

Well-Known Member
difference between weed propaganda and pitbull propaganda is that pitbulls DO kill more people than any other dog

I'm wondering though how many reg pitbulls/bull terrier there are in comparison to the other breeds...

Cause I honestly see more pits then any other dog around here.

Daves not here man!

Active Member
difference between weed propaganda and pitbull propaganda is that pitbulls DO kill more people than any other dog
Breed Ban IQ Test

1. If you were the sheriff in your town and you learned that Toyotas were disproportionally involved in more auto accidents than any other model, would you:
(a) ban Toyotas and confiscate the Toyota of anyone caught driving one
(b) arrest the drivers responsible for those accidents?

2. Which course of action in Question 1 do you think would:
(a) inconvenience the fewest number of people?
(b) be the more efficient use of taxpayer dollars?
(c) be more effective in preventing future accidents involving Toyotas?

3. If your answer to Question 1 was (a) -- ban Toyotas -- and the sheriff's department learned that, by a statistical quirk, drivers of confiscated Toyotas were now perpetrating further accidents by driving, say, Hondas, would you then ban Hondas? If not, why not?

4. If your answer to Question 3 was, "Ban Hondas, too, dammit, something HAS to be done," then would you propose a ban on ALL car models with names ending in "a," such as Kias and Mazdas, reasoning that all these brands are pretty much made for the same purpose? If not, why not? If so, how would you deal with car brands that end in the SOUND of "a," such as Chevrolet?

5. Are you beginning to understand that:
(a) because most of the tens of millions of pet dogs are NOT registered, "breed" cannot be defined in a meaningful way?
(b) that miscreants employ pit bulls, German shepherds, Rottweilers, Dobermans, Akitas, Great Danes -- that is, whichever dog is handy -- as personal tools of terrorism?
(c) that law enforcement authorities could waste inordinate amounts of time (and, therefore, taxpayer dollars) policing a breed ban, adding to their jobs a task perhaps even more meaningless than enforcing jaywalking laws?
(d) that the people most likely affected by a breed ban -- that is, those inconvenienced, harrassed and likely to suffer damage -- are the 99.9% majority of utterly innocent dogs and people?
(e) most important, that breed bans do ESSENTIALLY NOTHING to address the real problem: Human scumbags who abuse animals?

Key: If your answer to any part of Question 5 is "no," I'm afraid you have flunked. Please go back and reconsider your responses.

Hint: The answer to the question, "What shall we do about the bank robber who got away on a bicycle?" is not: Ban bicycles. Real answer: If your dog hurts someone, you -- not the dog -- should be responsible. Anti-cruelty and anti-dog-fighting laws already exist. Tell your mayor, and city or county or provincial council to up the current penalties, and insist that judges enforce those penalties against lawbreakers.
-Test created by Paul Glassner, SF/SPCA

Daves not here man!

Active Member
I urgre you to check out the CDC's web site. The have alot of good studies that mainly show one thing....you cannot classify a dangerous dog based on it's breed. Most pits, rots, and any other big tough dog are used by the bad people to protect their bad doings.

You could just as easily do a study that shows dog bites by region or even neighborhood.

Yes in the area I grew up there are far more pit, doberman and rot bites than anything else...but I've rarely seen other breeds around there.

However, the neighborhood I now reside has reported way more bites from goldens, labs and germans...probably because there are only a few pits and rots that I am aware.

It's politics man....I was watching the news channels after the debate last week and all of the polls that were reported had Obama ahead anywhere from 6-18 percent....but generally the same range.

Fox News post debate poll
Mccain 98%
Obama 2%
wonder where they got there pool of "voters" to poll


Well-Known Member
how about punish both? should we only remove the defective toys that have already harmed children? no. if something is shown to be incredibly more likely to harm or kill someone than an alternative, that "thing" should be removed from society. Or at the very least put under very strict guidelines.

Pit bulls not only cause more serious injury than any other breed of dog, but due to the small number of pits in relation to other dogs, PIT BULLS ARE FAR MORE LIKELY TO CAUSE SERIOUS INJURY THAN ANY OTHER DOG.

I don't care how many nice pits you've met, the ones who killed grandparents were "nice" also.

lets say that .5% of goldens/labs bite someone. Now the number of pits that bite someone is more like 2% (I made up these numbers, but the general idea holds true)

on top of that, it is in the breeding of pit bulls to continue an attack once started, which is why they cause more serious injury than any other dog.


Well-Known Member
I see no one has anything to say about the idea of the RRCUS Code of Ethics being applied to any breeder of large, dangerous/aggressive breeds.

Daves not here man!

Active Member
:::I don't care how many nice pits you've met, the ones who killed grandparents were "nice" also.::::

No....they were not.

and if after all of this debate you can still say something as....uneducated... as that then what is the point

Also, you can't just make up stats and use them as fact...even if you point out that you are just making up numbers.

I take it you would like to group rotts, cane corsos, dobermans, germans, and all of the other dogs that you decide "could" kill you if they wanted?

Daves not here man!

Active Member
I see no one has anything to say about the idea of the RRCUS Code of Ethics being applied to any breeder of large, dangerous/aggressive breeds.


