Pile of curing weed

Colombia, where they've been growing weed before anybody ever got the idea in the US or Netherlands. Any other questions?

Cannabis originated in Asia and passed to Europe long before the Western Hemisphere was even discovered, numbnuts.
Cannabis originated in Asia and passed to Europe long before the Western Hemisphere was even discovered, numbnuts.
Point being? Am I to believe that the Dutch grew weed before the Colombians? Maybe hemp for rope. Smoking wasn't even known or practiced before tobacco was discovered in America a few centuries ago. Nobody smoked weed before that, they all just ate it.
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Yeah that's about the same, just slightly lower temperature than I use, which is 100 to 104. Got any pics? But yeah, the color and smell are really the only reasons I do it. I don't actually expect it to get more potent. It felt like it but no tests were done to confirm it. The mason jar would work for small amounts. Could actually put it under water and heat the water, if you had something to hold it down. I just need a bigger container so I can do it all at once and obviously I couldn't use heated water for that much.

For sure, I've noticed I don't get throat burn as bad with it.


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For sure, I've noticed I don't get throat burn as bad with it.
Very impressive. That turned out real nice. The chlorophyll is largely responsible for weed harshness. I would prefer your buds over the greenies any day. Looks primo, almost purple. Actually looks better than mine did. Even your leaf is nice and brown/purple. You sir are a curing pro.
when i wasnt growing but rather dealing i was always getting this type of cure dropped on me. i noticed i would get such a lazy couch lock high over some of the competitor's. i wouldnt go to class if i wake and baked. i HAD to switch dealers for my own sake lol. the taste was much butter though
when i wasnt growing but rather dealing i was always getting this type of cure dropped on me. i noticed i would get such a lazy couch lock high over some of the competitor's. i wouldnt go to class if i wake and baked. i HAD to switch dealers for my own sake lol. the taste was much butter though
When I extracted the resin from the cured trim and made it into hash by mixing it with some sifted leached weed, it was very potent and knockout. It seems to alter the character of the high somewhat in a way which I like.

BTW, I should point out that the yellowing also converts the starch to sugars. Some people may not want to be smoking sugars. That's where the long term air curing is helpful. The sugar will be metabolized away to CO2. It'll reduce the overall weight but will make it smoother and less bad for the lungs. Here's a table showing the differences in tobacco from different curing methods. Burley and Maryland are air cured. Not sure what Oriental is but it seems to be midway between flue and air curing in sugar content.

Look for the "reducing sugars" part. Reducing sugars just means sugars like sucrose, dextrose, levulose and I think fructose. They're called that because they can take part in a chemical reaction called reduction. The amount for flue cured is 22%, so that's how much weight you would lose by air curing it after the browning part, though the percentage of sugar is usually around 15%. That particular sample was unusually high. The sugar does tend to give it a sweet taste when smoked though, so some people may actually like it. That's one of the reasons for the popularity of flue cured tobacco actually.

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Point being? Am I to believe that the Dutch grew weed before the Colombians? Maybe hemp for rope. Smoking wasn't even known or practiced before tobacco was discovered in America a few centuries ago. Nobody smoked weed before that, they all just ate it.
It was but they just used a large cauldrons/stones and an enclosed room. 5 BC.

"The Greek historian Herodotus wrote in the 5th Century BC about how the ancient Scythians would enter tents and throw cannabis seeds on hot stones, and then howl with pleasure at the effect they received. This event was largely thought to be mythical, until Russian archeologists began to discover ancient Scythian gravesites which contained cauldrons, which held heated stones onto which flowering cannabis tops were thrown."
It was but they just used a large cauldrons/stones and an enclosed room. 5 BC.

"The Greek historian Herodotus wrote in the 5th Century BC about how the ancient Scythians would enter tents and throw cannabis seeds on hot stones, and then howl with pleasure at the effect they received. This event was largely thought to be mythical, until Russian archeologists began to discover ancient Scythian gravesites which contained cauldrons, which held heated stones onto which flowering cannabis tops were thrown."
Yeah I remembered about the Sythians after I posted that. It wasn't smoking in the usual sense though, but yeah technically I suppose.
Seems the Africans may have smoked it befre western man.

" In Africa, for instance, as noted by E Baard in part seven of Dagga Stone Pipes in the Collection of the National Museum: Researches of the National Museum Volume Two‚ "it is evident that the [African] bushmen were addicted to smoking and used their dagga pipes generations before they came in contact with other races which also used similar pipes."

