No, but it keeps trying to bait her, e.g. "i'm half black but I don't look like it" etc.
It would be very interesting if there was any truth to it, but it reality the likeliness of being black and redhead is about the same as being a multimillionaire before 30...it’s possible, just super unlikely with the complexion and race claimed. Cleopatra Vii was redhead yeah? But the facial structures she seems to be commonly portrayed with tend to be more egyptian(African for anyone that doesn’t realize Egypt is part of Africa) and less....white.

What’s crazy about red hair is that even if both parents are redheads, there is still only a 25% chance of every baby being born ginger and 75% chance of not being redhead. I’m pretty into genetics and red hot is kind of a cool genetic mutation.

“One variety of albinism (Type 3, a.k.a. rufous albinism), sometimes seen in Africans and inhabitants of New Guinea, results in red hair and red-colored skin.[60]“