Pictures and questions, outdoor grow

indeed, sun does not matter to buds themselves, which is why i've never understood the whole defoliation thing. buds are specialized growths, designed to trap pollen and produce seeds, not to produce or use chlorophyll. sun leaves feed your plant. the only time you should remove a sun leaf is if its either damaged, or its shading two leaves...
It's only human nature and I understand that so I don't feel too cocky about it, but you all have made me feel like the man even though I haven't done shit for this result. I want the huge cola things, I want to win the private contest between me and the world. I want to impress. It's in all of us when we have something good going. I want to smoke my own shit. I want pics of the end result to brag about. So torn. The thought of buying some weird chemicals and Fucking it up scares me. Can't it just magically speed up??? I'm turning into a wacky Fucker here. My wife just shakes her head as I check on it every hour.
i get it man, you just have to decide whether the halloween party is more important or your plant is more important...heres a thought, when is your first hard frost forecast? cause thats about the end of the game whether you're ready or not
I know I'm posting a million messages here, but I'm just giddy. Based on the little branches I showed in the picture should I defoliate more so they get sun? Or does sun not matter to the buds themselves?

Nah looks airy enough for now...... but go at it every week or come chop down you will have tons of trimming to do

Ok potassium sulphate you`ll find in a big store or garden center or chemist, it`s not for making bombs, it`s pretty much what`s mostly in molasses its just easier to work with and more concentrated works better too........ as for aspirin I buy mine powdered by the kg but you could just use some aspirin tables, I`m sure they do 50mg to 1g aspirin tablets most places. obviously 1000mg = 1g

but you know how plant foods have N-P-K on them normally 3 numbers to say what ratios ? potassium is K, so 0-0-3 or 1-2-3 or any feed you like with high k and low N will get her finishing a lot faster, she`s probably huge as her roots went everywhere looking for nutes some potassium sulphate and them buds will explode

she will look less healthy to finish fast you have to feed them potassium picture it like you want a girl with huge tits and a huge ass, you`d feed her junk food if you did not care about the legs or the heart or the kidneys and liver, I mean if you wanted a super fine all round girl you`d take her to the gym and such

but for bigger tits only junk food works right ?

same with plants you give them a more gym like diet during veg and early flower then when you need them buds fat you feed them what makes them fat and that`s something between a 1-2 and 1-4 ratio of P and K, dumping the N forces the plant to use up its leaves shocking it to make the buds ripen fast as it knows its not got long left

you must love them till the end but you gotta be mean sometimes to speed them up.... your not going to smoke the leaves so forcing them to eat them speeds things up when you don`t have time to wait, indoors is the same as electric is expensive, I force finish 30% to 80% of plants depending on loads of factors only down sides I get is some plants react faster to the aspirin and I get less yield, but the buds develop more than if I don't force them so high and taste are better, for me that matters most as I can always grow more plants.............. actually that should be I`m always growing more plants, lol
Dude... I love how into it you are, and I am the same way. Butttt.......

Just say good bye to the bad girl and start afresh next year, your gonna want a quick finisher not one that's finished in November and 15 feet tall lol. Here's one that is taking way to long to finish but really pretty :). View attachment 3794968

I agree with this dude. It seems like your cons list out weighs or pros. If I were you, I would (sadly) cut this one down, do your thing (parties) this year, and start next year in a more outta the way spot with more of a plan. If you needed the medicine yourself, Id say do what you can to finish it. But doesnt sound like anyone is depending on this product. And seems like you have more to lose than gain.

On the other hand, bad ass plant you got there, and I will enjoy watching you finish it if thats what you decide to do! Good luck!
Dude... I love how into it you are, and I am the same way. Butttt.......

I agree with this dude. It seems like your cons list out weighs or pros. If I were you, I would (sadly) cut this one down, do your thing (parties) this year, and start next year in a more outta the way spot with more of a plan. If you needed the medicine yourself, Id say do what you can to finish it. But doesnt sound like anyone is depending on this product. And seems like you have more to lose than gain.

On the other hand, bad ass plant you got there, and I will enjoy watching you finish it if thats what you decide to do! Good luck!

I guess that's the thrill of it?

I kinda feel like Rambo at the end of Rambo 2, after he's done crash landing the chopper and shooting up the base. He's walks off into the unknown Thailand with Troutman asking him "how will you live?" Rambo replies "day by day... day by day." thinking about moving the party to the rec center due to possibility of bad weather. We'll see. - day by day.
the weather looks rough there, below freezing temperatures aren't kind to kind. if it makes it through those 28 and 30 degree nights you'll be lucky. on the nights its supposed to be the coldest you might wanna throw a sheet or two over the top of that plant to give it a little protection
the weather looks rough there, below freezing temperatures aren't kind to kind. if it makes it through those 28 and 30 degree nights you'll be lucky. on the nights its supposed to be the coldest you might wanna throw a sheet or two over the top of that plant to give it a little protection

I'm hoping it will be done by then. The screenshot I posted was the extended forecast. Mid November shows first freeze.
I didn't say cut it down now lol. I meant don't bother trying to save a clone lol. I would never cut down an immature plant but I wouldn't plant it beside my house either lol.
yeah, you said you had woods by your house, do yourself a favor and go pick a good spot now. in the spring go out and dig it up, put some good stuff like some compost and worm castings in the ground a month before you put your plant(s) out.
think you got a good plant now? see how they grow when you put them in a good spot with good amendments
just cus a seed comes from some reggies or brick weed,dont mean its junk. I just recently bought a tray of clones from someone, turns out they were not as advertised,and found out from another source that is "good" friends with fhey guy, they were reggies seeds he sprouted and cloned, while 17 of the 20 were male, i was left with 3 females that i knew were bagseed just buy the smell after 2 weeks in,anywho those 3 females turned out amazing for what they were. Super dense, and smelled like strong lemons and left a lemony after taste on exhale. Pretty potent as well, even tho i got shafted big time, i mean half of my garden turned out to be male and i spent around 5 weeks prepping them(supposed to be gg4), lost quite a bit of money due to time involved and getting replacements ready. Bag seed can come out pretty good,although i tossed two of the 3 females because they were clearly the type like you have in your pics..i susspect 12-15 weekers.
Plan for next year tho, in your backwoods to be safe lol. You make me nervous with that monster right there...wind blows and everyone will smell her.
Chicago Mike that's one impressive plant you got there. Do yourself a favor if you're going to keep growing and get some Hashplant or some early finishing strain for next year. Best of luck buddy. Hope you keep it going as long as you can. The cold weather might get you since you're in Chicago and that plant def has some more time to mature.
I guess that's the thrill of it?

I kinda feel like Rambo at the end of Rambo 2, after he's done crash landing the chopper and shooting up the base. He's walks off into the unknown Thailand with Troutman asking him "how will you live?" Rambo replies "day by day... day by day." thinking about moving the party to the rec center due to possibility of bad weather. We'll see. - day by day.

can`t you just throw a cover or tent or something over the plant ? ................. Sir, do we get to win this time?..................bongsmilie
can`t you just throw a cover or tent or something over the plant ? ................. Sir, do we get to win this time?..................bongsmilie

Believe me if I didn't think I would look like a fish outta water I would have a temporary green house over this thing like a tiny addition to the house. My family are builders and I grew up building houses. I could build the mini Taj Mahal. I just think people would find that even more of a sore thumb standing out! I had a neighbor the other day come to my back door 4' from the shrub, she didn't even take a second look at it. People will only see what they're looking for!