Pit bulls

Have not read the thread.
My 02 is socialize the shit out of it when it is young.
Make sure it knows that humans can put their hands in its food and all that.
It needs to be around people and other animals tons.
They can get bossy when their grownup hormones kick in.
Great dogs but you need to be proactive with keeping it in check
It sucks when all of a sudden they smash through the door to eat a cat because they aren't aware they existed..

Pits are the best
Have not read the thread.
My 02 is socialize the shit out of it when it is young.
Make sure it knows that humans can put their hands in its food and all that.
It needs to be around people and other animals tons.
They can get bossy when their grownup hormones kick in.
Great dogs but you need to be proactive with keeping it in check
It sucks when all of a sudden they smash through the door to eat a cat because they aren't aware they existed..

Pits are the best
shes super chill and loves everyone and animals too
I rescued my big pal JFK when he was already ~ 1 and a half. He is super friendly, and will lick you till your covered in slobber if you don't tell him no.

He has a bit of trouble w/ smaller animals (nothing malicious, but he is very high energy and big, and his "play" can be a little rough).

They can be very stubborn but are really good dogs.

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Here's my cat and dog! Pitbulls are great and easy to train. This white pitbull bitch can climb trees! Mine is fine with cats and I would go mental if he chased a cat.

People always comment on two things, his blue colour and his obedience. I've made the next decade with him very easy. He's a great swimmer and we love jumping in the sea together. I think in the right hands they are a fantastic breed.
Ive had a couple pits. I like em, but they arent my favorite. I personally would never crate an energetic breed like pits, same with my doberman and such. Let em run around while your not home? Ive only had issues with dogs chewing if they dont get enough attention i mean little pups like to gnaw on thi.gs though
Anyway cute dog..