

Well-Known Member
Seamaiden. I understand where all the disdain comes from. I grew up in Detroit where every wannabe drug dealer had one chained in his backyard to make him "Hard" so he could escort him to drug deals. I had an unhealthy disposition towards them because of this. It wasn't until around 03' when my cousin took me to a breeder friend of his and it changed my opinion drastically. Mainly because this man was a lawyer by occupation.So the whole thug element went out the window. His wife did in fact handle most of the responsibilites nonetheless because of his schedule. He had around 10 when I went and to be honest I'd never been more afraid of anything in my life until I actually sat down. The first thing one of the dogs did was come right up to me sat at my feet and basically begged me with his eyes to be petted. So I did, and the rest is history. I couldn't get enough.I fell in love instantly.They were so handsome, obidient, attentive, and just plain old sucks. I couldn't get enough. I then met my wife and her pitbull "Taz" and he just reinforced this. He had more of a personality because he wasn't trained as strictly, but he was still the same. Now I have moose and besides my wife he's the love of my life. I adore him, and while I am aware that he could probably rip my arm off If he wanted too. He doesn't. I've never given him a reason to. And no I don't believe he'll just snap one day and decide he hates me, and does attack. It's the owners responsibility to ensure that his animal is properly cared for and socialized so that it doesn't happen. The breed takes a bad wrap for the image it portrays. That's why I always want people to look beyond the muscles and the powerful jaw, and see them for what they are. 50lb lap dogs. I wish the idiots didn't get ahold of this breed. Then it probably wouldn't be in the position it is now. I had to come home and hug him because threads like this, and opinions like this piss me the hell off. I just wish people would Ban the deed and not the Breed. They're wonderful dogs. To hate one...is not to know one.

That is all.



Well-Known Member
Few breeds seem to have the propensity to grab onto something and hold on in the manner pits do. Why is that? Because, none of these breeds were bred to handle large, AGGRESSIVE cattle. I ask again, how many of you pit owners have handled cattle, especially uncut bulls? If you haven't, if you've just watched them from the other side of the fence, then I'll suggest you try getting up close and personal with an animal that is not Daisy the dairy cow (which can still be a rough animal to handle, they will knock you about with their heads quite easily). Speaking of hard heads, would you say pits don't have them? They surely are copiously muscled, and with mighty big jaws to go along with, to boot.

You've found the single video of the single comparison that seems to be available. However, are you going to use this to say that a cocker spaniel's attack is going to have the same results as that of a pit? I don't think we can take the results from three representatives of their breeds as the end-all be-all in definitive science, do you?

This is the thing people are failing to appreiate, on an overall level, and it's really rather like fishkeepers who are so surprised that their fish ate that other fish and it wasn't "supposed" to. Of course, any dog is going to bite. But that Chihuahua that's so foul-tempered? It's going to barely break the skin. Put that aggression and personality into an animal with a relatively massive head and neck, what do you think is gonna happen?

The current situation as it stands now does not negate how the breed came to be in the first place, and frankly I fail to understand why anyone would insist that dog breeds were not bred for specific traits. I mean, what else is the point of breeding? There's a reason why pit bull breeds are called what they are. The only thing modern breeders seem to be doing now, with the exception of those who breed actual working dogs, is to breed for type and conformation. We're not talking about individual dogs here, we're talking about breed types and making generalizations. For every instance of exception one can come up with, another can refute.

So, if I understand you correctly, you're saying that Ridgies were not bred for guarding the farm, the stock, or for hunting lions, yes? If so, then why is it also known as the African Lion Hound? Why were they selected in the manner they were? Pick any other breed or breed type, and explain how it came to be if it weren't because it was being bred for a purpose.

If so, then why are terriers even called terriers? Why would border collies, when not presented with animals to herd, still feel the need to herd, even to the point of dangerous behaviors such as "herding" passing cars? Just because an individual within a breed does not display all breed characteristics does not equate to that breed NOT being bred for those very characteristics. I think you're really way off base in that assertion.

