Pile of curing weed

Burying does not mold the bud if it is prepared properly. In this process the bud is rolled in a corn or other plant husk, then tightly wrapped with fiber, creating a bundle called a cob. Cobs are gathered together in a larger bundle, which is buried in the ground for a year. The anaerobic fermentation type process creates the exact same type of profile your buds display-- golden brown, super potent and aromatic. The process has been used in Africa for ages. Similar types of anaerobic cure can take place in Mex brick weed when it is harvested in large piles which are left to lie in the field under a partial canopy.
By the way, I applaud your sense of adventure and experimentation. I myself like to keep my buds curing for months before I sample them, and during that time many strains do cure down to a golden brown color-- but this is a different type of cure. I think your flue cure is much closer to an anaerobic process.
That's the thing, it takes a year at room temperature (or soil temperature) as opposed to a few days or weeks at 125 F. Similar results, just a vast difference in how long you have to wait. I have heard of people burying weed and Aspergillus growing on it, which is quite toxic. Maybe they didn't do it right, I don't know.

Personally I don't even let it ferment long enough for ammonia to be noticeable. It's not anaerobic conditions anyway other than being a pile, so maybe there is very little if any fermentation. It's just in a short pile and I mix it regularly. Never smelled ammonia at all. But I figure the ammonia will react with the THCA to form the ammonium salt and then when you smoke it the ammonia will be released and you'll inhale it. If you can smell ammonia then that means all of the THCA must have been made into the salt and then there was excess. The fact that I can't smell ammonia may mean that some was formed and did make the salt but it didn't reach the point of excess. Couldn't taste ammonia when I smoked it though. As I said, my goal is to get rid of the chlorophyll and give it the smell of Colombian. Fermenting might make it mellower like tobacco, but tobacco doesn't have an acidic active ingredient like weed does. It may not be a good thing to ferment weed.
Thanks for the support. Yeah there's a lot of people on here who just like to be argumentative instead of actually learning anything. I do rather enjoy coming back at them though. They give me a target for some witty quips. Always nice when that happens. Can't really just take shots at perfectly innocent people, but if they're foolhardy enough to give me a justification I'm more than happy to take advantage.
I dont have sides in any fight im just trying to get everyone to open their eyes and move forward. keep doing you and keep trying to help everyone no matter what people say or do. But at the same time you should take a closer look at the things you are saying to people. Just because they come asking doesnt mean you should give it to them. you can unintentionally offend many people by offending one. remember it.

someone take a hit for me cause i fkin ran out today :'(
I dont have sides in any fight im just trying to get everyone to open their eyes and move forward. keep doing you and keep trying to help everyone no matter what people say or do. But at the same time you should take a closer look at the things you are saying to people. Just because they come asking doesnt mean you should give it to them. you can unintentionally offend many people by offending one. remember it.

someone take a hit for me cause i fkin ran out today :'(
I suppose you're right. I shouldn't even waste typing effort on em.
I suppose you're right. I shouldn't even waste typing effort on em.
Hey Bob. You have to imagine that people see your shit and its outside the norm and goes against much of what they have read about curing. I don't doubt that you have something that works for you but many would bet (including me) that if given one of your plants and if they were allowed to cure it in a more traditional way...yours would not smoke or taste as good. I have quick dried weed at low heat too and to me the taste got weird....not like microwaved stuff (which really turns my stomach) but just not right. In any case, you will not be turning the industry on its head with this method.
Hey Bob. You have to imagine that people see your shit and its outside the norm and goes against much of what they have read about curing. I don't doubt that you have something that works for you but many would bet (including me) that if given one of your plants and if they were allowed to cure it in a more traditional way...yours would not smoke or taste as good. I have quick dried weed at low heat too and to me the taste got weird....not like microwaved stuff (which really turns my stomach) but just not right. In any case, you will not be turning the industry on its head with this method.
Yeah but you quick dried it without browning it first (called "yellowing" with tobacco but it gets brown with weed so I call it "browning"). Of course it tasted weird and I'm sure was also harsh. Anyway, I just showed how I prepare my weed. I really don't give a shit how others prepare theirs. I just post stuff like this for something to do. That's all this forum is to me, something to do to pass the time aside from watching YouTube. What the fuck do I care if anyone else imitates it or not? Nobody will give me a royalty, I'm sure.
Yeah but you quick dried it without browning it first (called "yellowing" with tobacco but it gets brown with weed so I call it "browning"). Of course it tasted weird and I'm sure was also harsh. Anyway, I just showed how I prepare my weed. I really don't give a shit how others prepare theirs. I just post stuff like this for something to do. That's all this forum is to me, something to do to pass the time aside from watching YouTube. What the fuck do I care if anyone else imitates it or not? Nobody will give me a royalty, I'm sure.
I am with your attitude. How about you then, I see you have been growing for awhile (me 6+ years, and around grows almost 30 years). So I assume, you HAVE cured traditionally. Do YOU like the "browned" better?
I am with your attitude. How about you then, I see you have been growing for awhile (me 6+ years, and around grows almost 30 years). So I assume, you HAVE cured traditionally. Do YOU like the "browned" better?
No I never did the jars thing. Just dried it before and that was it. Who the hell has weeks or months to leave weed sitting around? I'm a very small grower. Don't really have a stockpile. But I can tell you that my weed smells very nice and smokes as well or better than any commercial weed I've bought before, which is cured as everybody does. I also find it considerably more potent.

