Pitbudz87's 6 site dwc, 150watt hps, clone flower cabinet 150 hps 600 watts cfls.

hell yeah... well i wanna say that i think you are gonna get two at least... the size of your plant if not anything should supply that... i dunno... i dont have any experience with growing anything over an eighth... but damn man... u got mass...
alright well i tied the plant apart so it gets more light and also did some pruning on some fan leaves u cant tell but i took off a shitload and also topped off the rez i fucked up tha lights we blew tha breaker the other mornin and when i reset the light i reset it to come on a 9 in tha morn and i forgot to set it to go off at 9 pm i set it for 9 am lol so when i looked this mornin i had no lights but i fixed it now ill try and get a video up
amazing man i fucked up the lights again nd today it wias without lght for 3 hrs dammit fuckin timer i turned it on automaticlly yesterday instead of settin it whenthe breaker blew nd after i set it i forgot to turn it on so it went out at time but dident come on when it was supposed to they r getting alot bigger man, well to me they are i need to get a video im gonna try my youtube right now nd see if i can
hell i cant remember lol id have to go back nd look through post sometime i had the harvest date for the 20th if that gives you ny idea but im pushin it back jus a tad nd again it all depends on how the plant looks then
[QUOTE="SICC";5004251]She's gonna need longer then the 20th, She'll prob finish up in January.[/QUOTE]
yea im agreeing wit ya on that one man that was jus my estimated time i never found this strain on nirvanas site so i culd get a idea of flowering time but i never found it so i jus put it on a 12 week grow from seed the 20th will be really close to 12 weeks
not sure how close ive got to go abck and look so i know when i did put them to flower
yea im hopin for at least two zones id be pleased with more as soon as the motavion is out ill put the other two in with the bluemerry under the hps nd ill flower nd be done for awhile once i harvest the other plants my ol lady hasent smoked in like 3 weeks so its jus me now nd once im done with these im thinkin i shuld have enough smoke to last me for awhile
yea thats my plan from now on no more plants all over growin people are getting really suspicious of me nd its gettin me noid so im gonna finsh turnin that room into my man cave im gettin a couch and flatscreen to go above the fish tank or on the wall as soon as u walk in so the room loooks like somethin useful besides a fish tank nd bright closets lol. so from now on i wont start ny plants until im ready to harvest or 2 weeks prior ill have a small bp to start em in and move em to the big one once the plants r out nd thats my plan from now on unless i move i cant afford to get popped im in texas i read in the paper not to ling ago where they got a guy here for hydroponics it was a big fuckin deal they wont look at it as personal use not here i ve fooled myself to long
im just really tryin hard to not get caught up ya feel me things are starting to go really well for me for the whole bullridin thing im sponsered nd shit nd i dont wanna lose ny of this or ill have to go back to work nd i dnt wanna do that at all, im gonna top off the rez today
ya man shit i got woke up this mornin to a cop down the road with sirens blaring glad i dident go trash everythin he had someone pulled over but they been creepin too much lately nd my fiancees mother or father dosent know i grow weve been in this house going on two years nd they have beenin the back room once when we moved in now they rnt allowed nd its raisin suspicipn when i get locks on my closet and a tv nd couch in there they can go but as for now off limits
Kinda weird they would want to go in there in the first place, i know its their crib, but what about some privacy lol.