Pink Himalayan salt

Is it worth using? I'm not buying azomite until next season I dont think. Get clever with me and find trace elements without spending cash!

Kelp meal will provide all the trace elements needed and you probably have it on hand. Not the concentrate, or liquid, but the meal.

Google just what it has AFA trace elements and you won't need to look any further.

OK.... I'll add a pinch for no apparent reason to a tea.. Iv got no kelp meal.... I wonder what the dept store's got. I should just get a sack of azomite...
FWIW, on a VERY limited budget, I buy 2 things in bulk. That is kelp meal in 50# bags and Neem meal (cake), in 44lb bags. The third "must have" is homemade VC from my own 2 bins.

There isn't much else needed than those 3 items.

Plenty more suggested, but those 3 pretty much fill the bill. Bone meal rounds it out, but isn't essential.