Interestingly, I dry it to 55% rh yet it feels resinous. Other peoples' weed at that rh feels pretty dry in comparison. Mine actually feels almost like hash when you squish it between your fingers. It changes the texture considerably. I do it mainly for the look and smell but it also improves the potency and texture coincidentally. I've found that 55% is optimal. Others often leave it around 60% but it's still too wet at that level. I saw a video by a big commercial producer and he also stated that 55% is ideal.
No I never did the jars thing. Just dried it before and that was it. Who the hell has weeks or months to leave weed sitting around? I'm a very small grower. Don't really have a stockpile. But I can tell you that my weed smells very nice and smokes as well or better than any commercial weed I've bought before, which is cured as everybody does. I also find it considerably more potent.

Interestingly, I dry it to 55% rh yet it feels resinous. Other peoples' weed at that rh feels pretty dry in comparison. Mine actually feels almost like hash when you squish it between your fingers. It changes the texture considerably. I do it mainly for the look and smell but it also improves the potency and texture coincidentally. I've found that 55% is optimal. Others often leave it around 60% but it's still too wet at that level. I saw a video by a big commercial producer and he also stated that 55% is ideal.
commercial weed is usually pulled early, dried and sold for the money, as you said, who has time to leave weed sitting around for months. Only growers who smoke their own and know they spent months growing it, take the time to finish it properly. I like to think of my buds more like wine than tobacco, but that's just me.
commercial weed is usually pulled early, dried and sold for the money, as you said, who has time to leave weed sitting around for months. Only growers who smoke their own and know they spent months growing it, take the time to finish it properly. I like to think of my buds more like wine than tobacco, but that's just me.
I see. In that case it might make sense then. The flue curing would be good for commercial growers though, who don't have stockpiles. Granted, the common buyer would be perplexed by it at first, being so different, but I think they would learn to appreciate it.
commercial weed is usually pulled early, dried and sold for the money, as you said, who has time to leave weed sitting around for months. Only growers who smoke their own and know they spent months growing it, take the time to finish it properly. I like to think of my buds more like wine than tobacco, but that's just me.


I doubt many have truly had well cared for buds, dried properly and slow cured for months. Makes all the difference in the world!
You would think OP is on here bragging about how he masterminded the last 10 prominent international travesties the way you people are jumping down his throat. Its weed. Chill the fuck out. I would hate to see how some of you act when confronted with differing political or religious beliefs lol.

With that being said, cured weed does turn darker. Anyone who says otherwise has never cured weed or is horrendously unobservant. However, weed being dark is not necessarily representative that it is cured, as there are plenty of other ways to darken up nug that isnt through curing. From what I can see, OPs nugs look like they are sticky, dense, plumpers. I am not so stuck-up and close minded that I would just cast them aside like some kind of smug egotist.

Also, no one has posted anything here that remotely resembles a scientific explanation on why their method is better than the other, besides the OP. Now, if he can back it up with sources that are relevant to marijuana and not tobacco, we can all eat our shoes and go home.
You would think OP is on here bragging about how he masterminded the last 10 prominent international travesties the way you people are jumping down his throat. Its weed. Chill the fuck out. I would hate to see how some of you act when confronted with differing political or religious beliefs lol.

