Delete is more than just one click.

Your first post on this thread was a post directly related to this thread. Stand your ground.. dont start bitching out. Theres threads on stuffing dix in your mouth to doing butt drugs here. It's a fucking forum you donkey brains. If I wanted to make a thread about you cleaning my gutters I could. Is it a good idea? No because you're probably afraid of heights too
was having 2 convos at the same time in 2 different threads so no it's quite an easy mistake to make actually. Once I realized I posted to wrong person I took it down. Plain n simple.

Then it got weird just like the night with your mother.
Sounds like you're just jealous cuz most of us live in the best goddamn country in the world. And most of us grow the best goddamn weed in the world. And most of us are goddamn beautiful. And you live in a bunk country with bunk weed and have a micropenis.
Just look at your country now lol.
This guy is still rambling? He said he accidentally deleted a post, then he said he posted it by accident and that he deleted it on purpose...

Changed your story, bro

That’s the #1 way idiot police officers catch criminals who are even dumber than they are...

Lol. Which is it? Accidentally deleted it? Deleted on purpose?

Because it sure looked like a response to me, lol.

Nice try, bud. Keep wetting you panties at the idea of cops busting in your door...:clap:
The queen is an old goat m8 and no fucker here likes them so yeah your wrong again lol
Not true at all, if you all disliked the Royals as you say, you could have voted to abolish the Crown. But you didn't and won't, you like having a queen mommy or king daddy. You're just testy because you can't piss away your dole cheques at the pub with your equally worthless mates. "The sun never sets on the British empire" "Rule Britannia"; oh wait the glory days are long gone. Buck up mate and go to the dentist when this is over.
This guy is still rambling? He said he accidentally deleted a post, then he said he posted it by accident and that he deleted it on purpose...

Changed your story, bro

That’s the #1 way idiot police officers catch criminals who are even dumber than they are...

Lol. Which is it? Accidentally deleted it? Deleted on purpose?

Because it sure looked like a response to me, lol.

Nice try, bud. Keep wetting you panties at the idea of cops busting in your door...:clap:
kid Mortal Kombat Fatality goats baby goat finish him Flawless ...
I'm not in Scotland tho.
You still get jailed for growing in the UK if it's more than a couple plants and if you have previous.
And been in n outa jail all your life... If your a squeeky clean snowflake or a GRASS then yeah you won't get jail first time round but get caught again and your sharing a cell wiv big bubba m8
Lol I'm Scottish UK. That's probably why you don't understand everything I type.
