Pine Trees hurt if in ground?

Dolce Vita

Active Member
Okay my plant isnt doing to good... started it indoors, then transplanted it into the ground about 10 feet from a nice big pine tree.

I think the soil its growing in is fucked up cos the pine tree any truth in this??

heres some pics

any suggestions??

Fallen Buckshot

looks like bugs but yeah think pine needles make the soil extra acidic ?

Dolce Vita

Active Member
ya know, i think that might be a part of it, we were thinking it was the roots that turn the sail bad but i really dont know.

the reason i put it under the pine tree id cos many ppl have told me that weed and pine trees give off the same heat signature, anyone know if this is true as well?

what should i do? transplant it??
Yeah i've also heard the same, pine trees throw off just as much heat or if not really close to the same ammount of heat as a marijuana plant, i have alot of land where i live out in the country and its all pine which is gay, i just keep my plants in pots to avoid its soil beeing really acidic cuz pines make it really acidic and will most likely kill your plant(s).

Dolce Vita

Active Member
yeah? well i think im going to have to transplant mine, or move it or im sure it will die.. what do you think about digging a nice 10 gallon hole, lining it with newspapers and putting a good potting mix in it and planting in that? that way we get protections of the pines and at the same time protection from the soil?

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
I think that is weather stress. Did it get hot and then rain?

If you're worried about the pine fucking up your PH just grab a bunch of pine needles. PH test a cup of water, put the pine needles in a cup of water and let them soak overnight. Retest the water.


Well-Known Member
Pine trees really fuck up the soil, pine tree plantations can only grow 3 crops and them the soil is so depleted you cant grow anything.:peace:


Well-Known Member
I've heard that pine needles leech something not good for weed... Not 100% on that... but 10' away is close... consider the roots can be twice the width of canopy of tree in root spread and may be drawing nutes... for future it may be better to use pots instead... I know it does remove some of the "stealth" but.... Luck...


Mr I Can Do That For Half
The dropped pine needle make the soil very acidic much higher then what mary jane likes. You should be also digging your hole 4 times what you need and putting a good soil mix back in the hole and not just using the regular dirt unless your ina gfoood silt ladden area with nice rich black top soil. You have major insect damage also


Well-Known Member
What you can try is some garden line/dolomite lime.... clear as much needles away as you can and put a tablespoon of it in watering ...then spread some of it on the top of the soil to leech down during rain... this will help neutralize the soil to a 7.... IMO.


Active Member
There's nothing wrong with growing under pine if you do it right, one of the easiest ways to get around soil issues is to plant your girl in a container. Then bury the container in the ground, pine needles do
make the soil more acidic but that's easy to fix. Another method is to dig up about 3-5 gallons of dirt and fill the hole with good soil if you don't want to use a container. I like the container since you can pull it out at any time if need be.

Also, looking at the pictures I'd say your problem is mostly due to some kind of insect!

Dolce Vita

Active Member
Hey all, thanks for the imput. the reason i dont want to do buckets is if i get raided i would get "intent to sell" cos there in buckets.

Heres what i did, i dug a 2-3 gal hole in a nother place, transplanted it. and im hoping it didnt shock it to bad. does anyone know any quick, easy tips for dealing with insects?