done it for me
With a few of those, I bet the Donner Party would have been a lot more fun!
So, does that mean “DUCK!” Or goose… the person in front of you?