You didn't really read my post thoroughly. You're already on the defensive about your dog, and honestly you should be. You should be, specifically because of his size and power, on the lookout for any of these traits that might make him a dangerous animal. You're reading a bias where it doesn't exist, unless you're reading that comment about a nip from a pit being a little like a taste from a great white as a "bias". Personally, I DETEST allowing any dog to lick me. It makes my skin itch and it's just fucking creepy when they sneak the lick in, especially on the back of my leg. :x

Excuse me? I don't think you are anywhere close to knowing me well enough to draw any sort of comparison, even one like that.

Of course I get defensive. He's like my son. (Until I actually have one of my own.) So when people talk about pits in a negative manner I feel they're attacking my moose as well. Huh? I didn't act, pretend, or insinuate that I knew you. I stated that if you've been around something you usually get a feel for it. Your opinion changes of it. Plain and simple.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
A dog's attitude is generally the product of it's environment.All dogs are different.Each one has a unique personality.Some tend to be mean.Some are very sweet.These traits can be recognized and dealt with accordingly.The meanest dog I ever saw was a german shepherd, who, incidentally has more bite pressure than a pit.WikiAnswers - What dog has the most powerful bite


Well-Known Member
well, I'm a bit behind now, but I'll go by what I scanned over:

i know that MOST pits are nice, sweet dogs, just like most goldens, labs, collies, etc.

however, when a pit has a bad day, and/or decides to attack. They finish the job. i was attacked by a golden once, it was lost and scared and it bit me when I tried to meet it (I figured, hey, it's a golden, they're ALWAYS nice, right?) but anyway, I booked it to the nearest pickup and jumped into the bed. The golden was content with that.

When pits attack they finish the job, they break bones, tear flesh, they destroy things.

It's also true that by the numbers, pits attack FAR more than almost any other dog. Goldens and Labs make up a huge number of the dogs in america (close to 200k) and together they bite more people than pits. But pits don't stop attacking until they've finished the job. a bite from a golden or lab is just that, a bite.

if a pit bites you it's going to bite again, and again, and again.

and THAT is a factor of the DOG BREED. not the owner, not anything else, it's just how they are. when they attack, they KILL.

I did a google search for "killed by retriever" and "killed by pitbull"

the retriever stories were all about retrievers getting killed except for a couple dogfights.

the pitbull stories were about pits killing people and dogs.



Well-Known Member
Well here you go,http://www.cfnews13.com/News/Local/2008/6/27/police_eld...ath_by_her_dogs.html
Do I believe that all golden/lab mixes are bad dogs, or Australian shepherds after reading this story? absolutely not. Do I think this a tragedy? absolutely. Do I think these dogs should be destroyed? absolutely. I try not to cast any bad light on breed. Point is, they can all be dangerous. This happened in Florida so why was it not broadcast all over? Because we all know labs or goldens and especially not a mix could ever be responsible for something like that.

well, I'm a bit behind now, but I'll go by what I scanned over:

i know that MOST pits are nice, sweet dogs, just like most goldens, labs, collies, etc.

however, when a pit has a bad day, and/or decides to attack. They finish the job. i was attacked by a golden once, it was lost and scared and it bit me when I tried to meet it (I figured, hey, it's a golden, they're ALWAYS nice, right?) but anyway, I booked it to the nearest pickup and jumped into the bed. The golden was content with that.

When pits attack they finish the job, they break bones, tear flesh, they destroy things.

It's also true that by the numbers, pits attack FAR more than almost any other dog. Goldens and Labs make up a huge number of the dogs in america (close to 200k) and together they bite more people than pits. But pits don't stop attacking until they've finished the job. a bite from a golden or lab is just that, a bite.

if a pit bites you it's going to bite again, and again, and again.

and THAT is a factor of the DOG BREED. not the owner, not anything else, it's just how they are. when they attack, they KILL.

I did a google search for "killed by retriever" and "killed by pitbull"

the retriever stories were all about retrievers getting killed except for a couple dogfights.

the pitbull stories were about pits killing people and dogs.



Well-Known Member
point is, you have to HUNT to find a story of someone getting killed by a lab/golden, whereas you can find PAGES of pit attacks without any effort at all, even though goldens and labs outnumber pits by a ridiculous margin.


there is no denying the numbers


Well-Known Member
point is, you have to HUNT to find a story of someone getting killed by a lab/golden, whereas you can find PAGES of pit attacks without any effort at all, even though goldens and labs outnumber pits by a ridiculous margin.


there is no denying the numbers
That's not a good point. Being the stoners you guys are, you should know that the media only produces information that they think the public wants to hear.