That is really where most of this comes from...
The dogs that I have rescued over the years have come from owners and breeders who have no morals that guide their lives...let alone ethics for breeding.

Most reputable breeders go to lengthy and expensive ends to ensure that the pups are place with qualified owners. The would never sell a dog to someone who they thought was even slightly seedy.

The only do Ive ever actually purchased and not just "took in" actually came wth a 7 year contract which requires proof of vet upkeep and alot of other stuff that frankly was annoying but...I have been glad to do it.


Well-Known Member
What was the point of this thread? If you own a pitbull you are compensating for your insecurity? Either way, IMO the pit has gotten a bad name because of irresponsible owners. Just as some people should never be allowed to have kids, some people shouldn't own dogs. All in how you raise and socialize your dog...no matter what the breed. Not saying that a pitbull is the same as raising one of those taco bell dogs, but again it is the owners responsibility to educate themselves on how to deal with certian things that may come up.

That being said... I have never been bitten by a pitbull. I have been biten by a Chocolate Lab and a German Shepard. Both times unpervoked and for no cause. Do I despise either breed? No, I blame their retarded owners.

Daves not here man!

Active Member
What was the point of this thread? If you own a pitbull you are compensating for your insecurity? Either way, IMO the pit has gotten a bad name because of irresponsible owners. Just as some people should never be allowed to have kids, some people shouldn't own dogs. All in how you raise and socialize your dog...no matter what the breed. Not saying that a pitbull is the same as raising one of those taco bell dogs, but again it is the owners responsibility to educate themselves on how to deal with certian things that may come up.

That being said... I have never been bitten by a pitbull. I have been biten by a Chocolate Lab and a German Shepard. Both times unpervoked and for no cause. Do I despise either breed? No, I blame their retarded owners.
that is soo much better than anything I said!:bigjoint:
and I said alot


Well-Known Member
i'll go here, ...........................

"my dog is badass."
He is...I wouldn't want to own any other breed.
"my dog will mess you up."
If you mess with his family and in his territory without permission, you bet he would. Consider him my personal/home security system.
"my dog is sooooooo thick."
Yep...he is a big boy.
"pitbulls aren't mean, they just got a bad rap."
True, but he's not a pitbull either.


not man enough to own a beagle?
Beagles are cool, but not my style. Consider it a Chevy/Ford thing, LOL!

My responses are in red, lol. Guess what breed.


New Member
A Pitbull in my town attacked a neighboring 4 year old. Kid was eating something and got mauled. :(

Any dog can bite though, my Shih Tzu will attack, he can only reach the lower ankle, but he'll attack just the same.



Well-Known Member
I'm now a pit owner. I will add not by choice. after 3 months I have been bite three times. once they got me good and the others two were very minor. but never did they attack me I was in the wrong place when they were fighting. My old rott hates any new commer to the pack. the new little pit will not back away from the old girl so the fight is on but usually only if my wife or I are close. We learned to walk away and the fight stops. tell me what you think the breed(s) of the red dog.Crap pics are messed up will post shortley


Well-Known Member
My dad had a chow when I was a kid that bit a kid. It also killed the neighbor's duck, a couple chickens, and another neighbor's little dog. Now those fuckers are mean:cuss:


Well-Known Member
A Pitbull in my town attacked a neighboring 4 year old. Kid was eating something and got mauled. :(

Any dog can bite though, my Shih Tzu will attack, he can only reach the lower ankle, but he'll attack just the same.
Was this a stray dog? If not, then again...OWNERS. A dog should never be allowed to roam loose and unsupervised. Shame for the little kid.


New Member
I had a Chow for 15 years, they never forget anything. If you piss them off they will remember for 10 damn years and then bite your ass for it. I know mine bided his time and tried to get revenge on a couple of different assholes that teased him.

He was a good dog, guarded any kid that came in our yard. No adult was touching any child with that dog around.


New Member
I'm not sure, I know the kids face is all bite up and the dog belonged to the next door neighbors. Kid was eating something and dog attacked. I'm not sure of the exact circumstances.

Was this a stray dog? If not, then again...OWNERS. A dog should never be allowed to roam loose and unsupervised. Shame for the little kid.


Well-Known Member
I had a Chow for 15 years, they never forget anything. If you piss them off they will remember for 10 damn years and then bite your ass for it. I know mine bided his time and tried to get revenge on a couple of different assholes that teased him.

He was a good dog, guarded any kid that came in our yard. No adult was touching any child with that dog around.
Ha. Yeah, they're cool ass dogs. Very protective and loyal. But, they got a mind of their own. They won't come when u call them unless they want to...They're a lot more dangerous than pits, imo.


Well-Known Member
Photo taken by the breeder, but this is the best dog ever. Cane Corso Mastiff, very stable temperament, but best guard dog ever. I have 3 kids and he has never thought about doing anything to them. He usually watches them play dolls and takes naps with them. But again, I never leave him alone with them even though I trust him with my life. I'm glad these are rare, expensive dogs so that idiots cannot get their hands on them to fight and misuse them. They are becoming more popular in the states though. I pray they don't get a rep like the pitbull.



New Member
I think dalmations are the most dangerous. I've never known a dalmation that hadn't bit someone.

My Chow was a great dog to have when the bible beaters came to the door.