With that being said, cured weed does turn darker. Anyone who says otherwise has never cured weed or is horrendously unobservant. However, weed being dark is not necessarily representative that it is cured, as there are plenty of other ways to darken up nug that isnt through curing. From what I can see, OPs nugs look like they are sticky, dense, plumpers. I am not so stuck-up and close minded that I would just cast them aside like some kind of smug egotist.

Also, no one has posted anything here that remotely resembles a scientific explanation on why their method is better than the other, besides the OP. Now, if he can back it up with sources that are relevant to marijuana and not tobacco, we can all eat our shoes and go home.
it's pretty simple, take some of your fresh nuggs that you spent all that time and money growing and try his method and report back, we will be waiting:sleep::sleep::sleep:
it's pretty simple, take some of your fresh nuggs that you spent all that time and money growing and try his method and report back, we will be waiting:sleep::sleep::sleep:


I am harvesting a few in about 20 hours. As my crop is personal, I do not see the trouble in setting some aside as a variable group to test against a control.

hope youre dreaming about these brown plumpers. if you arent, well, you will be.
Looks like a giant De-Carb run ... The whole idea is keep the buds from transpiring and losing moisture " too quickly " either from " heat " or light. The buds will use the chlorophyll as its LAST MEAL ( no roots to feed plant ) and convert to sugar WITHOUT HEAT OR FANS. I do a cure for at least 4 weeks , allowing the terpenes to profile. If im growing good ass strains the LAST THING i would want is SPEED DRIED WEED.

I smoked 2 week cured ... Ok . But the longer the better , like wine. I get the fact you want to blaze it as quickly as you can but all i see is the vapor off of mycene and all the other important components that a slow cure would bring.

That mexican street swag is heat cured , usually thru compression ( generating heat like compost ) ... Fuck that . Why take good strains and bring them down to street level weed ?
No I never did the jars thing. Just dried it before and that was it. Who the hell has weeks or months to leave weed sitting around? I'm a very small grower. Don't really have a stockpile. But I can tell you that my weed smells very nice and smokes as well or better than any commercial weed I've bought before, which is cured as everybody does. I also find it considerably more potent.
Soo..you have been dishing people who do cure properly but you have never done it yourself?

Some of us DO infact have enough to cure properly...yes for months..(we are on a growing forum arnt we?)

I was into home brewing beer for awhile. so I learnt patience. Drinking green beer and one left in the bottle for 6 months is a Major difference. Same with Pot.

Maybe try it with an ounce or two. Cure it for 6 months or so and get back to us?
Some people like air curing, some like flue curing. Different strokes. It may in fact decarb though, as someone mentioned, but that's not a bad thing actually. When you smoke THCA much of it gets wasted. By decarbing first, that's an extra step that doesn't have to occur right when you smoke it. The important thing is that with flue curing it comes out a lot more potent, for whatever reason.

Now I know most growers would be afraid of putting their buds in a pile and mixing the pile around a bunch of times, because they think buds need to be babied. I don't find that they do. Maybe some outer trichs get messed up but most of them never get touched because they are inside.

Anyway, just showing a different method that I developed. Nobody else is obligated to do likewise.
Can you detail over a timeline the moisture content of the flowers? Like in 1 week from first introducing to the heat, is there still moisture in the flowers, or is it "done" at that point. Follow up; how long do you store in jars and how long can you store in the jars as it would seem you are expediting the "dry/cure" and shortening the shelf life in parallel?

I doubt many have truly had well cared for buds, dried properly and slow cured for months. Makes all the difference in the world!

I'm in Colorado, and poorly cured bud is the norm in retail settings, for the reasons others have listed. If we're a nexus of legal weed, and this is what we get for curing, I can't imagine it's much better elsewhere.

I think I will have to try BobCajun's technique for myself and see how I like it. It is unproductive to dismiss new or different ways of doing things, and in that spirit I will happily test out a few ounces with the flue cure method. There is lots of chemical activity and many processes going on during this cure business, and I have yet to see a good clear explanation of how and why it does what it does. Exploring these methods, and experimenting, is all part of the grand tradition!
Experimenting is how we end up learning anything, but for those that have already experimented in or dabbled in "quick dry" methods which relied on various sources of heat from low to high with any various duration of exposure to the heat etc, it almost always yields a less than satisfying product in me experience. That doesn't mean to suggest that my experiences are an exhaustive list but just have informed me to stop trying to rush it. Maybe Bob is onto something, try it and report back.