Pissed on my Plant

you're a tractor!! lol.... just for the hell of it; do your buds taste or smell like said 'horseshit mountain'??? you got plenty, you should start a shrooom grow for the hell of it.
had to hop off to take the pic so yea im a tractor and i got literally tons of shit
even better... what do you grow?? (besides the obvious)
tomatoes, okra, squash, eggplant, sweet corn, garlic, all sortsa peppers(bell, jalapeno,cyane,ect), lettuces ,mellons ,turnips+greens ,zuchinni ,cucumbers, sweet potatoes, few difrnt kinda potatoes, im sure thers more but thats a basic idea, anything i can sell at the local farmersmarkets, next year i think im gonna start my own market out back in one of my fields i'll put up a open front pole barn and slang my veg out by my back gate the road at the edge of town dead ends into my land perfect opertunity for a market i think
tomatoes, okra, squash, eggplant, sweet corn, garlic, all sortsa peppers(bell, jalapeno,cyane,ect), lettuces ,mellons ,turnips+greens ,zuchinni ,cucumbers, sweet potatoes, few difrnt kinda potatoes, im sure thers more but thats a basic idea, anything i can sell at the local farmersmarkets, next year i think im gonna start my own market out back in one of my fields i'll put up a open front pole barn and slang my veg out by my back gate the road at the edge of town dead ends into my land perfect opertunity for a market i think

that is awesome bro.... wish i had the equipment to do that myself... i garden on the small scale; the ole shovel and hoe wear my ass out
it is nice. i own as far as i can see... i grew up in philly pa in the city all my life and one day i just went on a road trip met with diffrnt realitors in a bunch of little towns from pa down to tn. and accross to tulsa found a nice spot i liked compared all the places i saw and bam here i am a thousand miles from where i grew up in fact thats one of the reasons i grow weed i cant live without it and im in a small rural town that id rather noone know i burn so if i grow it i dnt have to deal with anyone and never really leave my peice of the earth too often its nice being me...(standing in field with shotgun screaming get off ma dirt bitch) only once i had a trespasser and a nice ol warnind shot into the air solved that problem but yea ive gone a little crazy not having any other human contact but ehh whatchya gonna do i got my wife my weed and all my fun tractors and such plowing a feild is quite enjoyable
im in sj 10 mins over the walt whitman grew up in south philly... believe ur not missing a damn thing in the city... besides all the cops gettin shot ... .. well maybe ur missing tastycakes . soft pretzels and of course pats lol ... but nothing else .. u got the fresh air the lands and a big pile of horse shit haha.... who knows if the phillies win tonight the city of philly might get burnt down lol
im in sj 10 mins over the walt whitman grew up in south philly... believe ur not missing a damn thing in the city... besides all the cops gettin shot ... .. well maybe ur missing tastycakes . soft pretzels and of course pats lol ... but nothing else .. u got the fresh air the lands and a big pile of horse shit haha.... who knows if the phillies win tonight the city of philly might get burnt down lol
dam newjersyians invading our fine city every friday and i was always a geno's man hung out in snj a bunh down around a little town called elmer im actually goin back for a visit week b4 thanksgiving and week after harvest...
You guys crack me up. I am sure piss would do something... but c'mon brother. Round up some loose change and buy a jar of water soluble fertilizer for a few bucks and watch that loose change pay off 10 fold ;)

:peace: :joint::hump:

Originally Posted by MrHowardMarks
Nope, you're growing the piss pot in your dorm room aren't you... :roll:

Originally Posted by MrHowardMarks
Oh, johnnyo, pissing on your compost is excellent for decomposition, and nutrient stimulation, that will be some awesome compost.

Originally Posted by MrHowardMarks
If you think piss plants are gross, and you eat mushrooms from the grocery, or anywhere for that matter, they are grown in piss and shit... Do a little research, wet shit and piss mixed up, there was an episode of Dirty Jobs on discovery about it, fucking nasty. :razz:uke:

wow triple post for the win what a n00b and just to let you know not all mushrooms are grown in piss and shit like you say google is your friend.
YouTube - Grow Mushrooms from Spores


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lol yea every friday night... well i use to eat gino's till i saw pictures of young gino in full dragqueen kissing men... lol then i said ehhh i think ill pass on ginos...yea i know were elmer is .. im in deptford now...
random question. my plants been growin for a week or so and its getting bushy but i have n't had to move the light yet. should i move it up or should i wait till the plant gets too close?
random question. my plants been growin for a week or so and its getting bushy but i have n't had to move the light yet. should i move it up or should i wait till the plant gets too close?

if its not too close, why would you want to raise it??? keep that sucker as close as possible
yup leave it pissonplant guy... omfg rofl lmao if it doesnt die dont smoke that shit give it to your granny and laugh at xmass!!