Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS


Well-Known Member

Every day, a male employee walks up very close to a female co-worker
at the
coffee machine. He stops, inhales quite deeply and says that her hair
smells nice.

After a week of this, the woman can't stand it anymore. She takes her
issue to a supervisor in Human Resources and asks to file a sexual
harassment grievance against the guy.

The supervisor is puzzled and asks, "What's threatening about a
telling you your hair smells nice?"

"It's Frank. The midget."

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
a1 - Copy.jpg

It was later reported that his wife got out safely,
and that he did indeed par the hole ....

he says the divorce isn't going to be that bad,
now that there's no house involved!!!...


Well-Known Member
I need to make one of these

russians.. as bad as Germans and Floridians


suspects are in the backyard..

this is interesting



Sector 5 Moderator

I posted this in another thread but this is the appropriate thread for this. Prepare to piss your pants; it's well worth the watching!! I fucking dare you to watch it stoned!!! :)


Well-Known Member
I am pretty sure I had a small seizure staring at this for a few minutes this morning so...

way too much time on your hands

these are pretty cool.. inflatable remote control

looks cool.. but they dont tell you getting hair caught in this will hurt like a SOB
