Pictures and questions, outdoor grow

get some fish guts or fish blood

mix it with water and water the plant with it, anyone asks what the smell is you pick "fish for dinner" or "well the wife got this law tonic.... organic..... made in china.... we`re getting a divorce" lol

If it`s an old school sativa it`ll probably reek of pine or lemons, or could smell like flowers like "flo" and Nev`s haze ?

Man do I vape powerplant or trainwreck next ?.............
That's what I wanted to ask the group... I've heard sativa thus far from one of you, I researched it just on Google and from what I can tell it's an indica. The only thing screaming sativa is the height, but it sure doesn't have any other characteristics. My opinion is that it's an abnormally large indica. If I post pics of it when it was under 4' I bet everyone would agree. That thought aside what do you all think? Not that it matters really just curious. I know I'll never know the strain anyways.
That's what I wanted to ask the group... I've heard sativa thus far from one of you, I researched it just on Google and from what I can tell it's an indica. The only thing screaming sativa is the height, but it sure doesn't have any other characteristics. My opinion is that it's an abnormally large indica. If I post pics of it when it was under 4' I bet everyone would agree. That thought aside what do you all think? Not that it matters really just curious. I know I'll never know the strain anyways.
The leaves look uniform and rather broad for a sativa But the buds look foxtail like which is a sativa trait. Someone correct me if I'm wrong. Whatever you got it's damn impressive. That fairy garden has some magic in it lol
That's what I wanted to ask the group... I've heard sativa thus far from one of you, I researched it just on Google and from what I can tell it's an indica. The only thing screaming sativa is the height, but it sure doesn't have any other characteristics. My opinion is that it's an abnormally large indica. If I post pics of it when it was under 4' I bet everyone would agree. That thought aside what do you all think? Not that it matters really just curious. I know I'll never know the strain anyways.

Tall and long flowering most people will call a sativa, but yeah it`s probably a hybrid or some very large hash/afghan plant who knows.... smell/taste when its done may remind you or one of your old buddies what it is, lol
Was just thinking of something that may be of interest - or not. There is a good 2" layer of cocoa shell mulch where the shrub grew. Shit was expensive as hell but looked and smelled great. I wonder if that had something to do with how well it did? I put it down about the same time I planted all the other flowers around mothers day.
Got rained on today. Heard a lot on here about covering them when rainy and all kinds of stuff, but I figure Hey it's been outside all year why screw with it now? Bud rot, blah blah blah... These buds are still so small I don't think getting wet will bother them.
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20161006_120106.jpg Went on the ladder to take this pic of the very top. Interesting that it seems opposite of every other plant I've seen on here. Usually the top is the biggest, fastest finishing bud from what I've seen. People even harvest the top then let the lower ones grow for a while longer before harvesting them. This one has much more advanced buds on the lower portion. For reference the gutter is a little over 10' from the ground where the trunk of the shrub is.
The side under the eve (left) gets less sun and at times gets artificial light after sun down. Will have to be harvested later than the rest if possible, or will simply have less yield. PhotoGrid_1475844983464.jpg
the light its getting on that side is screwing up its night cycle, guess its not enough to effect the whole plant, but those branches look quite a bit less mature than the ones on the side away from the house
Buds saying skinny today still, but there are now signs of the white crystal stuff on the leaves around each bud. You can see if you look close in the pics. 20161008_085607.jpg 20161008_085604.jpg