Interesting stuff https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100914073216AA5DYpp
Seems the Africans may have smoked it befre western man.

" In Africa, for instance, as noted by E Baard in part seven of Dagga Stone Pipes in the Collection of the National Museum: Researches of the National Museum Volume Two‚ "it is evident that the [African] bushmen were addicted to smoking and used their dagga pipes generations before they came in contact with other races which also used similar pipes."

Interesting stuff https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100914073216AA5DYpp
Interesting, hadn't seen that one before.
Five. But seriously, who judges the Cannabis cup? A bunch of Dutchies. What exactly makes the Dutch an authority on anything aside from Tulips? The Dutch couldn't cure a cold. Here they are at the Cannabis Cup; "Oh look at this sample, Lars, what a lovely green it is. Oh yes, Jan, a lovely shade indeed. Let me just take a quick hit of this...HACK COUGH RETCH...oh that was an uncommonly smooth one, Jan."
I think this is proof this guy has no idea what he's talking about.
Because it works and works fast. I even dry it in there after I manicure it, same 125 F temperature, dropping it lower as it gets closer to 60% RH. With no weed out in the air there's no smell problems and no loss of terps, at least less than in open air. There can't be much volatilizing because there's not much smell. 125 F is not particularly hot anyway so I doubt it could cause any harm. It comes out plenty potent with nice aroma and flavor.

is this right after the cure while it's hot ? it will do ..... whats it like 2 days after ?
before i read anymore ..... curing happens only over time right ? thats the whole chemical physical shit process .. it takes time right ?

am i wrong ?
before i read anymore ..... curing happens only over time right ? thats the whole chemical physical shit process .. it takes time right ?

am i wrong ?
Your right as far as im concerned. Op is drying at room temps (round 40c) and then at slightly higher than room temps (round 50ish C).

He probably isnt decarbing either as I dont think his temps are high enough.

Some science at 240F:

Results of Decarboxylation Experiment
The following charts show the results of the 30 minute and 60 minute decarboxylation experiments. Also included are the lab results from testing done prior to any artificial decarboxylation to establish a starting point. Note that because of the age of both the kief and the trim, decarboxylation had begun to take place to some degree naturally. This may not be your starting point, but should not affect the results of the experiment much.

Compound Before Decarb 30 Min Decarb 60 Min Decarb
THCA 24.5% 2.6% .1%
THC 3.8% 25.4% 25.5%
CBDA .6% .3% .3%
CBD 0% 1% .1%
CBN .4% 1% 1.4%
Moisture 0% 0% 0%
Total Cannabanoids 29.3% 30.3% 27.4%
Cannabis Trim
Compound Before Decarb 30 Min Decarb 60 Min Decarb
THCA 6.5% 2.9% .2%
THC .6% 4.8% 6.9%
CBDA .2% .2% .1%
CBD 0% 0% .1%
CBN 0% 0% 0%
Moisture 3.4% 4.5% 0%
Total Cannabanoids 7.3% 7.9% 7.3%
Testing provided by SC Labs

As you can see from the two charts, 30 minutes was not quite enough to completely decarboxylate either the kief or the trim. At 30 minutes the kief was about 90% decarboxylated but the trim was only about 60% decarboxylated. This difference is likely because the trim had a higher starting moisture content. After 60 minutes however, both keif and trim samples were close enough to 100% decarboxylation for my satisfaction.

So there you have it. 240° F for 60 minutes should be enough to decarboxylate any cannabis with a reasonably low moisture content. For material with higher moisture content, the time can be extended but the temperature should not be increased. If you are concerned about losing organic compounds, lower heat can be used but the time should be extended to compensate.

Extracted from http://www.marijuanagrowershq.com/decarboxylating-cannabis-turning-thca-into-thc/
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is this right after the cure while it's hot ? it will do ..... whats it like 2 days after ?
It was actually 60 hours at around 100 F followed by about 18 hours starting at 125 F and gradually increasing as it got drier to 145 F and finally when it was closer to dry I reduced it to about 115 until completely dry. Normally I wouldn't let it get drier than 55% RH but because I went to sleep it got down to the mid 40s RH before I shut it down. Then I sprayed deionized water on it a few times until it got back up to 55%. But even though it had dried to below 50% it still had a nice aroma after I moistened it back up again, though less strong than when I stopped the drying at 60% and got it down to 55% at room temperature. You may only need two days rather than 60 hours for the 100 F part. I just wanted to try to get it browned more.