Well-Known Member
That's not a good point. Being the stoners you guys are, you should know that the media only produces information that they think the public wants to hear.
You don't think the public would want to hear "Boy dies after wippet attack"?


Well-Known Member
Of course I get defensive. He's like my son. (Until I actually have one of my own.) So when people talk about pits in a negative manner I feel they're attacking my moose as well. Huh? I didn't act, pretend, or insinuate that I knew you. I stated that if you've been around something you usually get a feel for it. Your opinion changes of it. Plain and simple.
Then you must have not read my entire post that engendered the response. Or you would have caught that I have indeed handled them (though not owned a purebred). You're also getting something that isn't there with me--a disdain for the breed. That is not my own stance. I actually have a very strong disdain for Bulldogs whose faces have been so pushed in that they cannot breath, and whose bodies have been so scrunched up that they have intestinal troubles. However, I don't have a problem with the dogs themselves. I have a problem with the humans who have bred them for these traits.

I have an even BIGGER problem with humans who breed for appearance alone, and let the dog's mind be damned. Um, hello! They're cognizant creatures and the insane ones should not be bred!

Has no one any comments or observations about the RRCUS Code of Ethics? I find it to be exceedingly conscientious for its rigorousness.

Daves not here man!

Active Member
well, I'm a bit behind now, but I'll go by what I scanned over:

i know that MOST pits are nice, sweet dogs, just like most goldens, labs, collies, etc.

however, when a pit has a bad day, and/or decides to attack. They finish the job. i was attacked by a golden once, it was lost and scared and it bit me when I tried to meet it (I figured, hey, it's a golden, they're ALWAYS nice, right?) but anyway, I booked it to the nearest pickup and jumped into the bed. The golden was content with that.

When pits attack they finish the job, they break bones, tear flesh, they destroy things.

It's also true that by the numbers, pits attack FAR more than almost any other dog. Goldens and Labs make up a huge number of the dogs in america (close to 200k) and together they bite more people than pits. But pits don't stop attacking until they've finished the job. a bite from a golden or lab is just that, a bite.

if a pit bites you it's going to bite again, and again, and again.

and THAT is a factor of the DOG BREED. not the owner, not anything else, it's just how they are. when they attack, they KILL.

I did a google search for "killed by retriever" and "killed by pitbull"

the retriever stories were all about retrievers getting killed except for a couple dogfights.

the pitbull stories were about pits killing people and dogs.


I was watching this thread and reading both sides of the argument trying not to get involved...
But in this political season when we are constantly barraged with people who say things that arent true in order to get their point across, knowing that people will take the shit they say as fact, I am inclined to put my two cents in.

It IS a fact that more people are bitten each year by
Goldens, germans, beagles (sorry), and most of all the little purse things.

FAct: Pit bulls ARE dog aggressive, we all know why they were bred long ago...

FAct: Pit Bulls ARE NOT human aggressive unless trained

FAct: You can state your OPINION as much as you want, but you may not lie. I have fostered over 20 pit bulls and most of them have been from exactly the people mentioned earlier....wannabe thugs, drug dealers, all around pussys! I have never had to rescue a dog who had a "normal" dog life...whatsoever!!! It makes me sick wHen I see what people do to these dogs, but when loved correctly....I believe someone earlier said.....50 pound lap dog.

Ps. Dont get me started on mike vick

that being said... I give you...........




Well-Known Member
I loved my pit, she never harmed anyone but also the breeder wasn't a shitty breeder..

I think part of the pitbull problem is breeder related not to mention most people don't know how to care for them and don't take them around enough people and other dogs..

The breeder I got my dog from though cared about the dogs, and took really good care of them.. I've seen some breeders that you could tell they didn't care what happened to the puppies, they just wanted money I found those are the ones with the aggression problems most of the time too

BTW the way to stop a dog from mauling you, stick a thumb up its ass and pull up... Yeah it was on weeds, it works. Never had to use it though, most animals like me :)

Daves not here man!

