Pitbudz87's 6 site dwc, 150watt hps, clone flower cabinet 150 hps 600 watts cfls.

they lookin nice, u got a plan if they get too tall for the tent?
haha yea im gonna try nd sneak away from my town tomorrow when i get some cash and im gonna hit tha hydro shop a couple hrs away and pick up a 400 watter nd ill jus bite tha bullett nd put it in the closet to finsh and take the tent out it has to be where i can shut the door if nyone or my landlord comes over or my ol ladys parents so i have to be preapared for that im going to be looking at getting a bigger tent as well
hell i dont remember well i got a pic tho but i picked up another 150hps ill take the whole thing out when i get back from the hollidays
Hey Guys(sicc & pit)
Cold up there huh? lol
I shouldn't have harvested, down south its still warm.
Also youll need to bite another bullet, the fan and filter combo.
I have not myself and cant even turn on a 600 with out getting to 97º.
ive got alot to do tomorrow well today when i wake up lol gotta clean tha closet nd then get tha plant out without breaking nything but the 300 watts is gonna make a big difference now espically where im at in flower i also got some liquid koolbloom their proces were too high foro nything else nd they dident even know what they were talkin about

this :joint:s for you Pitz. Nice show man.
[QUOTE="SICC";4959171]Good to kno you got everything set up, i would keep that WW to clone, are you gonna flower the other two?[/QUOTE]

yea i think so man im gonna get some more soil for the white widdow nd put it in a bigger pot to go in the tent and ill squeze the other plants in the closet dont have tha funds now to get more cfls i will soon
alright well here is the deal guys im gonna flower the blue mery and the soure creame and the white widdow i will take one t clones of the white widdow to save for outdoor i may be abke to hide it frm my ol lady nd keep tha whole plant she know im gonna have a good harvest so she wants me to shut down till we r almost out of tha stash nd if momma aint happy no one is ya feel me so ya but here is a vid ill finsh the rest tomorrow and get vids of that for you guys

well plans got changed up a bit ive got to go ride some colts and clean some stalls nd feed so ill be gone for mose of tha day im gonna try and get back to put some lights up but i have alot to do today