Active Member
Oh yeah... somehow the GOOGLE i use produced slightly different results.
( see how any side can spin a story their way)

Golden bites baby...
http://www.understand-a-bull.com/Articles/OtherBreedBites/2008/September/yellow lab bit toddler deemed not dangerous 0908.pdf

Lab Bites baby....
http://www.understand-a-bull.com/Articles/OtherBreedBites/2008/September/lab shepherd mix 0908.pdf

Husky mistakes newborn for toy ...eww that ones icky
http://www.understand-a-bull.com/Articles/OtherBreedBites/2008/September/husky kills infant 0908.pdf

I mean c'mon...are you retarded or just ignorant?

Pit bull attacks are much more media friendly...cuz pit bulls are sccaaaarrry.........oooooooooooohhhhhhhh

Nobody wants to hear about a lab biting grandma because then you have to be mad at the lab and then you would have to admit that...well you get my point this is ridiculous...

fdd----great thread:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah... somehow the GOOGLE i use produced slightly different results.
( see how any side can spin a story their way)

Golden bites baby...
http://www.understand-a-bull.com/Articles/OtherBreedBites/2008/September/yellow lab bit toddler deemed not dangerous 0908.pdf

Lab Bites baby....
http://www.understand-a-bull.com/Articles/OtherBreedBites/2008/September/lab shepherd mix 0908.pdf

Husky mistakes newborn for toy ...eww that ones icky
http://www.understand-a-bull.com/Articles/OtherBreedBites/2008/September/husky kills infant 0908.pdf

I mean c'mon...are you retarded or just ignorant?

Pit bull attacks are much more media friendly...cuz pit bulls are sccaaaarrry.........oooooooooooohhhhhhhh

Nobody wants to hear about a lab biting grandma because then you have to be mad at the lab and then you would have to admit that...well you get my point this is ridiculous...

fdd----great thread:bigjoint:
I gave you a verbatim quote of what I searched. i have no reservation that goldens bite more people. there's just too many of them. HOWEVER, pits not only kill more people, but per dog the attack rate is exponentially higher.

pit bull attacks are more media friendly because pit bulls DEMOLISH people. LOOK AT THE NUMBERS.

Daves not here man!

Active Member
Can't you participate in a debate without the insults? After all, it IS against the rules to insult others on this site.
I asked a warranted question of someone who stated many...many...many...untrue facts and sorry..

If that was rule-breaking insult...then um....:wall:

I mean on a site where we all have ONE thing in common and we have all argued against a million propaganda spewing goofs who have never smoked and think that pot is the same as meth....wow we just let people make stuff up and if I say "retarded"....im the ass?


Well-Known Member
I mean c'mon...are you retarded or just ignorant?

fdd----great thread:bigjoint:
I think that is a good question

Oh yeah and weed is 100 times stronger than your fathers pot, and people are going crazy smoking this new deadly marijuana! Pot is a gateway drug that often leads meth crack ect...........I found this hyped shit in the media all the time to. Media loves good stories


Well-Known Member
difference between weed propaganda and pitbull propaganda is that pitbulls DO kill more people than any other dog

Daves not here man!

Active Member
I gave you a verbatim quote of what I searched. i have no reservation that goldens bite more people. there's just too many of them. HOWEVER, pits not only kill more people, but per dog the attack rate is exponentially higher.

pit bull attacks are more media friendly because pit bulls DEMOLISH people. LOOK AT THE NUMBERS.

I think we may be arguing the same thing...I agree that pits are "better" at "demolishing" but they dont JUST do that....they dont...im sorry

I can almost gaurantee that I have been around more of this breed, and most breeds for that matter, and I just havent seen it.

You are right that if a pit starts biting it may end up killing the victim, but again MY dog will not be one of them. This I know because I have actually seen the bad ones all too often.

I hate to make the gun analogy but it seems to fit.
My girlfriends dad has about 200 of the baddest ass guns ever made...and I'm not to worried about him doing the damage that could in fact be done IF he trained...er....used them improperly.

On the other hand, my friend from High school lil' ray ray only has one gun and well... you get my point

they both could cause trouble, but Ray didnt have the best upbringing or training so who's your money one?

I have an Idea.....People should have to go through the same backround screening that one goes through when purchasing a gun....why not I have nothing to hide...and folks who do shouldn't own a gun...er pit bull anyway